The 7 Hour War(whatever)

Jack Thomas

Feb 24, 2005
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You all know what the 7 hour war, dont ya? When the Combine attacks Earth. Well, my question is, what whould have you done during the alien invasion? What whould the experience feel like to you and what whould it generally look like?
I would have been sitting in my basement, locked away.
Just like every other day.
Ummm if the whole world would be under control in 7 hours it would be absolute chaos, i mean you will always have people fighting until the end, you could imagine a skyline with loads of combine dropships coming down buildings on fire, tanks getting blown to crap e.t.c e.t.c

If there was an alien invasion i would dig a fox hole on a hill and sit in it with a bag full of bottled water and tins of beans, because i live in the UK i would have **** all guns so i would have to fight aliens with a machette or something.
Would hide - assuming we actually knew about it (combine taking out satellites before assault)
I would be on my computer saying,
"Hey guess hwat everybody there is a war going on"
same as "TheAmazingRando" or, if i'd been drinking and was in the frame of mind that I'm a one man army, probably go out and get my self killed ;).

EDIT: and it's the '7 Hour War' not the '7 Hour war whatever'. Get it right ;).
I'd probably be asleep, then wake up when its over, and say "Huzzah!?1"
I'd go into the wilderness, never to be seen again...

Well, one day i'l come back after finsing some secret abandoned military base.
I'd probably just wait for 'em to come get me, and whack 'em all with... hmmm...

Are combine alergic to Dr. Pepper? Wait, I'm gonna drink all that...
That'd be a great idea for an HL2 expansion. Play out the 7 hour war from the eyes of Barney. Then maybe we can get a better explanation of what happened instead of just speculating.
jet jaguar said:
That'd be a great idea for an HL2 expansion. Play out the 7 hour war from the eyes of Barney. Then maybe we can get a better explanation of what happened instead of just speculating.
I bet someone's planning it RIGHT now. I had an idea to do it before I started work on Head-Humped, but I think I was told someone was already planning it.
i would find gordon and "follow freeman" (if i could.) if not i would find a gun and die killing combine :sniper: and lose my virginity :thumbs:
I would be on my computer saying,
"Hey guess hwat everybody there is a war going on"
I bet 90% of people who post here would do the same thing! :p :dork:
Knowing my luck I'd have a Citadel warped in on top of me.
We're in Australia... our natural defenses are probably big enough :)

Look to my sig, if you don't beleive me!
i always learn about whats going on weeks after everyone else so i probly wouldn't even know it happened, then a week later id walk outside and be shot.
Probably pray that there isn't a combine standing beside me with a stunstick reared back in preparation to hit my head, then find out he's really preparing to hit me in the nuts. *Wha-BAM* *ZZZAAAAPP* AIIIIIIIIIIIIIH! YOU MOTHERFU... *BLAM BLAM*
I would turn god mode on with Impulse 101.
Danimal said:
I would turn god mode on with Impulse 101.

Impulse 101 just gives you guns, ammo and the HEV! not god mode! :dork: :dork:
7 hr war?
isn't it the time period you have to reformat your system after installing windows? :p
Jack Thomas said:
You all know what the 7 hour war, dont ya? When the Combine attacks Earth. Well, my question is, what whould have you done during the alien invasion? What whould the experience feel like to you and what whould it generally look like?

I'm sure we'll all know ones we've finnished half life³
Hmmm id open up my console and turn on sv_cheats to 1 so me and my m8s could turn on noclip god impulse 101 and maybe a little bit of npc_create npc_vortigaunt
thats some QWERTY Sh*t
see now my sexyness,
that would save me, because it acts like a shield

edit: my sexyness is QWERTY!!!
YESS ^^^^ ne0 you just won my eternal respect and some chocolate
St. Vegas said:
I'd probably be asleep, then wake up when its over, and say "Huzzah!?1"
Thats an interesting thought. At least some of the world would be in darkness during the war. I guess I'd probably sleep right through it if that was the case. Wake up in the morning and think 'WTF!?!".

If it happened during daylight it would probably still take a while for most of the world to realize and get a grip on what is happening, especially areas far away from military bases and the like.

I doubt I'd try to fight them. 16 year olds wouldn't be much use against a full alien invasion force. I suppose the Combine wouldn't have any human soldiers in its ranks yet, so it'd be mainly dropships, striders, and perhaps Vortigaunt slaves, as well as those Headcrab pods.
I'd find a nice hole in the ground... like Black Mesa East.. but less of an "attention whore of the bunker world"
The amount of people who said they would hide etc. Not surprising Earth would be taken over in 7 hours everyone would be hiding.
We could burrow underground! COMMENCE THE NEW ZION!

Everyone would have to be tanned, though. Spend those seven hours tanning, people!
westie said:
The amount of people who said they would hide etc. Not surprising Earth would be taken over in 7 hours everyone would be hiding.
well its a better plan to hide knowing there's no hope of winning after being caught in a surprise attack and live to plan a more organised retaliation later, than thinking you stand a chance fighting a more advanced enemy while armed with your sharp stick and harsh words, your not Arnie, you never will be :p