That's right people..Antigravity does exist

Ikerous said:
You'd just have to find a way to shield the object from the force of gravity
So, just create an alternate dimension in a jar. Easy as cake
The problem is that human beings have yet to find a way to neutralise any sort of force without using an opposing force.
This would need some changes in the atomic levels to neutralise the actual gravity.

The problem is that we haven't identified the particules responsible for the gravity yet... only a name has been given to a potential discovery: the graviton.
when people talk about antigravity they are talking about an 'opposite' to gravity, which does not exist in our universe. Masses are attracted to each other, not repelled.

gravity isnt very well understood so you cant say that an opposite or neutralising effect doesnt exist, we just havnt figured it out yet.. Scalar waves are more fundementally linked with gravity. from experiments being carried out with the waves it seems that the mechanisim of what we percieve as gravity is hidden from view, electricity and gravity are linked aswell, as demonstrated by anomalous forces measured using the Bi field Brown effect. Attraction of mass is there because of a hidden underlying proccess, a potential in vaccum that manifests what we witness as attraction of mass, this potential between mass is most likely in measureable terms, a hidden wave form. everything is energy, and manifestation of mass and experiance of time may also be a result of potential energy gradients in vaccum.

If you want to understand the advancement in understanding of gravity and neutralising or manipulating its potential, read up on scalar waves and electrogravitation.
Well, when I say that an opposite effect does not exist, I mean that it does not exist as a recognisable force that we can detect. We can say with certainty that masses are attracted to each other, we cant say why.

But so far no kind of 'repelling' effect has been noted, so I think it is safe to say that gravity is a one-way distortion of space-time. It is possible that spacetime could be distorted in the opposite way to produce negative gravity, but no instance of this has been discovered yet.

But of couse I am a believer in the Red Dwarf theory of existance, that states that there are 6 other universes, and ours is the cock-up one. Time runs backward in our universe, which is why nothing makes sense.
So it is safe to say that antigravity does not exist or that a method to produce anti gravity has yet to be seen.

The dodgy link between magnetism and gravity has been blown out of the water as it also seems clear there is no link at all between the two forces.

Maybe it is my imagination running away with me but that the reversal of gravity is as implausible as the reversal of time itself. Both are absolute and both are directional, i.e. one way.
jabberwock95 said:
The problem is that human beings have yet to find a way to neutralise any sort of force without using an opposing force.

That was good social commentary.
The dodgy link between magnetism and gravity has been blown out of the water as it also seems clear there is no link at all between the two forces

there isnt a dodgy link atall , between electricity, magnetism, and gravity they are all different manifestations of the same underlying process, a charged asymetrical capacitor produces an anomalous field altering thrust that partly interacts with the G field,

there is a strong link between gravity and electricity observably. its just not text book school stuff yet.

but it is well known as the Bi field brown effect , Discovered in the 1930's. The stupid thing is.. outdated science dogma hasnt bothered to include these observational facts into the school textbook's because of lack of understanding! which is no excuse. - simple examples of electrogravitational capacitors
clarky003 said:
there isnt a dodgy link atall , between electricity, magnetism, and gravity they are all different manifestations of the same underlying process, a charged asymetrical capacitor produces an anomalous field altering thrust that partly interacts with the G field,

there is a strong link between gravity and electricity observably. its just not text book school stuff yet.

but it is well known as the Bi field brown effect , Discovered in the 1930's. The stupid thing is.. outdated science dogma hasnt bothered to include these observational facts into the school textbook's because of lack of understanding! which is no excuse. - simple examples of electrogravitational capacitors

Lol thats such bullshit. It's just that the gravitational and electromagnetic forces cancel eachother out, they aren't intrinsically linked.
There is no link at all between electrcity and gravity.

Electricity can be produced, pulsed, controlled and managed. The theories on electricity are well documented.
It does not rely on gravity at all.
Electricity is generated, gravity is not.

Electricity can be measured, in the shape of volts, amps and multiplied up to power. Gravity cannot.

Name me one example of electricity being dependant on gravity.

Magnetism, electricity and gravity are independent forces totally independent on each other. The only link between them is that magnetism is used to drive motors, generators and transformers. The magnetism is produced by an alternating electrical charge inside windings i.e. EMF’s.
your talking about the manifested effects of electricity in a circuit, im talking about high frequencey electric potential that naturally occurs within the environment its not the fact that there is no link, its the fact that you, the observer, are making a rash materialistic judgement on a limited pereception base, visibly it isnt an obvious link, but it links on a more subtle energy level. Everything has some electrical potential at all times, just because it doesnt manifest as a visible discharge or measureable electical flow does not mean it isnt existant... it just means you cant immediately detect it with conventional tools.

youve made a classic mistake when trying to understand, youre approaching it materialistically so you see the forces as seperate entities but they are all just different manifestations of a unified underlying process, you have to study, or read about scalar waves before you can even begin to comprehend.
I'll admit I have never heard of 'scalar' but it sounds very reminiscant of string theory in that all types of energy/mass/forces are exactly the same but we are merely observing them at different states.

Unfortunately, it is only a theory, and the only way we can realistically approach things with any clarity is to seperate electromagnitism, gravity and the strong/weak nuclear force. And as such there have been no proven examples of electromagnitism affecting gravitation.
you cant detect strings or anything mentioned in string theory to try and prove it, but you 'can' transmit and detect scalar waves. So it is far from theory. - transmitter's - reciever's

Scalar waves have never been theory, they where discovered by Nikola Tesla during the lighting patents, just after the turn of the 20th century beginning 1903. Till this day this wave form has been known to exist, and is still controversial in mainstream science to this day, because it is a none hertizian wave that travels at superluminal speeds through vaccum, which is why conventional text books ignore it. If you do the experiments yourself you'll find that unlike hertizian waves they can clearly penetrate faraday cages and any other hertzian deflecting shields.

It seems like something out of star trek because they are essentially a subspace wave form.
baxter said:
Name me one example of electricity being dependant on gravity.
Electrons (which can be measured in electron VOLTS)cannot escape blackholes ;)
This whole Magnets = antigravity bussiness really reminds me of the book, Sirens of Titan.
Electrons (which can be measured in electron VOLTS)cannot escape blackholes ;)
Neither can light, does this mean light is dependant on gravity ?;)
Thanks for the info on scalar waves, really interesting.

I would like to witness or attempt scalar experiments, as I cant really believe something I only see on the internet. The fact that they can apparantly be picked up by ordinary radio recievers seems to show that they must have some of the proporties of normal EM waves (being able to produce currant pulses in reciever equipment). I just cant see how waves supposedly travelling at superlightspeed can affect ordinary equipment in this way.

I dont know whether Nikola Tesla claimed to have discovered scalar waves or not, but he made some pretty fantastic claims, like turning his lightening experiments into a 'death ray' that caused the tunguska blast of 1908. Although it remains a mystery...