The 6th Soldier


Jul 2, 2003
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This is my new Non-HL Related Fan Fiction. Hope you like it!

Prologue - A Divided Colony

In a very distant future, Earth was starting to get overcrowded. As medicine techniques were advancing at a vertiginous speed, people were living longer and death rates dropped constantly while natality rates were growing fast everyday. Lack of wars, a great economic stability and an almost-zero criminality rate all around the world were helping the situation as well. Governments from every country had regular meetings to discuss the problem. Solutions to stop the problem were discussed everyday, going from radical suggestions, like a massive sterilization of half of the female population, to less harsh ones, like a big reinforcement of the anti-natality campaign.

But the definitive solution came from the less expected instituition in the world: the Global Space Corporation, which had found a rather near-from-solar-system planet called GSC_890-05 (now known as Novaterra), which had an atmosphere 99,8% identic to the earth, was almost as big and had no sign of some type of organic life. Simply put, it had the perfect conditions to be colonized without the need of being terraformed. In a definitive meeting from the governments, it was resolved that a massive part of the population from the most populated countries in the planet were going to be forced to leave planet earth and colonize the new found planet as fast as possible. Thousands of massive transport spaceships were made. Each ship was capable of transporting 2 million people to the planet in less than 7 months of travel. In less than 4 years, the First Phase (Colonization and Stabilization) of the colonization process was completed. More than 2 billion people colonized the planet and started to build cities, industries and natural resource recollecting plants. The mission was an utter success, everything was going better than planned until then.

The Second Phase (Military Setting and Territory Planning) was going to start, when a big and unexpected war about natural resources started between two cities: Vortiga and Minarium. While they shared a common zone, each city was designated to a different mining site. Vortiga was designated to a big mineral-rich mountain and Minarium to an underground mine, which goes right through Vortiga's mountain. And there lies the problem. Vortiga claims that they were assigned to the mountain zone, all the way down until the center of the planet, while Minarium claims that the initial plans of the mine indicates that the mine does pass through that zone and that must be a planning problem from Vortiga. Vortiga doesn't accept that excuse from Minarium and threats them with a class suit action if they don't change the route of the mine. Minarium, obviously, doesn't change the route. Such thing makes Vortiga declare a War Reaction against Minarium, that promptly gets the respective reaction: a War Readiness Reaction from Minarium.

The Great Resource War, as it is now called, divided the population of Novaterra in half, the ones that joined Vortiga and the ones that joined Minarium, and made the planet completely independent from the Earth Government: as the numerous attempts from Earth to stop the war were rendered useless, the Earth Government simply decided to give up and announced independence to Novaterra. War was long and furious, it lasted for almost 2 centuries and costed the life of billions of soldiers. When it finally stopped, no one but the more erudits, were aware of it's real purpose, in fact, in the last century, they were fighting because there was a war, but no one knew why. So the two countries decided to finally stop that silly war, sign a Treat of Peace and make an Alliance of Peace and Mutual Cooperation. While the main purpose of the treat was accomplished, it did not actually stopped the hostilities. During the war, some cities of the two countries were completely devastated and left at the forgiveness by both countries. The population from the cities got revolted and started fighting their own country. Some cities, even from both countries, decided to allie and fight the ones who let them in the mud. Some years pass by and the war let some more cities in the fire and forgiveness. One by one, every destroyed city joins each other until one country gets formed and named: Forsakeland. It's explicit name was chose by purpose. To show them that they do not forget the abandomness of their own countries, and they won't stop fighting until both countries stop the war and give them the deserved apologies. The war lasted some more years and there was no apologies until the end of the war. But it was too late. Their hate was bigger than anything else and they only wanted revenge. Forsakeland was getting bigger and richer. The new war was getting harder for the Alliance and the conventional army could not handle the spontaneus guerrilla wars that were spawing everywhere. So, the Alliance decided to create a Special Force, which only purpose was to stop the guerrilla gangs. The A.G.F. (Anti Guerrilla Force) Division was created and consisted of the best trained soldiers from the Alliance Defense Army. Various secret A.G.F. Division Headquarters were created all over the countries and protected the zones that were most invaded by them.

One zone in particular, Purple River Valley - Vortiga, was the most affected by the gangs and was the one who needed the best A.G.F. team. And there is one better team than one formed by the best soldiers of Earth U.S. SEAL and the Alliance Elite Force?

One soldier in particular, Lt. Jeff Arth, had some special skills, only provided by his own race: Mine People.

During the years, workers from the mines of Vortiga or Minarium, started developing some mutations caused by the new minerals discovered in the mines of Novaterra. Those mutations allowed them to develop super-human skills like night-vision, capacity of prediction and a physical force that suprprassed any normal human capacity. These new skills interested the Army very much and started to force these "super-men" to join the army and fill the Special Operations Teams.

Jeff Arth is one of them and is the best.
Next Chapter: Chapter 1 - Banishment and Dishonor

Feedback, Suggestions?
Chapter 1 - Banishment and Dishonor

Purple River Valley A.G.F. HQ - Vortiga
06:30 AM

The first rays of light of the day shined through the blinds of Jeff's window, filling his room with dusty lines of brigh-yellow light. At the same time, the annoying beep of the alarm-clock sound through all the room, awaking Jeff with a scream and a jump. "Holy Freaking Jesus!" screamed Jeff. Furiously, he grabbed the noisy machine and throwed it at the wall, breaking it apart. "S*it! Now I have to buy another one..." he said. Anyway, it was better than being awake by the Corporal Thomas, who likes to wake up the soldiers with bucket of freeze water. That day was a Day of General Rest and so he could wake up at any hour he wanted, but he still woke up at 6:30AM (a very early hour for them actually, as in Novaterra a full day has 36 hours). He had to make a long way to home, at Northern Mines City - Minarium, to get with family and friends.

Jeff was almost ready to leave, when someone knocked at his door. It was Corporal Miller, his long-time friend at A.G.F.
"Good Morning Lieutenant Arth!" he complimented.
"Who cares Miller..." answered Jeff.
"Oh right... So, what's up?"
"Fine. Hey, has hell freezen' over? What the hell are you doin' so early?"
"Your alarm woke me up!"
"Oh yeah, I see... Once you wake up, you can't sleep anymore... So, you goin' anywhere today?"
"Dunno, maybe the usual. Getting some trouble with the chaps over here or whatever comes to my will... You're getting formally dressed, where ye goin'?"
"Home. Y'know family and stuff..."
"Yeah, usual crap I see... Well, I'll take your time no more, gotta fill my belly with beer..."
"The bar is not yet open Miller..."
"Who said bar, man?"
"No! You got beer in your room?! And you didn't told me anything all this time?!"
"No way I would tell you man! Your mouth leaks more than the Titanic! I don't want to get burned because of you! Anyway, I'm going to stop keeping the beers in my room, superiors are getting suspicious of me."
"You gonna keep them where, then?"
"Ain't telling you!"
"Oh c'mon!"
"For real!"
"Screw you! Oh dang! Gotta go!"
"I'm off too, then. Bye pal, cya later..."
Miller stepped off of his room and gone to his "booziness", as he likes to call it.
Jeff finished packing his stuff, leaved the room and headed for the Human Resource Office to fill an One-Day License Authorization Form, to officialize his exit of the secret installations. He got an One-Day Authorization Card, meaning he was authorized to abandon the building that whole day until 12:00 PM. One more minute out and no one is allowed to enter the building, even high rank Officers.
Jeff then headed for the exit door and gave the card to one of the guards.
"Everything seems to be in order Lt. Arth. You are allowed to exit the building today until 12:00 PM. Have a good General Rest Day, sir."
"Thanks" he nodded.
The other guard headed to a security console in the left and typed some code, then a green light opened over the door and it started to open, lifting it's thick metal upwards, revealing a big hall with some elevators that transported people to the vehicle parking of a mall, which served as an hiding frontend to the headquarters, so the Forsakens could never know where was the HQ located.
Jeff took his vehicle keycard from the pocket and pressed some codenumber to unlock his small Zero-Point Gravity Pod, then he pressed another button and a bright-silver levitating pod quickly appeared from the right side of him.
When he was about to enter the pod, his cell phone started to ring. The lieutenant grabbed the phone and answered.
"Lt. Arth?"
"Yes, who is this?"
"This is Captain Kliff, Lieutenant."
"Sorry sir! I didn't recognize your voice, sir"
"Your authorization for today was cancelled, Lieutenant. You have to present yourself in my office, as fast as possible. I have bad news for you, Lieutenant. Get here righ now!"
"err... Yes, sir! I will present myself in your office in no time, sir!"
"Good." and then clicked the phone right in Jeff's face.
"F****CK!!!" yelled Jeff, kicking the hell out of a garbage bin that was close to him.
He then ordered the pod to get back to his parking place and headed for the elevator, going all the way down, back to the installations. The moment the elevator door opened to the hall, two guards, armed with Crowd-Control Sticks, grabbed him by the arms and dragged him out of the elevator, then one more guard appeared from the exit door and forced him to wear a Personal Control Belt around the neck, that way, if Jeff tried to resist, he would recieve an electric shock from the belt and get him half-killed. Jeff was completely surprised about the happenings, what the hell was happening, why are they aprisionating him? The guards dragged him again, past the building, all the way through until Captain Kliff's office. Then they forced him to sit down and listen to the Captain.
Captain Kliff was sit down in his, with his regular null face expression. He then looked at Jeff and started talking:
"I'm going to be short and incisive, lieutenant. You are under arrest over the charge of the homicide of Corporal Michael Thomas. You are also banished from the Anti-Guerrilla Force Division. You are dishonorably discharged from all duties at the Alliance Defense Army. Sorry son."
Jeff was speechless, his blood just freezed and could not thing of anything.

The first day of a bad journey of events had just started...
Next chapter: Black Day in Heaven

Here is the first chapter! Hope you like! ;)
Chapter 2 - Arrested

"You gotta be kidding me!" that was the first thing Jeff thought after he got back from the shock.
"Do you have something to say, Lieutenant?" asked Captain Kliff "Or you stay silent, accept the accusation and think about your shame and the sore in your @ss that you gonna recieve at Heaven's Mount?" said the Captain with an evil smile.
Jeff looked up, stuttered a bit and said:
"There's gotta be something wrong here, sir! I didn't killed anybody, sir! There should be a confusion! I haven't seen Corporal Thomas for 3 days! Sir..."
"Tell about that in the courts, Lieutenant! I'm just here to inform you about your arrest, not to hear about your indignation! Guards, take him out to the cells!" ordered Cpt. Kliff to the guards "But just for tonight, tomorrow you will get your sorry butt kicked at Heaven's..."
Jeff got up and tried to express express his indignation, but one of the guards beated him in the right arm with the Crowd-Control Stick, which gave him a little shock and almost made him fall in the ground.
"Funny... He didn't predicted that." said the other guard "Are you losing your your Super Powers, freak?!"
"Guard!" yelled the captain "Are you trying to get your @ss busted too?"
"No, sir"
"Then STFU and just take him to the cells!"
"Yes, sir!"
The guards grabbed Jeff by the arms and took him the underground cells. It was the first time, since the installations were made, that the cells were going to be used.
Jeff was conducted through some public corridors, where everyone was. Everyone was surprised about the arrest of Lieutenant Jeff Arth, the best operative in the division, the one who could see in the dark, who could predict things, who could lift a car without apparent effort. Everyone gave his comment:
"Good luck Lieutenant! I believe you are innocent!"
"I never liked you already! I'm glad you're getting busted"
"Watch your butt at Heaven's, Minarian freak!"
Jeff wanted to react at the insults, but the necklace he was wearing would give him an almost fatal shock. He just whispered:
"Freak is your dad, Vortigan batty-boy..."
"Jeff, you are innocent man! You didn't killed Thomas! Look at me Jeffy!" yelled someone in the crowd. Jeff looked around and found Miller "Yes, it's me! Miller!"
"Miller, man!" he said "Could you guys let me talk with him?" asked him to the guards
"No, freak" answered one of the guards "We have explicit orders to not let you talk with anyone"
Jeff looked again to Miller and made a gesture with the head that meaned "No".
"I will see you at the cells, my friend!" yelled Miller again "I know you are innocent buddy!"

The underground dungeons consisted of 6 small cells, each one capable of keeping 3 persons for 2 or 3 days, with razonable living conditions. The room was still in mint condition, as nobody got busted since the aperture of the headquarters. They were made to keep faulty soldiers in prision or to serve as a safe zone in case of fire or something else.

But Jeff got the unpleasure of using it for the first time...


Next Chapter: Chapter 3 - Black Day in Heaven (for real this time)

I had to change the title of this chpater for continuity reasons.
Chapter 3 - Black Day in Heaven (First Part)

"Hey Lieutenant, wake up!" yelled the dungeon guard, waking up Jeff in the act "You got a visit!"
Jeff lifted his head from the pillow and let a smile open through his face when he saw Miller on the entrance door.
"Miller!" shouted him "Come here buddy, I need to talk with you!"
Understandind the positive reception, the dungeon guard opened the second entrance door and headed for Jeff's cell, followed by Miller.
"Can I enter the cell?" asked Miller to the guard when they reached the cell.
"No" replied the guard "Actually you can't even touch him, just talk. It's the rules folks!"
"Right. That's OK, I understand that" said Miller
"Fine. I'll be watching you guys from my post then" said the guard, who then leaved the two friends alone.
"Hey man!" said Jeff "Can you tell me what the hell is happening?!"
"I don't know either Jeff" replied Miller "All I know is that Thomas was found in the shooting range this morning, with one shot in the head"
"Why they accused me?" yelled Jeff "I haven't seen Thomas for 3 days! The last time I've been at the shooting range was four days ago! I did not killed him!!"
"I know!" shouted Miller as well "All this bullcrap isn't making any freaking sense at all!!"
"Hey!" yelled the guard too "Lower your voices! This isn't your house!"
"Sorry, sir!" apologized Miller "We got a little excited"
The guard nodded.
"Yeah, whatever, scream again and visit time is over for you"
"OK, fine" replied Miller, who then focused his attention again to Jeff "What are you going to do now?" asked him to Jeff.
"I don't know..." sighed Jeff.

Suddenly someone knocked at the dungeon door, scaring the hell out of the guard, who then relutantly got up from the chair and opened the door. It was Captain Kliff, accompained by two strange soldiers.
"Captain Kliff, sir. May I help you, sir?" asked the guard.
"Yes" replied the captain "I'm here to see our first "bird" ever, Ex-Lieutenant Jeff Arth."
"Yes, sir" answered the young guard "Follow me, sir"
The guard headed for Jeff's cell, followed by the middle-aged captain and the two soldiers.
"Captain Kliff, sir!" barked Miller when the captain arrived.
"At ease, Corporal!" ordered the captain "Now get the hell out of here! I want to have a private conversation with the ex-lieutenant."
"Sure thing, sir" replied Miller, who then leaved the dungeon, accompained by the guard.
Captain Kliff foccused his attention to Jeff then.
"Well, son" said Kliff with his typical null face "You're definately out of lucky. You're going to Heaven's sooner than expected! These two guards are from Heaven's Penitentiary and they are here to take you out for the prison"
"Oh great!" thought Jeff.
"Well, let's not waste more time then!" said the captain "Guard, open this cell!"
"Yes, sir" replied the dungeon guard, who immediately headed for his post command and opened the gate on a console located in his desk. Then the captain ordered the two soldiers to grab Jeff and take him out of the cell. Then one of the soldiers, pick a control necklace from his gear and wears it around Jeff's neck.
"Let's go!" ordered the captain to the soldiers. Quickly, they dragged Jeff out of the dungeon and conducted him through the public corriders again, but this time there was no one outside the rooms, only security guards. When they finally reached the exit door, it was already opened and with two more of these soldiers waiting for them in the elevator.
Jeff entered the elevator with the four guards, who took him to a hidden garage of the mall parking lot, where a banal multiperson transportation pod was waiting to conduct them to the Heaven's Mount Penitentiary Center...


Next Chapter: Chapter 3 - Black Day in Heaven (Second Part)

I think this one should have had another title, but I couldn't delay that title forever...

Whatever... I suck at this anyway ;)
No feedback yet? Give me some feedback lads! From constructive criticims to harsh flames, I really need it, so I can actually start a good story. ;)
Chapter 3 - Black Day in Heaven (Second Part)

It was a long and boring trip through the busy and ugly streets of Purple River City, until they arrived at the outside highways, where the fresh and green forests and the high imponent mountains were predominant. Jeff looked through the right window to admire the breathtaking landscape, for, probably, the last time ever.

Heaven's Mount Prison was, most probably, the best penitentiary in the known universe, only matched by the Martian Extreme Security Penitentiary, contructed by the Earth Council to transfer the most dangerous prisioners from Earth to Mars, where they had no slightly chance to escape.

"We're almost there" informed the driver "We're almost arriving to your new home, Lieutenant, look at your left window!"
Jeff moved his head to the left side and saw the huge prison, located at the top of a mountain.
"You like it?" asked one of the guards.
"It's certainly better than the dumpster where you live" replied Jeff, who got a response from the guard in the form of a laugh.
"Ha ha ha! Good one boy! One more response like that and is my stick that will laugh at you!" threatened the guard.
Jeff draw a bare smile at him and continued looking at the window.

They drove some more miles until they arrived to a guard post in the entrance of the mountain. The guard who was driving passed some papers to the post guard, who then ordered to another guard inside the post to open the entrance gate. Jeff saw while the gate slowly opened and let the entrance tunnel of the mountain to be seen. There was a lot of watch towers spread by the vegetationless slopes of the mountain. Each tower had a scanner attached to the top, that was able to scan every inch of the terrain for any type of lifeform, even the most insignificant ant. It was so sensible, that could lifeforms through a thick wall of lead.

The sun light that was entering through the pod windows was suddenly cut when they entered the access tunnel. The tunnel was not too big, as it was just an access to the elevators that conducted through the several levels of the prison.

They parked the pod in a garage, took Jeff to one of the elevators and lifted through the various levels, until they reached the very top of the prison. Then they conducted Jeff through one large coridor until they arrived at a big room with showers and some lockers.
"Undress yourself, Lieutenant!" ordered one of the guards.
"I can't with this necklace" replied Jeff.
The guard kept silent for a while and then ordered to the guard at the left of Jeff to take of his necklace. Freed from the necklace, Jeff could take off his clothes and give them to the guard at his right, who immediataly put them in a bin and then grabbed some prison clothes from a locker.
"Wear these clothes, Lieutenant. They will be your official clothes from now on" said the guard.
Jeff dressed the green and grey clothes with reluctance and forced to wear the necklace again after that.
Then they conducted him again through the corridor, but this time they turned to the left to another corridor, where they headed for an office to register the new prisoner.
After that, they took him to the elevator again and gone down two levels, to the privative cells zone.
"You got a bit of luck after all Lieutenant" said one of the guards "Capatain Kliff negotiated your arrest with the prison and got an authorization to keep you in the, what we call, VIP level, where you will be treated like a king. Also, you will never mix with the scum from the lower levels. After all, your superiors like you"

Jeff looked to the giant hall with hundreds of cells, which one suited for one person only. Some cells even had guards securing them.
The guards conducted Jeff to his cell, through some corridors, until they reached a small cell with the number #876. The one of the guards opened the cell and showed it to Jeff. It was a small sized, with bed, private WC, a mini-fridge, a table with a small television in top of it and a chair.
"Here you are. Your new home from now on" laughed one of the guards "Lights go off at 30 PM and waking time is at 10 AM, breakfast from 11 AM to 12 AM, lunch from 16 PM to 17 PM and dinner from 21 PM to 22 PM. The rest of the time you can go around the restricted zone. Any questions?"
"Yeah" said Jeff "Is there room service?"
The guards laughed a bit.
"No" replied the guard "Now f*ck off and enter the cell"
The guard pushed Jeff to the inside of the cell and closed the door. Jeff almost fell down. He was surprised how come the necklace didn't gave him a shock because of the brusque movement.
"Hey!" screamed Jeff from the inside of the cell "What about my necklace?!"
"It got deactivated from the moment you entered the cell. Don't worry about that" replied the guard "You can take it off if you want"
Jeff looked around, blaming his luck and wondering what the hell was going on.

It was going to be the first day of the rest of his life.


Next chapter: Chapter 3 - Black Day in Heaven (Final Part)

I splitted this chapter in three parts because I didn't wanted to make a huge post.
I would really like some feedback guys... :|
I like it. Seems pretty good to me, even with the acronyms and all :) Write some more, seems great so far! I'm just wondering why he was placed in the VIP cell, however...
It seems pretty solid, but... if it's non-HL related fan fiction, what universe is it from? I have to confess I don't recognise any of the references :|

Unless you created it, in which case kudos to you, but then how does it count as fan fiction? I suppose it's a HL fans fiction, heh...
Edcrab said:
It seems pretty solid, but... if it's non-HL related fan fiction, what universe is it from? I have to confess I don't recognise any of the references :|

Unless you created it, in which case kudos to you, but then how does it count as fan fiction? I suppose it's a HL fans fiction, heh...
It's got nothing to do with the HL universe, it's a new one.

Thanks for the feedback guys! A new chapter is being forged right now as I write this! :thumbs:
Chapter 3 - Black Day in Heaven (Final Part)

"Rise and shine, you fine ladies!" screamed the guard in the corridor "You have half an hour to take a bath before breakfast, so hurry up cleaning your delicate backsides!"
Jeff was already awake. He didn't sleep anyway. He passed all night walking around the cell, thinking on what happened yesterday, but still not understanding nothing at all. He hadn't seen Thomas for three days, he didn't had access to any sort of weaponary for three days too and he had no reasons to kill Thomas anyway. Also, everything had gone too fast: the body discovery, the accusation, the discharge, the arrest, everything. What kind of evidence did the police found in the crime scene, to immediately accuse him? All the thing smelled as a set-up.

Suddenly the cell door opened and the corridor guard shouted to everyone to wear the necklace and step off the cells.
Jeff got up from the bed and weared the necklace, looking to the multiple rays of sun caused by the grid of the small window of the cell.
"Hey Lieutenant!" shouted a guard by his door cell, deviating Jeff's attention from the window to the door "Because you are new here, I'm going to guide you through this gorgeous prison today, so you can know where is everything. With some exceptions of course..."
Jeff looked at him for a second and nodded affirmatively.
"Let's go then!" said the guard "Take off your necklace, you don't need it. I trust in you."
That last line took Jeff by surprise. There was something strangely familiar in the way he told that.
Jeff stepped off the cell and followed the guard.
"Aren't the other guards going to notice that I'm not going to the showers and I'm not wearing the necklace?" asked Jeff to the guard.
"Yeah, but the guide through the prison is something normal for new ones like you."
"Isn't this dangerous anyway? I mean, you got here criminals of the worst kind and you take turistic guides through the prison to those guys, without any sort of protection to you?"
"Normally they always wear the necklace, but some exceptions are made for some guys, like you for example."
"I'm accused of homicide, how can you trust that I'm not going to attack you?"
"Because you are innocent. And I know you are not going to attack me." answered the guard, who then looked at Jeff and blinked an eye to him. "I would predict that anyway. We, Mine People, can do that" whispered him to Jeff with a small smile on his face.
Jeff almost backed off after that commentary, he knew there was something familiar about that guard. Something in the way he talked to him.
"How do you know that I'm innocent?" whispered Jeff to the Miner.
"Long story, I can't tell you that here." answared the guard "All you need to know is that you need to get the hell out of here fast."
Jeff was getting even more surprised by every minute.
"How I'm going to escape from here? Every inch of this prison is being watched!"
"Shhh!" whispered the guard "Don't talk about that here. You need to follow me to a more reserved section, so we can talk freely."
The guard looked around and ordered Jeff to follow him through some corridors till they entered a small and empty conference room, where the prisioners take the visits.
The guard locked the door and sat down in a small couch.
"First things first." said the guard "My name's Andrew Vance and I'm from East Mines City at Minarium." He then lifted his hand at Jeff.
"Jeff Arth, from Northen Mines" said Jeff while he shook Andrew's hand "Do you want to help me to escape?"
"Because you are a Miner. Miners don't kill people."
"What? Why do you say that? Miners do kill people! I know some Miners who killed people!"
"Wrong! They were framed up as well! I work in this prison for a long time, I know things! Hell, I'm not even supposed to interact with the prisioners! I work at the archives, and I pass my time reading and organizing the files. Every Miner who passd in this prison was accused of homicide and the evidences were identic to yours. They were all high ranked militars, and every one was working at an AFG division. Maybe some Forsaken trying weaken the divisions. They all know that one Miner is as worth as three strong normal soldiers."
"How can that be? Very few people outside the army know about the locations of the headquarters."
"No, it has to be someone inside the division. Can you bring some suspect right now?"
"There are some people in my division that don't like me, but I don't believe they would do that. Also, everyone liked Thomas, even me, although I had some issues with him in the past, but it was nothing too serious. By the way, what are the evidence against me?"
"Well, to start, he was shot in the forehead with your assigned handgun. Then the shot is from short distance and was made with a supressor, indicating that the victim knew the killer, throwing more suspecting towards you. And lastly, they found an object that belongs to you."
"Your watch."
"My watch? That can't be! I've lost my watch 2 days before the crime!"
Suddenly Jeff's got petrified by a sudden memory that assaulted his mind.
"That can't be!" he whispered in desperation.


Finally a new chapter! It had been a while wasn't it? Well I hope you like it! Also, I'm going to stop naming the chapters, so I can have more freedom.
Chapter 4

"What? What can't be?" asked Andrew to the lieutenant "Did you remembered something about the watch?"
Jeff stuttered.
"Yeah. I mean, no... I mean... I don't now for sure..."
"What then?"
"You see, I have this friend in the division, his name's Miller. He's my best friend and he's the only one with total confidence to enter and use my room."
"So... Are you saying that he's the only one who could've entered your room and grabbed your watch?"
"Exactly. I trust him, in fact I could have not worried at all about the watch, if it had not appeared in the crime scene."
"You got the first suspect then!"
"No! God! I wouldn't go so far!" shouted Jeff "Miller gets a lot of visits to his room everyday, he has no secrets to anyone, his room is as public as the break room, anyone can enter it. My guess is that the killer entered his room, grabbed my watch and dropped it at the crime scene because he knew my watch was mine."
"That's a good point too. But anyway, did you ever noticed something strange about that Miller guy? You know, something not regular to a soldier of his importance" asked Andrew.
"Well, I couldn't say strange. He's from Earth, so he has some different habits from us, but nothing out of orbit, do you understand?" Andrew nodded "The strangiest thing I can point right now is his addiction to alcohol. He always gets drunk everynight, always. Is that strange enough?" Andrew's face changed from serious to surprised after that revelation.
"What... What does he drink?" asked Andrew.
"Beer, mostly. Why?"
"Just beer? He does not drink something else?"
"Sometimes he drinks some liquors, whisky, vodka, you know." answered Jeff "Although, sometimes he drinks some strange liquid from a small green bottle, but he only drinks in secret, by some reason he never drinks that in front of other people, even me."
Andrew's face paralised.
"Hey Andrew, are you ok?" asked Jeff.
"Yeah I'm ok." Andrew sighed "Oh boy... You won't believe what I'm going to tell you..."
"What? What are you going to tell me?"asked jeff, almost shouting.
Suddenly someone knocked at the room's door.
"Sh*t!" whispered Andrew, getting up from the couch "Hide behind that couch over there! They can't see me with you here."
Jeff promptly hidden himself behind a yellow couch at the other side of the room. Knocked at the door again.
"Open the door! I know there's someone in here!" shouted a guard.
"It's me, Andrew!" shouted Andrew "I'll open the door now."
Andrew headed for the door and opened it just a bit, and passed his head through the small aperture.
"Hi John!" greeted Andrew to the guard.
"What are you doing here Andrew? You know you're not allowed to be in this section." asked the guard "And why you locked the door?"
"I'm reading some files here."
"What? You have your own cabinet to work."
"Yeah, but here is more silent, so I can work better. And i've locked my door so no one could disturb me."
The guard was having an hard time believing in him.
"OK." sighed John "Oh by the way, we can't seem to find a new bird that arrived yesterday. Some lieutenant. Did you saw him around here by any chance?"
Andrew was starting to get nervous.
"Hmmm, nope. In fact I'm here from before wake up time, so I haven't seen anyone around here, sorry."
"Ok..." sighed the guard.
Suddenly something strange about Andrew flashed in John's mind.
"Hey, there's somehing different about you today... I don't know what..."
Andrew was almost exploding with the nerves.
"Damn! If he notices that I'm wearing a guard uniform, I'm screwed! Think about something fast!"
"Yeah, you're right. I've cut my hair." said Andrew, ponting to his hair "See?"
The guard kept silent for 3 seconds, staring at Andrew's face, then he nodded and stepped off, leaving Andrew alone.
Andrew closed the door and ordered Jeff to leave behind the couch.
"God damn!" shouted Andrew "I was almost attacking the sucker! Fortunately he's dumb as a door and didn't notice that I was wearing a guard uniform!"
"What are we going to do now?" asked Jeff.
"This room is not safe anymore. We need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible."

John was almost three corridors away when he finally remembered what was strange about Andrew. The clothes. Andrew was wearing a guard uniform.
"Son of a b*tch!" he shouted "I knew he was hiding something from me!"
John rotated on his feet and started running towards the corridor again.
When he arrived at the corridor, the conferee room's door was opened.
He looked to inside the room, but it was empty.
"SH*T!" he screamed. Then he grabbed a small walkie talkie in his back and talked to the central.
"John Marly here. Andrew Vance is helping a prisioner to escape. I repeat. Andrew Vance is helping a prisioner to escape! Seek him! Over."
Then he grabbed his handgun and cocked it.
"Those motherf*ckers are not going anywhere..."


w00t! The plot thickens! As always, give your feedback ;)
Chapter 5

"He's gone" whispered Andrew to Jeff, while observing through a small aperture of the door's hatch "The corridor is clear for now"
They hidden themselves in a room right next to the conference room the moment they heard John screaming and running back to the corridor.
Andrew slowly opened the door and looked around the corridor to see if anyone was there, but it was clear.
"Let's go!" he ordered to Jeff, who was hidden in the room's darkness.
They quickly leaved the room and ran to a corridor on the left, which had no exit.
"There is no exit here!" whispered Jeff "Where the hell are we going to?"
"Shut up and just follow me!" shouted Andrew.
When they were almost at the end of the corridor, Andrew turn right and entered on an empty room.
"What the f..." Jeff was promptly interrupted by Andrew "I said shut up! Just do what I say you to do ok?"
Jeff was surprised by the apparent Andrew's change of behavior but he still obeyed his order. Andrew knew that prison much better than him anyway.
"See that grate up there?" asked Andrew, pointing to a small grate in the wall. Jeff nodded affirmatively. "That's our way out" Jeff's face made a surprise expression. Andrew made a smile on his face when he saw the lieutenant's face.
"Yeah, I know, a bit too obvious, just like in the movies. But that's just one of the countless errors of this prison. If you saw all the corners of this prison you would be surprised by how many security holes were made during it's construction. Obviously none of them are public. Anyway, only a few know about them, because the specific security measures on the prisioners are so good, that no one has escaped from this prison since his aperture. But I think you are going to be the first exception, mate"
"By just going through the ventilation system?" asked Jeff, completely skeptic "You are kidding me, right?"
"No, but going through the ventilation system it's just the easier task. What comes after is the real challenge" answered Andrew, strangely excited about the whole thing "When I have some spare time in my work, I pass the time studying the plans of the prison, so I know every inch of this builiding like the back of my hand"
"For what reason? To help someone to escape?" laughed Jeff.
"Exactly!" exclaimed Andrew "My life is boring as hell and I wanted to memorize every inch of this prison, so, sometime, I could help someone to escape and have a very exciting adventure. Hell, I'm wasting my natural skills with this boring life!"
Jeff laughed a bit.
"You are a very strange guy, Andrew..."
Suddenly they heard screams and the sound of men running coming from the other corridor.
"Inspect every room on this corridor!" screamed John to the other men "They gotta be here somewhere!"
"Damn!" whispered Andrew "Quick, boost me to the grate!"
Jeff got on his knees and boosted Andrew, who promptly retired the grate from the wall, put it inside the vent and pulled himself to the vent. Jeff was hearing the sounds of the men getting closer.
"Hey you!" whispered him to Andrew "Are you forgeting me?"
Andrew's head appeared from the vent all of sudden.
"No. I was just positionating myself so I can pull you" answered Andrew, while putting out his arms "Grab my arms!"
Jeff grabbed his arms and got pulled to the ventilation tunnel. Then Andrew backed off a little to grab the grate, put it again on the wall and proceeded to positioanate himself again.
"Ok, if my memory serves me, this ventilation will lead to the showers" said Andrew.
"Isn't that dangerous?" alerted Jeff "It's still bath time"
"I know, but we'll wait 'till the showers are empty. Then we will exploit another glitch" informed Andrew "Ok, let's go"
The two guys crawled through the ventilation system for almost five minutes until they arrived at the showers zone.
"Cool!" exclaimed Andrew "It's already empty"
Then he retired the grate, which was smartly dissimulated on the ceiling by a fake block of painted foam, so the steam of the showers could escape. Then Andrew shortly proceeded to watch if there was someone.
"Its clear" he announced "Let's step down"
Andrew shortly proceeded to hung up on the vent and fall down on the floor, making some noise on the act.
"Sh*t" he whispered "I might have to help you go down, your boots are going to make a hell of a noise on the fall"
Suddenly the shower's door opened and a guard got inside without noticing them. Andrew got completely paralised.
"F*CK!! We're screwed!" he thought.


As always, give your feedback!
Chapter 6

Andrew watched terrified as the old man went into the showers and dissapeared behind a locker.
The miner looked around for somewhere to hide.
"What's happening?" asked Jeff, still in the vent. Andrew looked up and made a gesture for Jeff to shut up. Then the old guard left the locker and headed for the exit door, but at that moment he noticed Andrew, looking up at the small ventilation exit.
"Hey you!" shouted the guard.
Andrew was so startled he almost fell on his back when the man screamed to him.
"What are you doing here?" asked the man.
Andrew stuttered a few words but nothing with logic left his mouth. The old man looked at him with a distrustful look.
"Are you a fugitive?" asked him.
"No! God no! I'm just fixing the ventilation..."
"Without any tools? And you are a guard!"
"Errr... Yeah. I mean, the people from the central told me to investigate this spot, because they said something was blocking the air flow. It's just that, there's no need for tools."
"Oh I see. Do you need any help at that?"
"Oh no, no need, thank you. Anyway, I was just finishing up."
"But I insist, young man. I've got nothing better to do right now."
Then the old man walked towards Andrew and tried to see through the dark hole but Andrew interrupted him.
"I insist too, sir. There's nothing to see here, believe me."
"Hey what's up boy? You're a bit too nervous for my taste." and then he looked up again but this time he just saw as two strong arms arised from the ventilation, grabbed his shoulders and put him to sleep with a small pression on the nerves. The old man almost fell on the ground but Andrew got him on time.
"What the hell did you just did?!" shouted Andrew to Jeff, while looking to at the old man "Is he dead?"
"No. He's sleeping." said Jeff while he got down of the vent "Hide him somewhere. We need to get out of here fast. I think I heard something on the vents."
"Cleaner-Bots?" asked Andrew.
"You might have heard cleaner-bots cleaning the vents."
Jeff shrugged his soulders and said "Whatever it was, I couldn't stay up there anymore. Hide him, let's go!"
Andrew nodded and hid the sleeping old man on a WC cabinet.
"Ok" said Andrew, while getting back to Jeff "Now we need to get to the service elevator, which is not too far from here"
The two folks headed for the exit door and Andrew looked through the door small window, but he got down quick with a surprised face.
"There's a guard walking towards here!" said Andrew "Hide behind the lockers! I'll take care of her!"
"Her?" asked Jeff.
"Yes, her!" answered Andrew "She's my sister. Now go hide yourself! I've got an ideia."
Jeff hid behind the lockers and saw while Andrew opened the door and called his sister.
"Hey Bea, come over here!" whispered to his sister "I need to talk with you."
Bea confused walked towards him.
"What are you doing here?" she asked "And why are you wearing a guard uniform?"
"Don't talk here sis, just enter in the damn showers!"
When she entered in the showers, she was immediately caught by Jeff's sharp eyes. She was really beatiful, with his dark hair and big green eyes.
"What's going on here, Andrew?" she asked, confused "Why are you wearing a guard's uniform?"
"It's a long story Bea, but I can't tell you now." he said "I need you to make me a favor."
"It depends." she answered "What is it?"
"Well..." said Andrew "I need you to guide me and a friend of mine to a safe location out of the prison."
"What?" Bea almost shouted "Are you helping a fugitive?"
Andrew made a strange face, it seemed that sector still didn't know about Jeff's escape.
"Well, yes I am..." confessed Andrew "Are you going to help me or not?"
"That's it!" said Bea "You just got f*cking crazy! Of course I'm not going to help you!"
Andrew thought for a bit and then said:
"Even if he is a Keeper of the Crystal?"
I would like some feedback people!

Oh btw, soon I will publish a new version of this story on , with all the errors fixed, more details and a reworked plot-line.
good, you must type so fast or have a good stamina !

Here you go! :)

I've just uploaded the prologue for now, I'll add the rest in the coming days. It will take a while tho, as I need to pratically rewrite every chapter to fit the quality standards of the site.

As for a new chapter, don't expect it so soon for now.

That's all folks.
Nice move using FP... no offence to my fellow forumites, but at least there you're guaranteed to get feedback from people who definitely know their stuff, as opposed to someone like me who just... um... reads things without really thinking about the issues therein.
wow! It's been like forever since I wrote the last chapter. Damn, I just forgot about it. Now I was reading through some chapters and smiling at all the spelling errors, weak and childish writing, bad phrase construction and everything else. My own story wasn't really captivating me. I got bored after the first 4 chapters! And after all this time I can't be arsed to re-write or even continue it.

Oh well, consider this an unfinished project.
Hello again!

Me and a friend decided to resurrect this story, but this time as a full-featured book. I've set-up a wiki page, so we can work on it easier. Feel free to follow the development of the book! I've also put the original story there.

K, bye! :)