That "OMFG" feeling

the first pic i saw was the crowbar in the shape of a 2, then the kid accidently recieved the gaming magazine early and scanned it! so we saw the jail shot with the orange walls shooting at what people thought looked like the aliens from starship troopers. noone believed the kid until he printed more pictures and the cover, which included his adress and name!! haha i can still remember the thread where the guy who runs the magazine threatened to sue/**** him over with shit for doing illegal stuff, thus beginning my introduction to hl2.

what a ride its been since too!!
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
when in barracade, he throws the grenade at the combine standing up ahead and it goes flying up into the air and smashes onto the car before hitting the ground. The first actual ragdoll effect they showed. Made me drop my jaw.

Ditto. I think if my memory serves me right, my jaw literally dropped when I first saw that.
The E3 presentation is scary and I agree with the comments above.

The G-man opening is so cool.... "We been rather busy in your absence" is sucha cool thing to start out with... and then the "wink"....

The greande in the trap town video is cool but the buggy video of the E3 demo is so cool.... The way that flying alien ships flies towards you and you can see the car body in front of you getting inpacted... and then when you kill it and it comes crashing down... that just stunned me...

I can't wait until april..
i remember when i saw the movie of the lab friend showed me and i was like wow thats a nice fmv. it was like the first video i saw. my friend laughed, he was like dude thats real game play. i nearly shit myself right there. ever since i have had the same feeling with like every video i saw.
Cypron... I had the same experience ... nice intro video for a game... and then I realized it was the game.....

To bad that I will have to buy a new computer to go with the game but Oh well!
When did I have first have that "OMFG!" feeling?

When they suddenly delayed it a week away from its release.

Seriously, though, the first time I saw the trailer that came out just before E3. Some of the glimpses of Half-Life 2 in that made my jaw hit the floor.

Now if they'd just release the damn thing some time this year! :(
The E3 demo, especially traptown and barricade. I watched it and showed all my colleagues. Must have been a funny sight, 5 guys with wide open eyes and jaws looking at a computer screen. And the demos still amaze me. Hope the gameplay will be as excellent as hl1..
When I saw the picture of the crowbar and the shadow that looked like a 2. I was all "It's coming...".
I'd have to say seeing the physics gun in the techdemo map for the first time.. how they picked up that combine, and spun him around, then pushed the table/stuff on the table into the water along with the combine.. that was so cool, physics r teh winz~!!1 :)
In the traptown video, gordon, puts the table in front of the door, blocking it. The most simple things can blow your mind.
Later on, lifting the radiator, and whacking the guy on top of the stairs with it!
Oh course, when he rolls the grenade under and the box falls on the metrocops. Brilliant...
The Abyss monster stabbing and flinging the metrocop. Actaully, everything....
DUDE YOU STOLE MY AVATAR! And shorten the sig before the mods do. You don't want a warning on your first few days here. Dude nevermind the avatar. I just changed it.
The Strider video where the giant leg of the beast smashed into the ground one meter in front of you, and you could see how huge it was. And then with the furniture throwing, how realistically it reacted to the force of the furniture and seeked balance by moving around it's legs. Like, omfg!
Originally posted by Shuzer
I'd have to say seeing the physics gun in the techdemo map for the first time.. how they picked up that combine, and spun him around, then pushed the table/stuff on the table into the water along with the combine.. that was so cool, physics r teh winz~!!1 :)

Same here... again :)
There were a few actually that made me gasp...

1> The G-Man's facial expressions during the opening of the demonstration.

2> Seeing the barrels drop in the physics simulator in the opening.

3> Seeing bullet fire move window shades realistically...

4> The manipulator, and plugging a radiator through an enemy and into a soda machine.

5> The squiddy gunboat crashing into the cars...

6> STRIDER! (And the lovely little 'F' 'U') that followed suit. Anyone else get a kick out of the desk breaking over the Strider's face?

These were the moments that really stuck out to me...been enjoying the Havok engine in Max Payne 2 though in the mean time. Nothing is more beautiful...
Nothing is more beautiful than Havok? How about a revamped Havok courtesy of VALVe? :)
The guy who just wouldn't let his witty comment about the 486 die.
I want to kill the guy who made the "But my spreadsheet ran so well!" comment.
every single frame of the e3 2003 demo gave me that feeling

Originally posted by Shuzer
I want to kill the guy who made the "But my spreadsheet ran so well!" comment.

but it did....
it ran damn well.....
The OMFG feeling : certainly when I'll see models of elephants, tigers, horses, even dogs, looking and moving inside the game like real animals...
I'm often disappointed with the monsters... too easy to make a monster which looks like nothing real
But I must admit that monsters in HL are generally far better than in other games (I like especially the barnacles)
For me, it HAS to be when the radiator shoves the guy in the soda machene. (Where did that guy's body end up anyways?)

When it was first delayed, I was like "Ya, saw that one coming a LONG time ago." When it was hacked, however, "WTF OMFG THAT MO-RON JUST DELAYED IT FURTHER! WHERE'S MY HITMAN?!!!!!111one1"
The only movie that I've been able to watch properly was the little 2 minute trailer demo thingy whatsit.

The Strider moves like a GOD!
6 months ago, when I looked at the first HL2's Pics I thought this game will suk big time. As the vids start coming from the E3 I was like of my goodness is this hl, I was really thrilled when the Gordon Picked boxz and the doll by the gravity gun. The 25 Min I recieved from the E3 made and HDR Vid made me OMFG..........
Originally posted by Brian Damage
The Strider moves like a GOD!

God has three legs? next you'll tell us God is female too *grins*

The only movie that I've been able to watch properly was the little 2 minute trailer demo thingy whatsit.

Do you mean the bink vids not playing right? I had that problem, I downloaded RadTools and played them through that and advanced, changed the settings and they play fine now.
Yeah, they lag like hell. I altered them with the RadTools and they played a little better. Still not great, though, which probably has something to do with my crappy little celeron 400.;(

And they take so long to download, and my DVD drive is shot all to hell! (For the movies on magazine coverdisks)
crappy little celeron 400,

exactly, the vids are great but they require 1.0GHZ or more, I ve got 800MHz and its on the edge.
Probably when the player jumps out of the buggy and fires a rocket at the Combine gunship, which then tries evasive manoeuvres to avoid it.

Then when the ship starts shooting at the wrecked cars and the force of the bullets moves them back.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
God has three legs? next you'll tell us God is female too *grins*

Dont be silly Fenric...
how can God be female ... if God has 3 legs?

draw your own conclusions
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
Dont be silly Fenric...
how can God be female ... if God has 3 legs?

draw your own conclusions

LOL ok good point ;)

Edit: hey your little stick figure people dissapeared :)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
LOL ok good point ;)

Edit: hey your little stick figure people dissapeared :)

yeah the head wouldnt line up properly :(


hehe there
The coolest E3 moments for me were in the techdemo when you first see the water effects, and every time they used the manipulator.

I showed my dad the video of the last scene with the strider, and when the strider tried to blow up the overhang-thing and made the graphics warp, he laughed out loud and played it back. :E
The G Man face and tech demo movies, just simply awesome.
The whole thing was amazing to me at the time.

The coolest part is the strider IMO. Unfortunately that building link that the strider blew up was supposed to blow up like that :( And bullet that hits it..kaboom.
well, I was used to ragdoll effects from UT2k3....

but the Strider....WOW.

also seeing the facial expressions and stuff....
Pretty much all of the 25 minute long video, but the thing that I went "HOLY SHIT!" at was when the strider blew out the bridge with it's cannon