That's it! I've had it with these mother****ing bats in my mother****ing home!


Jul 1, 2004
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Sister caught it and let it go outside. Freaking awesome.
I had a bat fly into my room through the window once :D

It was dark and I could hear something but had no clue what it was, and when I turned on my light there was a bloody bat flying around my ceiling D:

I caught it with a towel and kept it under a strainer until morning, then I showed everyone before letting it go :P
dam beat me to it in a batman joke

meh I dont care


*60's batman music start*

I also have bats in mah house,just grab them and trow them out of the window
Pictures of your sister manhandling the bat w/ tits or it didn't happen.
Get tested for rabies immediatley.

I am not joking. If a bat made it inside your house it was either highly confused or rabid. Check everywhere to see if you have any cuts. Even if you don't anyone who handled the bat might be in danger of getting a bite because bats teeth are so small and sharp you're unlikely to feel if it bit you.

It's always a good idea to go to the docotor immediatley after you've handled a wild animal, especially a bat in your home. Rabies symptoms (in the off chance of your sister getting bit) will not appear for several months, but once they do there is no known treatment. The best course of action is to go to the doctor now so that if you have rabies he can immunize you now.

Sorry if I'm sounding overzealous but I knew someone who died after getting bat-borne rabies.
Get tested for rabies immediatley.

I am not joking. If a bat made it inside your house it was either highly confused or rabid. Check everywhere to see if you have any cuts. Even if you don't anyone who handled the bat might be in danger of getting a bite because bats teeth are so small and sharp you're unlikely to feel if it bit you.

It's always a good idea to go to the docotor immediatley after you've handled a wild animal, especially a bat in your home. Rabies symptoms (in the off chance of your sister getting bit) will not appear for several months, but once they do there is no known treatment. The best course of action is to go to the doctor now so that if you have rabies he can immunize you now.

Sorry if I'm sounding overzealous but I knew someone who died after getting bat-borne rabies.
Best to assume the worst, eh?
That way, if the situation is the worst you've already anticipated it, and if it's not you get a pleasant surprise!
There's only one safe way to get rid of bats mate...

...and that involves getting all ozzy ozbourne on their asses :D
*60's batman music start*

Exactly, this thread needs teh music!


And about the bat problem: just POW!! WHAM!!! BIFF!!! those mothers.
Who hasn't had a bat fly into their house? We usually only get them in the summer when we leave the doors/windows open at night. Our biggest concern is the dog who starts chasing after it trying to eat it. I actually have a bat house that needs to be hung up appropriately, I just haven't gotten around to scoring some guano to seed it with. I'll take bats over mosquitos any day.