The Alyx-hating is mystifying

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Jadewolf5675 said:
I'd tap that 2 times before it hit the ground

Tap what? Alyx? Oh yeah I would hit that all day long. :burp:
Why does everybody use the lingo tap anyways as in tap that?

Heh, I know what it means, but its so goofy sounding. People are slaves to modern lingo(including me).
Raziaar said:
Why does everybody use the lingo tap anyways as in tap that?

Heh, I know what it means, but its so goofy sounding. People are slaves to modern lingo(including me).

I live in an urban evironment where slang words are used constantly. I'm just raised that way.
Well, I've been to Gamefaq before,and found a lot of Alyx-bashers there. I came here asking a question about Alyx, and found almost same kind of people. But I must be jumping to conclusion here.
pink cookies in a plastic bag getting crushed by buildings?

i'm old :|
people want to feel like they ARE gordon freeman when they play. these guys could never get girlfriends so when she is obviously romantically attracted to freeman, it pulls them out of the role.
Lol I havent heard about any Alyx-bashers until now. I will help with the bashing then!
Raziaar said:
Why does everybody use the lingo tap anyways as in tap that?

Heh, I know what it means, but its so goofy sounding. People are slaves to modern lingo(including me).
You're right.

The correct term is hit it. And I'd definately hit that! :naughty:
i think shes just ugly in freeze frame
because unless she is changing emotions, shes ugly
her emotions in freeze frame are really...odd
It's because she's a not a virgin princess like Hilary Muff or something.

But i tell you, if I saw a Hillary Muff'esque character in Half-Life 2 i would puke.

"Oh Gordon i like bubble gum drops and running with the ponies!"

**** OFF!!
There are definitly two very distinct schools of thought, which I believe probably divides quite clearly among age groups.

Alyx is not a young, newbile, big brested bimbo in skimpy clothing. And she no longer has a spotless complexion. Still, to me, her character is one of a strong willed, attractive woman. I approve.
I think Alyx just requires a more mature taste.
i dont hate her, she just doesnt appeal to me...

strong women just dont do it for me....
Wraith said:
people want to feel like they ARE gordon freeman when they play. these guys could never get girlfriends so when she is obviously romantically attracted to freeman, it pulls them out of the role.

5 words

Now that is getting OWNED
f|uke said:
There are definitly two very distinct schools of thought, which I believe probably divides quite clearly among age groups.

Alyx is not a young, newbile, big brested bimbo in skimpy clothing. And she no longer has a spotless complexion. Still, to me, her character is one of a strong willed, attractive woman. I approve.
I think Alyx just requires a more mature taste.
She is the Michelle Rodriguez of the HL world, if you will. Hot chick that could beat the hell out of me.
Wraith said:
people want to feel like they ARE gordon freeman when they play. these guys could never get girlfriends so when she is obviously romantically attracted to freeman, it pulls them out of the role.

Someones got some issues.
Strange question because, you know, she's not real. However I like attractive girls as much as the next guy - even if they're only crude representations of such. That said, it's her hair. She's all forehead, and of course the thing she wears on her head only accentuates the problem. If they gave her some bangs and removed that ginormous headband, there would be a 110% improvement.
Mr-Fusion said:
It's because she's a not a virgin princess like Hilary Muff or something.

But i tell you, if I saw a Hillary Muff'esque character in Half-Life 2 i would puke.

"Oh Gordon i like bubble gum drops and running with the ponies!"

**** OFF!!

sif, i'd love to see hilary's muff in hl2.. hilary and haylee duff are awesome... obviously i'm of the right age to tap em ;) i don't know about any of you others...
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