the 4th video!!



ok everyone, the 4th videos name is hl2-traptown.exe do U'r magic!!!


thats the name. now crack it!

I wasn't able to. I guess changeing the name don't work no mo:dozey:

come on, I as well as everyone want to see the gun shoot and hear its dynamic sounds :sniper:
the 4th video isnt in the cache file yet so we cant extract it.

valve said that they would begin the predownload of it on monday
It's not there. Flat out is not there. So there is nothing anyone can do to get it.

Also mentioned in many other threads.
Goooooooood morning HL2.NET!!!
Wake up and read the other posts before posting.
What part is "traptown" in the video?
Ummm... once they do not upload it, there's no way to get it until they release it. Unless someone goes to Valve studios and steals a copy and runs back home to put it online before Valve puts it on tonight...
Valve aren't putting it on tonight.

And "traptown" is the part of the video with that town with all the traps in.
Im gonna steal a hard drive from the valve office. *dresses up like a ninja*
Chris_D: Uh, yeah, but what is happening in the video?
Trap town is the section with swinging bar and the chopper blades chopping zombies in 2.
There's loads of traps in a town.

:D lol sorry

It's the bit where u go in a building, block the door with a table but the soldiers try and get in, can't and so shoot through the window then the door gets kicked in and you use the manipulator to pull a radiator off the wall and launch it at some soldier which smacks into a vending machine which kills the soldier. Later on you find a sort of propeller machine, turn it on and it spins round and round and chops the zombies up.
Originally posted by Loke
What part is "traptown" in the video?

It's the part where you see Gordon use the traps that Father Gregory (I think that's his name) has left in the old part of City 17.

I can't wait to see this, it's one of the best, most action-packed parts. :D Although it's 11:25pm here in the U.K and I'm knackered. Good night.
I love that shit on message boards where people answer the same question 3 times. Very mature.
whats the betting that half the video is already downloaded because of its size?
Whenever any news is announced about HL2 or anything, at least one smart arse e-mails Gabe about exactly the same thing and decides to post their version of the same stuff.
MaDMaXX: Either way it doesn't matter, we still wouldn't be able to view it.
Dagobert: Thats because they're all typing a reply simultaneously usually.
Hey! You guys stole my storm Valve studious idea!

Maybe if we storm it with a bunch of spearmen and pikemen we can steal a copy of hl2!
People calm down. Just wait. This is all that you've all seen before, just in renders. Calm down you all sound like you about to have some kind of digital orgasm.
Originally posted by DuncanIdahoTPF
Im just joking, stop taking ME too seriously. =O)

That's like my perfect motto right there. I've been banned from here twiced, FOR LIFE as they said, because people took me too seriously.
What do you mean just in renders THug? Am I missing something?
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
What do you mean just in renders THug? Am I missing something?

Uhhh.. Those "videos" that are released from steam are .exe files and are actual renders that your computer does. You didnt notice? They arent like .avi files they are actually renders that your vid card does, so you can **** with the resolution. Basically its what you will see exactly on your screen when you will play HL2. Didn't you notice the unAA edges?
Uhhh.. Those "videos" that are released from steam are .exe files and are actual renders that your computer does. You didnt notice? They arent like .avi files they are actually renders that your vid card does, so you can **** with the resolution. Basically its what you will see exactly on your screen when you will play HL2. Didn't you notice the unAA edges?

..... quickly runs out of thread :dozey:
I don't think so. They didn't have AA on because of some problems, not because of my card. Also they recorded it, this one just a direct feed from the game, with big ass resolution. I mean, to render it, we will need first textures, models, etc. on our computer.
Bink videos are .exe's because the player is included with them so that you don't have to have any particular media player to view them. Simple enough?
Originally posted by THUGENSTE1N
Uhhh.. Those "videos" that are released from steam are .exe files and are actual renders that your computer does. You didnt notice? They arent like .avi files they are actually renders that your vid card does, so you can **** with the resolution. Basically its what you will see exactly on your screen when you will play HL2. Didn't you notice the unAA edges?
That's not true at all. Bink videos are just a format that require no player, and that's why it was an .exe. It was just a really high resolution video.
Hah, apparently thugh thinks we have several mini-HL2 demos on our hard drives right now. :p
If that was true many people would have fps problems; since they are video files our computers just have to be able to play back the video smoothly, not render everything.
I love how he sounded so sure of himself. :D
Originally posted by SnowBall
Im gonna steal a hard drive from the valve office. *dresses up like a ninja*

stole my idea
and i can prove it