The 1 Day Start->Finish HL2 Challenge


Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
I just recently got a new PC. On top of that, I upgraded my entire home theater and it sounds incredible. With my fiance away with her family for a week, this Saturday I plan on once again attempting to play the whole game from start to finish. I've tried 3 times previously and failed every time, however, this time I'm going to make it. (With the Substance mod on Hard no less.)

I suggest the 1 day challenge for anyone who truly wants a grueling, intense experience. The farthest I got was the beginning of Anticitizen One and it was late as hell and I was exhausted. That's what makes it fun. Not only do the enemies get tougher, but after 12 hours of intense battling, your physically and mentally exhausted of all resources... making the game way harder than playing in 2 hour chunks with a fresh mind every time. I swear I'm going to do it this time, on Substance no less! The key is to not take too many breaks, thats what happened the other 3 times I tried. It's hard to stay focused for so long, and it takes a HUGE amount of mental endurance. My respect and admiration to anyone else who have completed such a task.

Anyway, I invite anyone else whose free this Saturday to attempt this challenge as well, and let's see how we do this time around. Just get a good nights sleep, then wake up early, stock up on Gatorade and Arizona Green Tea, and get going.. that's what I'll be doing. lol

Fair play, if that's what you want, then go for it.

I would advise you to take note of the suggestion of taking a small break every hour to stop your brain turning to the consistency of shower gel though.....
Did this on day one, 21 hours on hard mode (Apart from toilet breaks and a trip to tescos).

It really is the best way, imho, to enjoy the game. Just remember to battle on when you want to stop and it will get better, like a runner hitting the wall.
Ugh. Good luck to you. The only time I ever finished a game in a day was when I played through Metroid Fusion on my GBA on the flight to Australia. Now they don't even allow handheld consoles on flights because of the Wi-Fi.

Either way, I hope you enjoy it. I prefer my chapter a day routine.
I do this whenever I get a new game, I Bought Doom 3, Got through 2/3rds of the game in one sitting (Long Game), Bought Call of Duty, Beat it in one sitting (Short Game), Half-Life 2, I loved this game so much when I bought it, I thought it was the greatest game ever, I couldn't walk away, Beat it in one sitting, I was dead tired after it though, I advise you to go for it!
In tomorrow's news, man in NYC dies from playing HL2 non-stop.
lol like that korean guy who played starcraft for like 49 hours straight and died from a heart attack about a month ago, imo starcraft sucks, HL2 is the only way to go

O and Good Luck with that man, i was planning on beatin HL2 this weekend, not in a straight sitting tho and again good luck
Spectre01 said:
In tomorrow's news, man in NYC dies from playing HL2 non-stop.

LOL thats hilarious!!!! ROFL!!!

Zaffino, I mean Gordon ahem why dont you go for it also :)
Link said:
Did this on day one, 21 hours on hard mode (Apart from toilet breaks and a trip to tescos).

It really is the best way, imho, to enjoy the game. Just remember to battle on when you want to stop and it will get better, like a runner hitting the wall.
I'd imagine.
Though, he is doing this on Substance, not just plain ol' HL2, or else a day's worth of playing the game and beating it would be like eatting pie, atleast, it would be to me. Substance would be an entirely different story though.
i played it in one night the night i got it... but that was on normal on regular game... now THATS a truly great task to endure, what you're saying
Maybe I'm too conservative, but I don't think it's worth trying. Having completed my first run through HL2 in about 20 hours, and now that I remember well the puzzles and where to go, I know it's doable within 1 day. However, it doesn't seem too fun to me - I get bored even with the best games if I play them too much.

Then again, when I first played, I couldn't resist the urge to play - I know some people spread the game over a week. I completed it in two and a half days, I just wouldn't be able to do a chapter per day :).
I started at 8am this morning and just finished now at 12:30am. Damn that was a crazy experience. I was sooo tired but I forced myself to keep going. Took about an hour nap in the middle of Nova Prospekt and a regular amount of bathroom / food / smoke breaks . A lot of wierd stuff happened this time through, like a Vortigaunt at the end of Black Mesa East getting stuck on my side of the rubble and giving me a power boost before I left for Ravenholm. That was a cool bonus, there were others too but anyway I need to get some sleep.
colson - I'm not saying that half life 2 is not fantastic played over a longer time, it is, but the game is designed as one big story, and to keep the continuity just makes it so much better. It the same as watching a film. Its still enjoyable if you watch half an hour an evening for a few days, but watching it all at once is much preferable, to me at least.
I've always wanted to have like a bunch of people play HL1 and see who can beat it first, or at least get the farthest in a time span. I go to a bunch of LANs, but I know that no one else would be up for that.
How many rockets does it take to destroy a gunship on the hard level of substance mod?
well..without that mod it's 3-5-7 on 9 maybe??
I don't see the point in saving the world three times faster than Gordan Freeman can do it.
i beat hl2 on medium in only 2 days.

now i need to manually increase the difficulty in the skill.cfg and other config files to masochistic levels to enjoy the game.

so yeah...the pulse rifle now does 20 damage per does the npc version...the combine soldiers now have 150 heath and take a lot less damage for arm and leg shots but more for their heads...Combine gunships now do 25 damage per shot and their burst is 10 times longer...Snipers are 1 shot kills as are the charges of the antlion guards...yeah overall i crave the difficulty.
Flyingdebris said:
i beat hl2 on medium in only 2 days.

now i need to manually increase the difficulty in the skill.cfg and other config files to masochistic levels to enjoy the game.

so yeah...the pulse rifle now does 20 damage per does the npc version...the combine soldiers now have 150 heath and take a lot less damage for arm and leg shots but more for their heads...Combine gunships now do 25 damage per shot and their burst is 10 times longer...Snipers are 1 shot kills as are the charges of the antlion guards...yeah overall i crave the difficulty.

Jesus... and you can get past that part with two gunships at Nova Prospect?
Barney_Calhoun said:
I've beaten HL2 in just under 3 hours (2hours 56 to be exact)

Wow...are you one of the done quick guys then?? I thought they took one part each week (and ~60 parts mean a time like a year...) Anyway, I've beaten HL2 in a few weeks...two times...I don't feel for rushing, I like to play 1-2 houres at a time, I'm afraid my brain will get overheated if I play HL2 non-stop:p
Nah, I wasn't one of HL2DQ, but I watched Marshmallow's 2:14 run and tried to copy that.
Fonaki said:
Wow...are you one of the done quick guys then?? I thought they took one part each week (and ~60 parts mean a time like a year...) Anyway, I've beaten HL2 in a few weeks...two times...I don't feel for rushing, I like to play 1-2 houres at a time, I'm afraid my brain will get overheated if I play HL2 non-stop:p
Thats why I got rid of my brain.:)
TollBooth Willie said:
Thats why I got rid of my brain.:)

Your post has been the latest one in the singleplayer forum for the entire day; you must have killed it.
I'm waiting for Aftermath, then i'll play through hl1/of/bs/hl2/hl2:am/lostcoast in one sitting on hard and never play them again after. (I still haven't played the hl series on my x850xl) BEAT THAT!!!!!!!!1111
special-ed said:
I'm waiting for Aftermath, then i'll play through hl1/of/bs/hl2/hl2:am/lostcoast in one sitting on hard and never play them again after. (I still haven't played the hl series on my x850xl) BEAT THAT!!!!!!!!1111

I will do the exact same thing once I have my new custom computer with 2 gigs of RAM, a 4000 AMD, kickass Asus mobo with Sli campatibility, a $43 gaming mouse with which you can adjust the sensitivity while you're on the computer and one of Nvidia's brand new cards (is that the x850xl?)! I CAN'T REALLY BEAT YOUR SCENARIO, BUT I'M PRETTY DAMN NEAR IT!!! BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
special-ed said:
I'm waiting for Aftermath, then i'll play through hl1/of/bs/hl2/hl2:am/lostcoast in one sitting on hard and never play them again after. (I still haven't played the hl series on my x850xl) BEAT THAT!!!!!!!!1111

One sitting? You will most likely use a few days on that, 40houres if you play non-stop maybe.
Spectre01 said:
In tomorrow's news, man in NYC dies from playing HL2 non-stop.
And because of that games ARE BAD!!!
I see these screaming titles in every magazine...
First time i played HL2, i did it in medium mode, starting at about 11 AM one morning and finishing at 5AM the next morning. allow 3 hours for bathroom breaks and food, thats 15 hours to do the entire game. And it was the first time through so i ended up running in circles in some areas for a few hours.

I'm never staying up that late again.
You can comlplete HL2 in one day...but can you survive the ATTACK OF THE ZOMBIE THREADS? D: