That's it... no AA?!?!! Forget about Half Life 2...

Yes there are diffrent but if you dont have AA you just turn up the res and get REAL quality not some sample mumbo jumbo to false the quality!
I've never used AA so I won't miss it when I still don't have it.

I'll just crank the res to 1920x1440 and enjoy all the other benefits of my new card.
Originally posted by skogum!
Yes there are diffrent but if you dont have AA you just turn up the res and get REAL quality not some sample mumbo jumbo to false the quality!
It still get pixelated, unless you go ridiculusly high 16x12+, but then you cant play anyway.

(note, all pic resized 150%)
Shows the effect of AF on the terrain (note that this is CLOSE to the player (maybe 10m away)! Afar the gain is even greater when using AF). And of course 4xFSAA smoothing the plane parts.
They arent at the same angle (he just HAD TO move it just when I took the pic), but shows how pixelated it really is without FSAA.
The favourite for those saying it gets fuzzy. Does it? Well yes. Except you see 4 times more detail, so it evens out. The top picture is just a pixelated mess :)
A kubelwagon. Just look at those jaggies... Bring tears to my eyes.

I cant post the complete pics, I aint got space... But if someone wants to put up more comparisions go ahead, so we can prove the difference to those that say its not relevant and it all looks the same.
Im more worried about af. It has a much big impact on the over all visual preformace.
FSAA has a lot of things going against it.
#1. The first card to use FSAA was too slow to use it effectivly (Voodoo 5 5500) and was not worth the performance hit.
#2. NVIDIA first used FSAA with a driver hack with severly crippled performance and looked like crap. Thus starting the anti-FSAA mentality that continues to fester and breed in the NVIDIA camp.
#3 NVIDIA's various FSAA implementation methods overtime meant to help stop the performance hit when enabled but the over all subjective opinions on quality stated it left something to be desired. Thus perpetuating an apathetic view of FSAA. Also since NVIDIA has implemented FSAA in many different ways it doesn't surprise me that it doesn't work in HL2.

Whatever your opinions are of FSAA there is still some misconceptions surviving in the gaming world that need to be put to rest.

1. FSAA + Ansio is subjective. Some people will think it looks better enabled others won't.
2. Cranking up the resolution to 1600x1200b is not going to eliminate staircasing, texture shimmering, and popping.
Originally posted by alehm
FSAA has a lot of things going against it.
#1. The first card to use FSAA was too slow to use it effectivly (Voodoo 5 5500) and was not worth the performance hit.
#2. NVIDIA first used FSAA with a driver hack with severly crippled performance and looked like crap. Thus starting the anti-FSAA mentality that continues to fester and breed in the NVIDIA camp.
#3 NVIDIA's various FSAA implementation methods overtime meant to help stop the performance hit when enabled but the over all subjective opinions on quality stated it left something to be desired. Thus perpetuating an apathetic view of FSAA. Also since NVIDIA has implemented FSAA in many different ways it doesn't surprise me that it doesn't work in HL2.

Whatever your opinions are of FSAA there is still some misconceptions surviving in the gaming world that need to be put to rest.

1. FSAA + Ansio is subjective. Some people will think it looks better enabled others won't.
2. Cranking up the resolution to 1600x1200b is not going to eliminate staircasing, texture shimmering, and popping.
Point being? FSAA in the past got nothing to do with FSAA now.
Edit: Oh wait, I get your point. Everyone complaining is Geforce users :)

FSAA is subjective. AF is not. If there is ANYONE that cant see the difference with AF on, its a blind person. All it does is clear texture, no snags and no sideeffects, performance loss is minimal. FSAA I can agree on cause it does make the image more blurry although it shows more detail, the effect it causes is quite different from normal.
valves load system will most likely help when it comes to af not being enabled but AA no way. Actually now that i think about it if they really wanted they could adjust the graphics settings as you play and selftune on a test level of sorts(not single player actual game). The alternative could be you go and adjust it yourself. I think the overhead cost of monitoring load while playing may be unnessesary.
Originally posted by dawdler
Not relevant at all? It is for me! And I'm sure a few millions of other people agree.
I took that a while ago after an AA/AF discussion, its dark yes, but look really close...
The top pic is no FSAA/AF, the lower is with 2xFSAA/16xAF. Look at the ceiling in particular, those lights running the entire lenght of the corridor. And that box on the right side, there you can see the effect of FSAA on the top (its not a very good pic to compare FSAA in general, I know, mostly just AF).

The top pic looks HORRIBLE compared to the bottom! You cant say its not relevant at all. Both FSAA and AF increases quality and gaming experience 10 times, and more.

What you're doing with the game is watching it, not playing it - but we have pictures to look at them and games to play them.

I have nothing against better graphics but I think that there's too much emphasis on graphics in the game industry. I also think that this is the main reason that 90% of released games is crap. To me the best play value still has Civilisation II from 1995. You're gonna spoil yourself a game-of-the-year dawdler. Not good.:afro:

And one more thing. With FSAA and AF on I wouldn't increase gaming experience but watching experience. What do you do with the games? Watch them? :dozey:
Originally posted by A.I.
What you're doing with the game is watching it, not playing it - but we have pictures to look at them and games to play them.

I have nothing against better graphics but I think that there's too much emphasis on graphics in the game industry. I also think that this is the main reason that 90% of released games is crap. To me the best play value still has Civilisation II from 1995. You're gonna spoil yourself a game-of-the-year dawdler. Not good.:afro:

And one more thing. With FSAA and AF on I wouldn't increase gaming experience but watching experience. What do you do with the games? Watch them? :dozey:
Yes, I watch them. I think Morrowind is a work of art, and with FSAA and AF its pure heaven for the eyes, I actually ENJOY playing it, just for the graphics. Personally, I *like* the little extra blurriness FSAA gives, it somehow acts like a filter that gives a smoother feel (well it smooths it, duh, but I mean overall, totally ignoring edges) to the game. It does affect the gaming experience rather much, but maybe that's just me.

Anyhow, I still play Xcom:TFTD, that's from 95 too :)
one question it maybe out of context tho... im sorry its not worth making a tread for. these top of line PC's people have for this game P4 3.2 gig 256MB gfx ect ect u know will that beable to run this game without any lagg at all with AA on? or this still something that isent full working great yet...?
I play Morrowwind and don't notice a damn bit of visual difference when FSAA is turned on. All it does is slow down the game very noticeably.

FSAA is the most useless video feature ever made. I'm gonna shoot the next idiot I hear bitching about the lack of FSAA.
Originally posted by chili pepper
I play Morrowwind and don't notice a damn bit of visual difference when FSAA is turned on. All it does is slow down the game very noticeably.

FSAA is the most useless video feature ever made. I'm gonna shoot the next idiot I hear bitching about the lack of FSAA.
You have a Geforce?
Originally posted by yeggz

I watched the trailer and I didn't even notice AA was off. It still looked like the best graphics out there, it still looked incredible, my jaw still hit the floor just as hard... so I really don't care if they put in AA or not.

AA was off in the trailer??

I cant imagine how it looks with aa on :E probably real ..