That's the name from the game!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Just a question: What name of a character in a game will you always know? The one name that will always be stuck in your mind, and you can't get it out?

For me it'd be Stanton Dowd from Deus Ex.. It's just such a weird name, I can't forget it.
Lamarr.... For some reason, There are lots of people with that name. Every time I think of that cuddly headcrab.
I think we can rule out Gordon Freeman, seeing as this is a half life forum...

JC Denton haunts me sometimes, but I've also used the name (Denton) as a character before, so that might be part of it being stuck in my head at times.

"I am not some simple jester! I am Nielas Aran!" Same goes for a few other WoW bosses... listening to their voice taunts every week for months... Ugh.

Roger Wilco.
WoW sucks. And isn't Roger Wilco a code, not a character?!
I'd have to say Jim Raynor, or Sarah Kerrigan. Starcraft was very influential to me.
Gordon Freeman
Jim Raynor

Hell, theres too many
Guybrush Threepwood is the definitive non-franchise name (obviously 'Mario' or 'Sonic' are memorable as they're tied to their products. All 15,000 of them). By extension I'll always remember Bobbin Threadbare, even though I will never remember him from the game he actually stared in.
I'd have to say Jim Raynor, or Sarah Kerrigan. Starcraft was very influential to me.

Samir Duran is a pretty memorable name from that game too.

"I've told you my name already! It's Duran! Duran!

What's so funny?"
I will probably not forget the name of Sasha Nein.


Or Shepherd

Can't quite think what those two totally separate names are from though.

*Runs away*
Elvis the alien from Perfect Dark...what a pimp
****in' right, I'd let him probe me any day.

I will never forget Max Payne, G-Man, Joanna Dark, Sam, Max, Saria, and awwww shit Saria's Song is going to be stuck in my head for days god damnit
Samir Duran is a pretty memorable name from that game too.

"I've told you my name already! It's Duran! Duran!

What's so funny?"

You know, I've never fully understood that quote. For some reason, it tingles my head, but I can't 100% put my finger on it. Is it a song?
Minsc. Unforgettable name, unforgettable character, unforgettable game. And probably Gabriel Knight too.
Atrus and Yeesha from the Myst series.

Live action ftw, those games came to life for me.
roger wilco, kyle katarn, cate archer, jc denton, tommy vercetti, lara croft, cutter slade, abe, guybrush threepwood, kane.