The AI!??



In the gameplay movie and some other movies, it looks like the combine soldiers are just standing there!??? not taking cover, and reloading in the open (?). im just wondering, will it be like that in the final game? :(

(im a n00b in forum's and all that stuff, so i dont know if this question i been asked before:eek: )
Well in the E3 demo, they had god mode turned on so the AI reacts very differently to an invincible opponent.

Anyone played the freedom fighters demo, the enemy (and allied) AI on that is excellent, with them seeking cover and when you shoot at them they run back and stuff. Excellent. I hope HL2's AI is similar.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Well in the E3 demo, they had god mode turned on so the AI reacts very differently to an invincible opponent.

lol, maybe thats why they were pointing at him, they were probably thinking.

Originally posted by Mr.SqueeZ
In the gameplay movie and some other movies, it looks like the combine soldiers are just standing there!??? not taking cover, and reloading in the open (?). im just wondering, will it be like that in the final game? :(

(im a n00b in forum's and all that stuff, so i dont know if this question i been asked before:eek: )

I dont think it has been asked, and its an interesting question. ANimal why the hell would you flame him, jackass. It could be like Para said, the AI would react differnetly to differnet situations (ie gordon being a god) it also could be that the game is set on easy, so the enemy isnt as hard oon you.
This crops up about once a week. It has been asked before.

The AI was toned down for the E3 movies. This has been comfirmed. They won't just stand there in the full game.
I don't think the AI actually recognized they were using God Mode. That's something that would have to be added on to correspond with the cheat, and I doubt they spend that kinda time on it.

Also, they weren't using God Mode. You can see Gordon takes damage, they just lowered the damage incredibly. My guess is they simply turned the advanced AI off to show off hte game without having to chase down enemies. Look at the much improved AI in Traptown to see the difference.
It's not that the AI knows when the player has god mode on or not, but it's always like this in any FPS games: try it in HL1 you'll see they'll mostly stand there and reload without taking cover. It's more like the AI is non existent when you turn god mode on. At least that's the way it seems to me :)
they werent using god mode. If they'd been using god mode then gordan wouldnt have been getting hurt. They just had the AI turned down to probably the lowest level.
He never lost any health only armor if I remember correctly.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
He never lost any health only armor if I remember correctly.

Watch them again. Particularly the part with the Turrets. He lost health, in the Bug Bait video.

The AI was toned down for the E3 videos. This has been confirmed.
:LOL: i was kinda scared there, i hope they have tuned the AI down to the lowest skill setting... (can't wait for halflife2!!!) :cheers:
If you want a better sense of the movement AI, watch the allies. They move around, they take cover when reloading, etc. The combine certainly are not going to be worse than that.
Yeah the AI was pretty stupid. Especially the allies. I mean c'mon when the helicopter was chasing the your ally in the barricade vid he was practically walking...
I think the AI will be very nice. At least a heck of a lot better then HL1 *I REFUSE TO GO ANOTHER STEP!* :D:D:D

/me whacks scientist over the head with a crowbar.
Also in barricade barney didnt even notice the manitee looking hover craft thingy until it was right on top of him, then he didnt take cover or anything, just stood there and emptied his clip.

And the Ai wasnt all that great in any vid. Everyone seems to agree that the AI was turned up for traptown, but in traptown you have guys walking str8 at you blasting away then reloading without taking cover, standing in corners staring at walls not knowing what to do. Even at the end when you come to the edge of the roof overlooking the courtyard, when they see you they just run up against the wall and look str8 up and blast away.

The AI has just been hyped up.
I'm backing WickedEwok. This whole 'oh, we turned the AI down for the videos' argument doesn't make any sense at all.
Originally posted by WickedEwok
Also in barricade barney didnt even notice the manitee looking hover craft thingy until it was right on top of him, then he didnt take cover or anything, just stood there and emptied his clip.

And the Ai wasnt all that great in any vid. Everyone seems to agree that the AI was turned up for traptown, but in traptown you have guys walking str8 at you blasting away then reloading without taking cover, standing in corners staring at walls not knowing what to do. Even at the end when you come to the edge of the roof overlooking the courtyard, when they see you they just run up against the wall and look str8 up and blast away.

The AI has just been hyped up.

The AI was turned down during Trapdown, They just were able to walk as well. Rest assured that the Combine AI wasn't fully up to spec. The Half Life 1 AI was better than that, for gods sake.

I thought the AI for your Allies was quite impressive in the Barricade Video. They took cover and moved up in an intelligent way.

Barney didn't see the Manatee thing because he was looking in the other direction. Also, there was any cover near him when he did notice it. And the video faded out. Judging by the AI in the Strider Video, he would've fired a few shots, then Ran away.

It's nice to know that one of your critisms of the AI was that someone didn't see something that was behind him. Well done.
Originally posted by koopa
I'm backing WickedEwok. This whole 'oh, we turned the AI down for the videos' argument doesn't make any sense at all.

And Valve would just make rubbish AI when they've made far better in Half Life 1 makes sense to you?
gordons health was multiplied by at least 10 some of the videos. i know this because when the head crab attacked him it only took one HP, as opposed to ten.
Originally posted by XtAkm4p
gordons health was multiplied by at least 10 some of the videos. i know this because when the head crab attacked him it only took one HP, as opposed to ten.

When you have your HEV suit charged in Half-Life 1, Headcrabs only take 1 HP.
feath, if you buy into all the hype bs your only setting yourself up for dissapointment.
Barney didn't see the Manatee thing because he was looking in the other direction. Also, there was any cover near him when he did notice it

So the charactars only notice an enemy if the enemy happens to pass right through their feild of vision?

He was standing in the doorway of the black metal shit, that shit thats eating through city17. He could have ducked behind it.

It's nice to know that one of your critisms of the AI was that someone didn't see something that was behind him. Well done.

LOL! its not like the mantee was creeping around. It makes a hellofa lot of noise and it was shooting.
he is just explaining that the AI was turned down and you guys are acting like thats how its gonna be when the game is release.
Originally posted by WickedEwok
feath, if you buy into all the hype bs your only setting yourself up for dissapointment.

I judging this by the vidoes. I'm not buying any hype. I know of too many games that said they would have great AI, but then Disappointed.

I saw the Half Life 1 AI in Action and your Allies AI in the Barricade video, and I'm judging Valve's AI skills by that. Not any cynical "It's all hype" hyperbole.
heheh, i find all this very funny. And its been disscussed allready damn it.

This is some of the best AI in a game to date that we have seen so far. And valve said that it was turned down for presentation purposes.
I have an idea. You lot play project IGI then come back here and complain about AI. This game looks fun. Would it be half as fun if they ran and hid all the time meaning you couldent manipulate things as them!

Just stop worrying.
And for the last time. You cant change what the AI in game is going to be like, thats up to valve. You will get what your given whether its great or crap. Just accept it, lol.

My opinions, flame away:cheers:
Im not saying its ALL hype, im just saying the AI wont be EVERYTHING its cracked up to be.

People get so defensive =\
Originally posted by Feath
And Valve would just make rubbish AI when they've made far better in Half Life 1 makes sense to you?
These videos are adverts. If you want to sell something, you don't completely nerf the AI. Every single game since Pong has promised new, revolutionary AI - and I'll believe it when I see it.

On the strength of the videos I'd say it's better than HL1. But let's not get carried away on the hype.
Originally posted by WickedEwok
Im not saying its ALL hype, im just saying the AI wont be EVERYTHING its cracked up to be.

People get so defensive =\

Lol, the AI wasn't that bad considering the fact that the Combines had had almost all of their advanced actions stripped, and were only able to stand there...:LOL:
Exactly, If its like it is now. Then that is GREAT AI.
If its beter than it is now then its AMMAZING AI.

remember that :)
Originally posted by WickedEwok
Im not saying its ALL hype, im just saying the AI wont be EVERYTHING its cracked up to be.

People get so defensive =\

I was correcting you. You seemed to think that the Traptown Combine AI was representative of the final version.

It's not.
And the Ai wasnt all that great in any vid. Everyone seems to agree that the AI was turned up for traptown, but in traptown you have guys walking str8 at you blasting away then reloading without taking cover, standing in corners staring at walls not knowing what to do. Even at the end when you come to the edge of the roof overlooking the courtyard, when they see you they just run up against the wall and look str8 up and blast away.

another thing i noticed: when the big steel-thingy swang down att the combine soldiers, they just stood and watched a big steelthing mow they'r brains out... i realy hope they have tuned down the AI!

(but anyway, cant wait to get my hands on hl2 :bounce: )
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
And valve said that it was turned down for presentation purposes.

Nope. I am 90% sure that Valve has never said anything about whether the AI in the videos was or was not turned down at all. That is the conclusion many people on the forum have come to based on things like the friendly AI and the fact that the combine weren't being as smart as HL1 enemies. But there is NO official word on this. I'll take it back if someone can show a link, but no one has been able to do this when I've asked in the past.
God mode was turned on there is no doubt: can you imagine during E3 the guy dies and goes "whoopsy, you guys just wait I'll go through the whole level again, I forgot to save..."
it isnt god mode. if it was, he wouldnt take ANY dmg which he does.
Most likely the dmg lvl was lowered and the AI was toned down. (which is repeatly mentioned every time)
Originally posted by Mr.SqueeZ
another thing i noticed: when the big steel-thingy swang down att the combine soldiers, they just stood and watched a big steelthing mow they'r brains out... i realy hope they have tuned down the AI!

(but anyway, cant wait to get my hands on hl2 :bounce: )

Don't be a tard, there was about 2 seconds for them to react once gordon shot out the supports. I'm sure they don't have the ability to duck so what could they do. Also, making AI react to dynamic aspects of the environment must be especially hard.
Most people just don't like to look for info. Gabe has confirmed that, for the big swinging bar and other places, that they used 'hints' to make the AI stay in one spot and get killed. He was talking about how easy the AI
is to control to act the way to mapper wants. Nobody bothers to look around for this stuff and even relatively 'old' forum members give ignorant answers (I guess I have to let the noobs off the hook though).
Originally posted by Styloid
Most people just don't like to look for info. Gabe has confirmed that, for the big swinging bar and other places, that they used 'hints' to make the AI stay in one spot and get killed. He was talking about how easy the AI
is to control to act the way to mapper wants. Nobody bothers to look around for this stuff and even relatively 'old' forum members give ignorant answers (I guess I have to let the noobs off the hook though).

Just found this and you beat me, damn you.

Are you counting me as one of the ignorant?

@valve-david: Were the I-beams and dumpster in the trap town demo scripted or physics + AI? They were all AI, we just hinted for the soldiers to stand in opportune spots so they could get smashed by the heavy physics objects.