The 2D thread of goodness

I choose the one game you didnt pick :LOL:

I also would pick from your list though:

comic jumper
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
sonic 4

kinda sad actually that i am looking forward more to xbla/psn games than games like halo reach, killzone 3, gears 3 etc. :|
Donkey Kong
Shadow Planet
Bionic Commando
Great thread, Warbie.

Definitely interested in Limbo, Shank and Bionic Commando. Not sure about the rest I will have a look at these videos later.
EPIC THREAD!!! +Rep :cheers:

And while I know it is not TOTALLY 2D, the travel zone levels are pure side-scrolling Disney awesomeness of the highest degree. In this video go to the 5:00 mark or so the see the Steamboat Willy level. I can only imagine how awesome the rest will be.

Oh, and I will be getting nearly all of those already mentioned with the exception of XBLA-only stuff. :( Who knew I should've kept my 360 JUST for the XBLA games???
Who knew I should've kept my 360 JUST for the XBLA games???

That's what i'm doing and i just bought the stupid thing! :flame:
So, how many of these are gracing the PC? :(
And yet, how many of those are actually 2D? =/

Shadow Planet looks goddamn amazing, anyway. Kirby too, but as a presumably full-priced Wii title I'm treating it a bit more wait-and-see.
Blade Kitten reminds me of Strider.

Scott Pilgrim looks like River City Ransom. I think it could use some more moves.

So, how many of these are gracing the PC? :(

Good question. Shank, Shadow Planet, Trine 2, Bionic Commando 2 (assumed), Privates...

I'd also like to see Limbo, Comic Jumper, and Scott Pilgrim on the PC
"And if you press this button, you can zoom out to a full view of the castle, so you can see just how many sprites we've recycled!" :p

Naw it looks fun though. That Dust game is beautifully animated as well, first I've seen of it I think (anthro characters, in my video games? :eek:).
Thread title says '2D Returns' and yet barely any pixel-art in sight.

Makes me a sad panda.
Limbo looks pretty sweet. Haven't played 2D games in ages, might have to check some of these out. The graphics look absolutely awesome for most of these.
I have to go with:
Sonic 4, because it's just so good to see Sonic going lone wolf again.
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, because it just looks beautiful.
Scott Pilgrim, because it looks hilarious.
Shadow Planet, because I want to fight Cthulu in a flying saucer. Wish fulfilment, etc.
and Shank, because I know what I like and I like gratuitous violence.