Thank you

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
We have always thanked Valve for the past time but only one think kept us alive and focused, we have literally gone threw hell, remember the Sep 30 marketing scheme, the infamous leak, to more promised dates, the Valve bashing time and who could forget the Fragmaster letter who shocked the
Half Life community. Together, we have lasted and forged the most mature HL2 community in the net.

I am of course talking about and its fantastic staff.

Adrien C said:
Together, we have lasted and forged the most mature HL2 community in the net.

I weep for the rest of the intra-net.

On topic, does kick my ass, but not has much as HL2.
Wootage! Thank yee mods! for putting up with our spam, bickering and general idiotic behavior for about 1½ years!
This site has been my home on the internet since May 2003, I love you all!!

/me wipes a tear from his eye
Thank You, Valve And Vug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Kudos to and its mods. :thumbs:
Excellent site with great moderation!

Poor mods having to clean up all those spoiler posts all the time :(
Yes, let's all thank the mods that kept this forum together!
Thank you for all your hard work. I never could have survived without you doing what you do!
Thanks :)

This is by far the best HL2 site AND community to be found on the internet..

( and compliments to CHRIS_D for his writing skills, his news post are always perfect :))
Adrien C said:
We have always thanked Valve for the past time but only one think kept us alive and focused, we have literally gone threw hell, remember the Sep 30 marketing scheme, the infamous leak, to more promised dates, the Valve bashing time and who could forget the Fragmaster letter who shocked the
Half Life community. Together, we have lasted and forged the most mature HL2 community in the net.

I am of course talking about and its fantastic staff.


Old. ;) :naughty: :naughty:

I completely agree with you. This site has the best community in the world I've ever seen. One of the last remaining forts of non-spoiler, illegal/leaked material free sites, with the best moderators and the people.
yet another spam thread... gets better and better...
yeah....thx to all the mods and of course the admins!!

Gotta agree with everyone. The best HL2 site around. Well done.

I know i aint posted much but for the past Year and a bit, this has been my Number 1 website which i checked a 100 times daily to check the great news you guys put up, and to check up the intresting discussions which go on.

Probably one of the best unofficial gaming websites EVER.

Thank you!!!
what does this topic have to do with hl2 really... post in in a dif section...
Yeah I can't belive we made it through all this....the wait is finally almost over. Makes me feel proud to have been registered here since may 2003.
Is the staff getting collector's edition copy for review I wonder? They should definitely be rewarded by Valve for the hard work, they've put in so many more man hours then any of the bigger sites such as IGN and Gamespot and it's all devoted to HL2. They deserve something... I personally think one of them should e-mail Gabe and ask him for some review copies of the game to be passed out to the staff.
Truly. I can't thank you guys enough for keeping the spoiler/leak content out of these forums. Kudos!
Thank you, and all of it's staff, especially Munro for even thinking about making this site.
Thank you mods! You have done a fantastic job here and I think you deserve something for all your trouble!

Maybe we should start a paypal donation thing for this site? Spread it evenly out to all the mods?

Say, a dollar per member? I know I would!
I'm still going to go to these boards for information on mods and other things. I will not leave these boards for a very long time.

:) Half Life 2.netter rock, the peeps in this forum are amazingly cool. I want to make love to you all times five!
I love this place. It's great...Looking forward to talking about the game, and the game's mods here with you guys.
Thanks for all the hard work keeping the masses safe from spoilers mods
also thank everyone on the forums, even those i argued with, for being the cool bunch of ppl that is
Officially the only forum worth anybodies time
I guess I'll be the first staffer to post...

But thank you all for being such a great community, it's a pleasure to be your mod. Through the good(Gold) and the bad(delay) we've mostly stuck together, so I'd like to, on behalf of the staff, thank you guys, the users, because without you we wouldn't be the biggest HL2 site on the net. Thanks Guys

And to my fellow staffers, thanks for being great mates, really, I'm happy to do as much as I can for the site, and everything I've been able to get you guys, it's cause you deserved it.
Icarus said:
I guess I'll be the first staffer to post...

But thank you all for being such a great community, it's a pleasure to be your mod. Through the good(Gold) and the bad(delay) we've mostly stuck together, so I'd like to, on behalf of the staff, thank you guys, the users, because without you we wouldn't be the biggest HL2 site on the net. Thanks Guys

And to my fellow staffers, thanks for being great mates, really, I'm happy to do as much as I can for the site, and everything I've been able to get you guys, it's cause you deserved it.
Awwww you guys. Thanks Icarus and thanks to the whole staff for letting us feel welcome and for being the keepers of the greatest website that I have ever had the pleasure of viewing.
Yep, this has been great, the first real forums I have felt at home at. All yall are great!