THANK GOD There is an alternative to Lamespy's Planet BS



I just found out about your site. FINALLY, we don't have to be assaulted with the half-wit, dumbass attempts at humor and poor design that was the norm at Lamespy's Planet HL.....headed by the moron, Fragmaster.

I was so sick of that place with all it's Lamespy ads assaulting you, and their lousy coverage of important issues. Please don't let your site be bought by Lamespy! It rocks!
Thanks for the kind words, we do try our best :)
Erm there is an alternate for almost every GameSpy site if you don't want to be there, not that hard to find em.
Ah FragMaster's an ok bloke but I've never been a fan of Gamespy’s websites or software. Attracts too many AOL like children, spams way too many adverts and just generally doesn't appeal to me.
Well they aren't a bad company, just like everyone said though, they attract way too many children that think the words 'gay' are really funny. But I agree, these are the best HL2 forums out there, great job to the entire HL2 staff :cheers:.
GAY!!! rofl

j/k :p

Ya I don't like Gamespy at all. Its terrible for my poor little dial-up connection.
Is there a HL2 Center yet? Never came across it before.
Careful Dirty_harry, 7/10's of the people that post here range in age from 12-15, so don't expect too much.
Gamespy, especially the art section, has become absolute crap. Good to know there are still good forums still being created like
Half Life 2 is a nice change from the planet sites that rule the net.
Its impossible for me to have homophobia, as I am a homo. It is still, however, a great insult.
Yeah, no self-respecting adult would waste their time with FragWeenie or Jaberdick. They have absolutely trashed that site that was once good under the previous site directors. I forget his name and his wife ran it when it was last any good. All the good mappers who had hosted sites left it like the plague.

It is just a steaming load of shit now...from one page to the next. Make sure if you visit it by mistake that you run Spybot to remove all the ****ing spyware that they install on your PC.
They don't install spyware on your pc, GAIN does you idiot. Don't click "yes" then.

However I do respect them for the fact that they can run a site like that, and quite frankly I doubt many could run sites of that scope.
While I like this site better I don't think Fragmaster does a bad job at all. The site has never created a single pop-up and the sidebar ads are a minor annoyance. The site has reliable news and, at least in my opinion is not as bad as some say.
Back in its day planet half life used to be a great site, since gamespys involvement it has gone downhill in a huge way ..... I only viist there by accident these days ... the fact that the front page takes about 10 seconds to load on a 2meg leased line helps me stay away from it though even when I click on a link for it accidently.
PHL is alright. I am not going to knock it.

But it is for sure no This place r0x ;)
alehm, is there a 3d image in your avatar or something? I keep seeing something and then it's gone....