Thadda' be greatest collection disaster I've seen in my life...

Well he says a flood in the shed destroyed his collection.
Oh man, that stinks. To loose your collection like that, what a damn shame. It does remind me of when I was in high school my brother and I took our PC Games collection with us to our basement when we heard a of a Tornado warning in our area. Despite the recent floods here, I live on a hill so it's the damn Tornadoes I've gotta keep my eyes out for taking my collection away. And my old cat.
That's what happens when you leave shit outside.
I can sympathize with him, though I do think it's a bit silly that there are people giving him money, there are many far more noble causes to donate to than some gamer who lost his collection.


Like the rebuilding of the Roman Empire.
I also saw that his Halo collection was destroyed by the flood.
holy **** i thought this would be a random nobody but i recognise that guy from stuff. Shame he's kinda funny :(
He has a "I want to punch an old lady" tone in his voice. Unless that's how all english people sound when they're stressed. Sucks though. I think i'd go crazy if something like that happened to my stuff.
This is worse than watching someone bite the head off of a penguin...also my greatest fear, someone rummaging through my shit or it getting ruined