The annoyance of Hand-Waving

I thought it was easy enough to work out what he meant. I mean, I'd never heard of the term before.
@ Sulk
Me neither, but the wikipedia link helped alot :P

This thread couldn't confuse me more, even if it had a picture of BINGO hanging upside down on an asteroid flying through a sea of trees with the snakes doing jumpingjacks like their teeth are made from silver!
I may make that pic now, but I'm feeling quite lazy at the moment :p
Though, the OP COULD HAVE provided a little more explanation since we're aren't all bloody literature or english majors.

Once you worked out that he was talking about the enlish language, not the magic, it was fairly simple from there.
Warning, this is kinda rantish. I have over the last year or so developed a great annoyance with handwaving (not refering to actual waving of hands), ignoring logic. Note that this is not a thread about religion.

This is something that runs rampant in primarly science-fiction and fantasy and needs to die. An example of handwaving in fantasy that is extremly common is to make it easy to master magic and create magical items and permanent magical effects and not have society change in the way it logically should. Lets say that magic is so easy to learn that anyone can learn it, even if not mastering it. Why dosent peasants use it to increase their crop yeild dramatically? Of cource this does not apply to any fantasy world, but hand-waving particullary in regards to magic is painfully common.

The worst part is that you rarely need to handwave to get the effects you want but do it anyway.

LOL this reminds me of the question "Why do we point at our wrist when we ask somebody what the time is, it's not like we point between our legs when we ask where is the bathroom?"