Thats better (NoName Yet)


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
No Name

Looking for anyone with talent. If u think u have got any skill contact me at [email protected]



The game will be very simple and easy to play. Your specials are all activated with one button and the stamina jumps are activated with a double tap of jump. The need to keep all the controls simple and not to have 4 crouch buttons and anoying prone mods that only slow the gameplay down are just anoying. I have got rid of them all and the gameplay will be very fast and active. Each class has an ability. The abilitys are not needed and use stamina. stamina in this game is not like dod. U do not use stamina when running around or jumping. Also when u do run out of stamina it will not effect your ability to perform. U will just not be able to use your abilitys. I gave everyone a ability to add more skill into the game. Anyone can play the game but having abilitys and skills to master adds a hole new competative side to the game. Making classes that would normally be very crap and boring (scout) into tactical mashines so to speak. The game will make no sense at all. I didn't want to limit my self to stupid storylines and background info when it is not needed. People don;t care what happened before or how u go to where u are fighting. All they care about is fun, killing and social activitys. When anyone dies the reinforment time will be set to go off every 30-60seconds. This will be set and it dosn't count down from when u die. It will happen at every 30-60 intervils in the game. This will create a spectator type of gameplay where u can watch your team but will be able to optamise by the mapper with a simple map_primatives entite. This will make balancing on maps perfect.

Map Types

Capture The Flag 2 (CTF2) This will be the same as CTF. But there are 2 flags located in 2 different tactical places on the map. Giving some classes a tactical advantage on some flag points and some not. Both flags will be captured at the teams capture point.

Objective (O) This will range from assault style maps where objectives have to be forfilled with basic demolition and object retreaveal, each map will consist of about 3 objectives.

Convoy (C) This is a convoy or some sort of vehicle that will be controlled by the computer and will run along a set path at a very slow pase. The defenders have to obviasly defend the vehicles walst the drive along and also the attackers have to attack and destroy the convoy. There will be small (not very powerfull) mounted guns on the vehicles and also spots when the players can jump on, instead of walking and having to keep up with the moving vehicle. There will be 3 points on the map so when the defenders get there they now respawn from that location. On the way there will be blockades that demo men must destroy for the convoy to proceed.


The maps will not be very realistic to even day enviroments and be tactical fortfress's with certain aspects there for reasons to make the game more active for each class. Also having different map themes like rain maps snowy enviroments etc... There will also be some map interactivity but thats not yet decided.

Back Ground

The game actually has no background storyline and nothing leading up to the game. Its just basiclly loads of stuff mixed together. It isn't realistic and it mixes fun aspects of games all into one. The idea of no background story gives me a very braud ability to have anything I want in the game and also I can;t see many people caring about what happened before in iriaq when ua re playing an iraqi freedom game.


Stamina will not reduce the speed that u run when u run out and also will not be used up by running around. Only special features which requier stamina will be effected.

Speed: 7
Slot1: Glock 357
Slot2: Nothing
Slot3: Knife
Armor: Very Light
Special Ability: Jump/Sprint
Info: A Very fast indervidual with the capability to stun and kill. But mainly for capturing flags and moving around very quality.

Glock: Their are 2 types of glocks the scout can choose from when choosing this class. There is the stun/kill and also the kill selection. The stun kill gun has 2 mods of ammo and ability. The first one is a simple fire mod as a 1 click fire gun. But you can change your ammo to stun and fire 1 out of 5 bullets every 10 seconds. The stun bullets will blur your enemys screen to give u a fast get away if caught in enemy terratory.

Stamina: These abilitys to jump over 5 meters high and also fun at breakneck speeds are done with your stamina bar. When its full you can run exstremely fast or also jump very high. This will take about 20seconds to come back after u have used your jump stamina or your speed stamina. The speed will last for 2-5 seconds and once activated it will not be able to stop.

Speed: 5
Slot1: M8000 HW
Slot2: Nothing
Slot3: Knife (2 hit kill)
Slot4: HE Grenade
Slot5: Stun Grenade
Armor: Very Light
Equipment: HE Grenade / Stun Grenade
Special Ability: Fiberoptic camo

Fiberoptic Camo: This will work when activated and will make the person initally invisable whens tud still. It will take 5 seconds to make the person fully invisable when stud still and will spear as a blur to other people walst running. When this person has the flag they will be totally visable and is impervious to senturys. When the person uses anything (shoots throws nade) they will become fully visable and there camo will be deactivated for 5 seconds and they will have to reactive it. The camo will run on a stamina bar and will last about 30seconds on full.

Speed: 5
Slot1: M8000 HW
Slot2: MP5 A4
or the P90
Slot3: Knife
Slot4: Medic Pack (Heal/Regeneration)
Slot5: Smoke Grenade
Armor: Medium
Equipment: Smoke Grenade
Special Ability: Heal / Reincarnation

Reaincarnation / Heal: This can be done to any dead character on your own team and will take up your full stamina bar Also healing people will take 25% of your stamina for 100% health.

Speed: 4
Slot1: beretta M9
Slot2: m79
Slot3: Knife
Armor: Heavy
Equipment: HE Grenade / Shrapnal Grenade
Special Ability: Demolition

Demolition: There will be walls in maps that only a demolition expect can destory. As well as on the convoy maps when objects are blocking the road. The demolition expert will have to lay a demo pack, the longer u hold it the longer the timer will be. The minamul time will be 5seconds.

Speed: 4
Slot1: MK23 HW
Slot2: Famas SV
Slot3: Knife
Slot4: HE Grenade
Slot5: Gas Grenade
Armor: Heavy/Medium
Equipment: HE Grenade / Gas Grenade
Special Ability: Gas Mask

Gas Mask: This will block your feild of view and look like u have a gas mask on, but will also make u impervious to gas.

Speed: 5
Slot1:Desert Eagle 357
Slot2: Barrett 82A1 50BMG (must be stud still to fire)
Slot3: Knife
Armor: Very Light
Special Ability: Drugs

Drugs: This will reduce and increase the acuracy of the sniper up to 100% acuracy. But will only last a short time and will take 15seconds to regenerate.

Speed: 3
Slot1: beretta M9
Slot3: Knife
Armor: Heavy
Equipment: HE Grenade / Gas Grenade
Special Ability: Gas Mask

Gas Mask: This will block your feild of view and look like u have a gas mask on, but will also make u impervious to gas.

Heavy Weapons
Speed: 2
Slot1: beretta M9
Slot2: m240
or the m60
Slot3: Knife
Slot4: He Grenade
Slot5: Shrapnal Grenade
Armor: Very Heavy
Equipment: HE Grenade
Special Ability: Adrenalin

Adrenalin: This speeds up the rate of fire of your weapon as u go beserk on adrenalin, this will last 5 seconds and take 1minutes to recharge.

Speed: 5
Slot1: M8000 HW
Slot2: Spas 12
Slot3: Knife
Slot4: Hammer
Slot5: EMP Grenade
Armor: Medium
Equipment: Hammer / EMP Grenade
Special Ability: Sentury / Armor Heal / Convoy Regeneration

Sentury: this will be a mobiel sentury that u can build that will defend your base at the time of an enemy assault. It will use all the stimina you have and will take 30-50seconds to regenerate.

Armor Heal: You can fit your team m8s armor with a simple wack, this will work like the medical heal on the medic. It will use 25% of your stamina for 100armor

Convoy Regeneration: In the convoy game type where you have to protect a moving vehicle the eneginer can fit the vehielces but it will use all there stamina for a small amont. But it maybe needed to complete the level.

copyright @ 2003 Richard Gardner [email protected]
Hehe, sounds alot like Unaimed :)
Well, the base idea anyway.

As a question: What exactly will make it worth download? Just want to know that. I mean, common modern weapons, standard stamina and all that, no story, well, its pretty standard... So what will make this stand out?
As an example, the answer for Unaimed is that its gonna be so small you wont think its a mod. Which it technically isnt, just a modification, hehe. Its gonna be easy to access for everyone.
well tbh, its not really about why people would want to download it. Because lets face it 0.001% of mods actually become popular. I know the mod will proberly not become popular I just want to create something I want to play. As I am looking into a carreer in games design I just want to do it. If you actually believe your mod will be better than CS u need to get real and u obiviasly don;t understand games. If I had to say something, it would proberly go on the look of the maps. Thats the only thing I can say because thats the only thing I know will look good. Thats only because I am a mapper.
Originally posted by IchI
well tbh, its not really about why people would want to download it. Because lets face it 0.001% of mods actually become popular. I know the mod will proberly not become popular I just want to create something I want to play. As I am looking into a carreer in games design I just want to do it. If you actually believe your mod will be better than CS u need to get real and u obiviasly don;t understand games. If I had to say something, it would proberly go on the look of the maps. Thats the only thing I can say because thats the only thing I know will look good. Thats only because I am a mapper.
Nonono, you got me all wrong. My project is the same as yours: I make it for fun, for my own gain, I dont care about if people download it either. I KNOW I'm gonna get beaten easily by alot of other mods, cause they have custom models. I just give them a reason since it takes like 1 minute to download, unlike the gigabyte size mods.

Maps might be a good selling point. You have to do some REALLY neat maps though :)
sounds like a modern version of wolfenstien enemy territory...i like the sound of it. you should add a story and get a site up
true. I will see if I can find somone to make me a site. Maybe give them a bit of cash as well. But would profer to have at least 2 people on the team before I did that. Tbh if no one likes my idea I would have just payed for a site for absolutly nothing :(
The only real thing that I can see here that would be fun.... is the 'Convoy' mode :)... I like that idea.... but otherwise, pretty much sounds like TFC (or TF 1.5 ) remade in HL2...

on a slightly related note, my mod, it's gonna be a huge download, and single player... so I'm not sure how that will do ;(.. I just want to tell my story :)
hmmm, not much point in having MP and single player because at the end of the day its just a mod not a game. Its up to u but will take u about 1-2 years to make both of them. Ye I fort people would think its a bit like TFC, I am not saying its not like it. But at the end of the day a game is not made by an idea. Its made by how it plays. It will play totally different on a different engine. The feel of the game is what counts.

Anyone interested anyway?
if you get a coder, ill do your site for ya for free :)
or even more 2-d art...

i really dont wanna do work for a mod without a coder hehe, coders make the game imo :) without one your stuck
Ye true, can understand what u mean. Its just hard to actually get one without pissing people off with spam. I will wait a bit. Tbh the mod will take about 1 year or summat anyway so not like a couple of weeks to get a team is gunna matter. I am here for the long run.

btw for the mod I would be a mapper. Here is my work its njot finished and not my best. but had to put something together quickly to prove i know what I am doing. I have been mapping for 2/3 years:



looks great bro, ill be learnin hammer soon :) cant wait to see your work on the new hammer on hl2 :D
lol I can't wait my self. I wanna know how good it is and get my hyand on hammer 2 (3.5/3.6) asap :D
yeah hehe, was hammer 1 hard to learn? how long did it take you to start producing out good maps and stuff? i really cant wait... september 30th seems so close but yet so far away heh.
hammer 1 is a peace of piss to use. One of the easiest 3d graphics programs around.
that sounds good, i hope hammer 2 is similar in skill wise hehe :)

hey do you got aim or msn? if so pm me your nick
would u say its better for me to make a super original idea or have this one. Because tbh no one seems remotly interested except u. LOL. I will just wait a bit. Maybe make a backup idea so I can release that as well. See which one gets more people.
Originally posted by IchI
would u say its better for me to make a super original idea or have this one. Because tbh no one seems remotly interested except u. LOL. I will just wait a bit. Maybe make a backup idea so I can release that as well. See which one gets more people.
Super original ideas is always better :)
hmmmm, so would u say I should make a better idea ?
Originally posted by IchI
hmmmm, so would u say I should make a better idea ?
Well, the basic idea is as good as any, but all the features... Its standard. The Convoy mode is the only thing that would be relativly unique (I have a Gauntlet mode for my mod, its nearly the same thing (but without the convoy itself), so it isnt UNIQUE, but its still something other than CTF :)). Also, the setting (modern weaponry) is VERY standard (VEEEEERY). I just dont think the mod as it is now would not be worth doing. But that's just my honest opinion, you can do whatever you wish.
hmmmmm, the main difference in my game is that it isn't modern at all. It has no timelime. I choose modern day weapons because they are fun to use. Also the enviroments u will be in will be nothing like modern day warfare. They will be like tfc and ut2k3. All the classes will not look anything like modernday warfare army ops people. They will look kinda urrrr. well different because I can't think of any way to describe them. If I wanted I could even make them aliens. At the end of the day I wanted my mod to make no sense at all. I want to go into gameplay and how the game will play. Rather than all this stupid background storyline and real time settings. Its just stupid because all u are doing is limiting your self. People don't care if games make sense at all. Its just people I think, don't see my mod as been original. But its original is every way because I am not limited.

did the make sense :P
Originally posted by IchI
hmmmmm, the main difference in my game is that it isn't modern at all. It has no timelime. I choose modern day weapons because they are fun to use. Also the enviroments u will be in will be nothing like modern day warfare. They will be like tfc and ut2k3. All the classes will not look anything like modernday warfare army ops people. They will look kinda urrrr. well different because I can't think of any way to describe them. If I wanted I could even make them aliens. At the end of the day I wanted my mod to make no sense at all. I want to go into gameplay and how the game will play. Rather than all this stupid background storyline and real time settings. Its just stupid because all u are doing is limiting your self. People don't care if games make sense at all. Its just people I think, don't see my mod as been original. But its original is every way because I am not limited.

did the make sense :P
Of course it makes sense, I'm in on the same thing, my mod is what you described, except I use HL2 models :P

Anyway, I agree on the weapons, it doesnt really matter. But the thing is, the basic feature list seems weak to really to be a good idea... For example, my mod has:
clean-screen-policy (no health, ammo, crosshair)
3rd person (aiming is via a lasersight)
group morale
group forming
stronger/slower/innaccurate gameplay
dynamic damage/health dependant on the group morale/groups
ability to surrender (with score gains on both sides if doing so)
CTC (capture the commander) as standard MP mode, where you have to kill the enemy commander (selected randomly) and carry his dead body back to base (support can resurrect, only scout can carry). Totall specifics of the mode is not finished, like I'm thinking on adding that the scout only can carry the enemy commander if your own commander is nearby. (carrying is via the manipulator, so feel free to toss him around to get to the base faster :))

Its little things, but you see what I mean? What I see when reading your mod is just a mod like CS with much fancier levels. I may be wrong, but that's what I see...
well. It isn;t like CS, not at all really. The only thing that makes it anything like CS is the weapon u use. Also I am not going to be using the kick system like CS and u will be able to spray a bit more and actually hit your target. Also the ability for each class to have skills (this is my main aim) each player will have unieqe and hard to master skills. U don;t need to use these skills and could play the game and have fun without them. But learning them is an added competative side to the game.

There is more to my mod than meets the eye its just its not wrote down. U said u are having a mod like it but really basic and simple with hl2 model. Why use hl2 models etc... why not just join up with me. mix are ideas together and make a good mod?
Originally posted by IchI
There is more to my mod than meets the eye its just its not wrote down. U said u are having a mod like it but really basic and simple with hl2 model. Why use hl2 models etc... why not just join up with me. mix are ideas together and make a good mod?
Its what you write that I see, nothing more, I'm not a psychic (ignore avatar) :)
If you find it simple using HL2 models theres a reason for it: I'm a coder. That's why I want to use the HL2 models, I dont care about the models really. I just loathe using modern weaponry though, I want the manipulator and fancy tech stuff (the fancy energy shield for the Heavy Combine and the not so fancy mask-changing-cloak for the Scout Combine) and weapons I can do whatever I wish too. And I like the Combine soldier looks, hehe. Besides, my mod using HL2 models acheives exactly what your mod does.
I have a very good idea on how it should play, and I dont want to loose that complete autonomy. So I dont want join any team (already had an offer actually). Now when I think on it, the only thing I could need is a mapper with good imagination and no rules in mapping style, go figure :P
Hammer 2 is going to be so much eaiser to use, ive been dabbeling in hammer 1 for about a year, and sometimes it just pisses me off how its hard to get things the size you want, because there isnt anything to compare the units to. With the addition of the 1 unit = 1 inch thing its going to be a lot more fun to map.
hmmmmm dawdler whats your MSN or what IRC network/channels do u idle in. I wanna talk to ya in IM, I think i can iver be your mapper or make your idea and mine into a prity good game. Now I think about it having modern day weapons is limiting me in many ways. Tbh i wanna talk to ya. u got an IM? also if we join then we already got a concept/web designer (read up ^)
I dont idle in any channel really... But I believe this page has one (not sure where exactly) might be able to squeeze in a little bit of idling there.
I have MSN too, but I rarely use it... My mail is [email protected].

It would be nice to talk though. Cause I think we have the exact same idea behind and line of thought behind the mods, just that you picked modern weapons, and I picked HL2 weapons to keep down size :)

Though if you want to map, I must warn you: As previously mentioned, the concept for my mod is to be as small as possible, cause I want people to think "what the hell, lets download it and try out, its so small" and not "Hmm... Hmmmmm... Its rather big... And its just like any other mod... Maybe not.". So when one come to the mapping area, the limit is textures. Using HL2 textures as much as possible to keep size down (they'll be pretty big anyway). Of course, some textures could be be custom, but you get my idea. Further, my mod is aimed at close combat, not long range. And the 3rd person view will bring the possibility for "cheating" (everybody gets it, though its not 100% certain it will be 3rd person), so maps have to have limited visibility. Whether this is made by cleverly placed wrecks on a beach where you can manouver with vehicles or fairly tight corners in a city like map or facility or some sort I dont care... Lots of props to limit view. I want the player to really think whats behind the next thing.
Just a short warning :)
hmmmmmm, well the mod I want to create is kinda different in maps. The maps are the saem style as tfc maps, u know with both sides the same (for CTF2 only) but also imploment a tactical side to the maps, with cover in open areas and also no big flat areas. I want snipping to be hard but also to be fun. It will be hard to give people the cover they need and get it correct but I think i could get it correct. The part where u was waying city streets with cars. Tbh I don't want cars in the offical maps for the mod. Maybe just make one. If it works have other people make maps with vehicles in. I can see them doing this in CS2 as well. There is no need for vehicles it just means u have to make large areas for them to move and if its not like a game like planetside. Then there is no point even having them.
My mod dont even have a sniper planned. Cause I dont like snipers (I LOVE sniping, but I dont think its good for the team. Rather have a good scout that leads and warns the team instead of going on a sniping rampage). I dont know what cars you talk about though... Unaimed is (although unaimed) aimed towards infantry combat, vehicles may be there, but not very much... Maybe like an heavy APC (as seen in some HL2 shots) that can give you cover (it would have a slow speed) when advancing.

Concerning TFC, I havent played it in quite a while, so I'm not sure how you mean the same... Unless you are refering to mirrored maps? I dont really like that style...
okies, np. I will have to look else where :(

I need programms so badly. From there it will be so easy. If ya can help me or know anyone who can. Then tell me plz
