We can't be entirely sure the theft provoked the latest delay. But it's very likely. So lemme join you in thanking those goofballs out there who have struck a nerve in the community.
ilove64. some hackers dont want publicity. they like to slip in, unnoticed, do their damage and sneak out unknown. Im sure this is the last thing they were hoping for. leaking what he stole to others, is just a way to divert attention away from himself.
if VALVe daleys the game again, i won't probably buy it, because by then i will have Doom 3, Stalker and never the least UT2004. I just hope that they won't be stupid enough to do so.
I was kinda hoping that it would come out this year so I would have time to play the game. If it comes out next year in April, I won't practically any time to play, 'cos I'll be in the military from January to July.
Yeah except Vivendi are obliged to give truthful and as accurate information as possible regarding the serious revenue streams in briefings like that and it's clearly not just a rogue report because it's being covered by most major news groups.
I'm pretty sure Vivendi will have been in close communication after the theft to determine how it affects THEIR business so this is at least the result of discussion about the likely length of a delay.
Releasing it in April 2004 is a big blow as far as marketing goes. Well, I guess this gives all the smaller fish like Max Payne 2 and Call of Duty better sales for the holidays.