THAT Dog Murderer....


Jan 25, 2009
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0 now out of jail and is going to be making 1.5million to throw a ball around.


CNN) -- The Philadelphia Eagles welcomed Michael Vick back into the National Football League on Friday after the quarterback spent almost two years in federal prison on a felony dogfighting conviction.

Vick, formerly with the Atlanta Falcons, has signed a two-year deal with the Eagles.

"I think everybody deserves a second chance," Vick said at a news conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Friday. "Now I want to be part of the solution and not the problem."

The league suspended Vick indefinitely in August 2007 after he pleaded guilty to a federal charge of bankrolling a dogfighting operation at a home he owned in Virginia.

Vick, 29, was freed from federal prison at Leavenworth, Kansas, on May 20 and returned to his Virginia home to serve the last two months of his 23-month sentence in home confinement. Is this a good move?

"Everything that happened at that point in my life was wrong," Vick said of his involvement with the dogfighting ring.

"I had to reach a turning point. Prison definitely did it for me," he said.

Flanked by Eagles coach Andy Reid and former NFL coach Tony Dungy, who acted as a mentor to Vick after he was imprisoned, the newest Eagle vowed "to do all the right things."

"I want to be an ambassador to the NFL and the community," he said. "I'm glad I got ... a second chance. I won't disappoint."

Earlier reaction to Vick's signing was mixed.

The Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said Thursday night in a statement that it was "incredibly disappointed" at the news.

"Philadelphia is a city of dog lovers and, most particularly, pit bull lovers," said Susan Cosby, the organization's chief executive officer. "To root for someone who participated in the hanging, drowning, electrocution and shooting of dogs will be impossible for many, no matter how much we would all like to see the Eagles go all the way."

However, Ed Sayres, president and CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said in a statement that "[NFL] Commissioner Roger Goodell and the Philadelphia Eagles have granted Michael Vick a second chance, and the ASPCA expects Mr. Vick to express remorse for his actions, as well as display more compassion and sound judgment this time around than he did during his previous tenure with the NFL.
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* NFL reinstates Michael Vick on conditional basis

"We hope that Mr. Vick uses his stature for the betterment of the community and the advancement of the issue of animal cruelty," Sayres said.

Reid said he knows that there are some fans who will not accept Vick.

"I understand how that works," he said. "But there's enough of them that will, and then it's up to Michael to prove that that change has taken place. I think he's there. That's what he wants to do."

He said Vick "seems very focused, and he wants to get his career back on track."

It is unclear what role Vick will play in the Eagles' offense. But it was clear that the move had the blessing of Eagles starting quarterback Donovan McNabb.

"I pretty much lobbied to get him here," McNabb said. "Because everybody deserves a second chance."

The NFL reinstated Vick on a conditional basis last month. Vick "will be considered for full reinstatement and to play in regular-season games by Week 6 based on the progress he makes in his transition plan," the league said in a statement last month.

Week 6 of the NFL season is in October.

Vick may participate in practices, workouts and meetings and may play in his club's final two preseason games under the conditions of his reinstatement, the league said last month.

"I fully understand that playing football in the NFL is a privilege, not a right, and I am truly thankful for [the] opportunity I have been given," Vick said in a statement last month upon his reinstatement.

Goodell said last month that Vick underwent tests, including a psychiatric evaluation, after requests from animal rights groups.

Vick has also filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. At a hearing in that case, he told the judge he earned 12 cents an hour as an overnight janitor while in prison.

Court documents released in Vick's case showed that two of his co-defendants, who also pleaded guilty as part of a plea deal, said that Vick helped kill dogs that didn't fight well and that all three men "executed approximately eight dogs" in ways that included hanging and drowning. The dogs were killed because they fared poorly in "testing" sessions held at Vick's property.

The Humane Society of the United States has said Vick offered to work with the organization on anti-dogfighting campaigns. Wayne Pacelle, the organization's president, has said Vick was to work on programs aimed at preventing youths from getting involved in dogfighting and on programs to assist youths who have been involved.

In November, Vick pleaded guilty to a state dogfighting charge and received a three-year suspended sentence.

The Eagles are scheduled to play Vick's former team, the Falcons, in Atlanta on December 6.

that bolded part also pisses me off. whats he going to say, "you should never have dogs fight eachother....look what happened to i make more money than most people"

i'm sorry but this man really stepped over the line with the dogfighting. its bad enough another pro football player just got manslaughter for running over a person while drunk and saying im a good person who made a bad decision. good people don't run people over because good people don't drink and drive. I really hate pro sports in America right now, people fork over huge money for season tickets and a lot of players do the nastiest shit to their wives and enemies and they get paid millions to do the stupidest shit. sports suck...also while all those guys are at the game, thats when I'm in their houses bangin their wives!

People are allowed second chances, and who are you to judge another.
I'm just pissed pro football players get paid so much. also second chance?? thats an excuse to do stupid shit then. you're a professional football player....act like it!
second chance? does anyone think he feels any remorse whatsoever? maybe because he got caught but you cant expect anyone in their right mind to believe he feels remorse for what he did. I mean how can you not know that dogs fighting to the death is wrong? **** him. ...although I dont agree he should have been banned for playing in the nfl due to something unrelated to football

he needs to be gang raped by dogs but he shouldnt have lost his job over it
I think an appropriate and fitting punishment would be to make people like that fight each other in a collosseum with brutal weapons like spiked maces and sticks with nails in the end which you can pay to watch live and it should be shown on television. Now thats raising the bar for reality TV. Hell I would watch it. Give em a taste of there own dam medicine I say. Let them know what it feels like.
They're god damn dogs, calm the **** down.

He did his time, paid his debt to society. He should be able to go back to work.

Also, explain to me how he did 2 years for killing dogs and Daunte Stallworth did 30 days for running someone over and killing them while drunk.
one was accidental the other was done with full knowledge of what they were doing. that makes a huge difference legally speaking
you're a professional football player....act like it!

Don't really see what that has to do with it. He makes more than the average population ... deal with it, It has got nothing to do with the crime he committed or his sentencing. People make mistakes , even professional football players and when you make a mistake you go through the system and pay for it .

"you should never have dogs fight eachother....look what happened to i make more money than most people"

makes no sense whatsoever .
"I'm gonna flash my lights and if you dont get out of the way it's your own fault"

meh it worked for my brother when I'd windmill my arms and walk toward him

"if you get hurt it's your own fault"
I thought it was going to be the soldier that threw the puppy off the cliff or something. :(
second chance? does anyone think he feels any remorse whatsoever? maybe because he got caught but you cant expect anyone in their right mind to believe he feels remorse for what he did. I mean how can you not know that dogs fighting to the death is wrong? **** him. ...although I dont agree he should have been banned for playing in the nfl due to something unrelated to football

he needs to be gang raped by dogs but he shouldnt have lost his job over it

fyi in his apology he said his behavior was "immature", what does killing dogs and enjoying the suffering of sentient beings have to do with maturity? **** that guy.
Everyone deserves second chances now...he spent his time in jail so hopefully he learned his lesson.
fyi in his apology he said his behavior was "immature", what does killing dogs and enjoying the suffering of sentient beings have to do with maturity? **** that guy.

It says he bankrolled them, thats different to being there and enjoying it. Unless he was there enjoying it, in which case if his time in prison changed him then he should be allowed to resume his life.
It says he bankrolled them, thats different to being there and enjoying it. Unless he was there enjoying it, in which case if his time in prison changed him then he should be allowed to resume his life.

can anyone here speak from a parent's point of view. heres a man who was once the highest paid NFL star, and basically does all that shit, goes in the slammer and gets a second chance. really if wanted to set an example for children everywhere he shouldn't be able to get a job as a player. i'm not convinced hes a role model period
Having sportsmen as roles models is probably a bad idea unless you want to become a sportsman.
can anyone here speak from a parent's point of view. heres a man who was once the highest paid NFL star, and basically does all that shit, goes in the slammer and gets a second chance. really if wanted to set an example for children everywhere he shouldn't be able to get a job as a player. i'm not convinced hes a role model period

Thats our problem not theirs
His sentence seems appropriate, but he definitely should not be able offered his job again.