The Armory (WoW)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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Blizzard is betatesting a database for WoW characters, The Armory (Euro version). Every character on every realm is in there. This is my main char. Post yours! (although I haven't the faintest clue what the US adres is)
It's funny how this completely puts the ct-profiles site out of business and surely the ct-profiles or wow.allakhazam profile creators get no credit for their creations.

Other than the bitter taste it puts in those people's mouths, this is an amazing creation. Though I don't play anymore, so my character isn't updated.
EQ2 has been doing this since release

gg stealing
There is no point linking since my character is A. level 47 and B. currently in RP gear.

Rather, I shall describe him. Azrael Doramin Wintersong was a bookish young Night Elf who returned from a tour at sea to the aftermath of the Third an War: Kalimdor burning and the World Tree destroyed. Everybody he knew was dead, the forests were corrupted and the Night Elves were no longer immortal. The sudden realisation of his own mortality hit him like a ton of bricks.

He fled south to Ratchet, where he changed his name to Azrael John Barlowe and ended up in the Eastern Kingdoms, having rejected his heritage entirely, and discovered a strange talent for journalism. Writer, reporter, poet, playwright, linguist, activist, atheist, detective, scientist, scandal hunter, chain smoker, truth seeker, binge drinker, tinkerer, Dathist, junkie, maniac, dandy, hack. Abrasive, abusive, acerbic, angry, wily, wisecracking, wistful, rational, literary, educated, dirty-minded, gutter-mouthed, sharp-tongued, quick-tempered, dishonest, gregarious, hypocritical, driven, obsessive, inconsistent, moody, arrogant, cold, blunt.

He now stalks the streets of Stormwind and Ironforge, writes copy for deathweed-money and will eat your eyes on dwarven toast.

Screw the Armoury.
God Hazar, why don't you play more often!? ><



simmo's going to kill me now lawl
Need a better shield, but fuck Shadow Labs.

Aye, I have zero intention of ever revisiting a lot of instances. Too bad a Heroic trip through Shadow Lab, is pretty much mandatory. It wouldn't be so bad if the room before the second boss was so utterly tedious. And so many PUG groups are too dumb to handle it.

At least I only need to kill the first boss in Sethekk Halls.
I find it weird how awful PUGs turn out for some people. I've heard some horror stories, sure, and had some bad experiences, but by and large my experience with random groups has been lovely - and I have done endgame on me old Horde character.
It's usually not the group as a whole as much as it is one individual who is clueless.

Last night, I had a rogue run up to the last boss of Slave Pens and aggro him all the way back to us, thinking his Stealth ability made him invulnerable or something. He also was consistently sapping targets I was meant to trap, which constantly resulted in confusion and a few wipes. Other times, it's an issue of gear.

For that reason, I'm only aiming for guild runs for most of the Heroic content. We're one of the few Horde guilds on the server that actually made it past BWL, so we got the gear and we have the mentality. Besides, about half of us are asian. And asians are methodical grinding machines who know their shit by nature. :)
I really want to play WoW again. I even put the poster up on my wall that I got in the game box today because I miss it. :(
It took me weeks to find a good PUG to get through the Wailing Caverns. I had to go to Knomegeran or something like that. Well we had this noob with us and I swear to god ARHHHH! I told him to get his ass down to the instance right away because he was taking his sweet ass time. Now remember I started it at 6PM. We got in the instance and what does this **** nut do? He aggros ALL OF THE ENEMIES! Then, yep you guessed right, ran back to the group. Luckily we survived the enemies. Then minutes later I say "where did so and so go to?!" He says, "I fell and need to be rezed". I'm thinking, "how the hell did he fall like 3 stories down?!"

So it was nice not having this noob in my hair and my group was working great. I finally got to his body and told him to not do a Leeroy Jenkins. He asked who he was and I just said to google it. Then what does he do again? He does the same thing and aggros enemies and kills everybody. Luckily I rezed myself and everybody else. So I'm thinking one more and that's it. So we got to a part in which this little elf was gonna explode a wall and clearly told everybody to GTFO. What does Mr.Noob do? He stands completely clueless underneath the blasting point. I yell to GTFO and he says, "wtf? why???" The wall explodes and boulders fall on his body killing him. :P

Omg I really wish I recorded that. He asks if I can rez him and I laugh at him because he is under all those boulders so I can't. He comes back like 20min later. He starts talking about Outland and uses his hearthstone. Then he says, "see I told you I could go to Outland!!" I get so ****ing pissed off I boot him out asap. So my party members are wondering what to do now. I get a high level guild mate in and we get the instance done. When I got done though it was midnight. :x WOW noobs are the worst I have ever seen. Worse than cs even. :P
Problems in Wailing Caverns?

...You're gonna be ****ed, 50-60 levels down the road.
Pugging raid instances in the first WoW was always interesting, it wasn't until BC was almost released that PUG Onyxia actually worked.. but people tried and tried.

As for dungeons I've almost stopped doing pugs all together, just got sick of the BS, I try to get guild heroics done as much as possible to get badges and prep for raids that's about it.
Pugging raid instances in the first WoW was always interesting, it wasn't until BC was almost released that PUG Onyxia actually worked.. but people tried and tried.

Actually, PUG Onyxias worked quite well on my server before BC. The only issues that arose were when some dumbshit ninja'd loot. Even MC was entirely puggable, assuming a competent guy from a good guild was leading it.
Actually, PUG Onyxias worked quite well on my server before BC. The only issues that arose were when some dumbshit ninja'd loot. Even MC was entirely puggable, assuming a competent guy from a good guild was leading it.

Yeah Hellscream is kind of an interesting realm, lots of people have come and gone with free transfers and then returned to reroll after, realm goes from being full to med/low constantly.
There is no point linking since my character is A. level 47 and B. currently in RP gear.

Rather, I shall describe him. Azrael Doramin Wintersong was a bookish young Night Elf who returned from a tour at sea to the aftermath of the Third an War: Kalimdor burning and the World Tree destroyed. Everybody he knew was dead, the forests were corrupted and the Night Elves were no longer immortal. The sudden realisation of his own mortality hit him like a ton of bricks.

He fled south to Ratchet, where he changed his name to Azrael John Barlowe and ended up in the Eastern Kingdoms, having rejected his heritage entirely, and discovered a strange talent for journalism. Writer, reporter, poet, playwright, linguist, activist, atheist, detective, scientist, scandal hunter, chain smoker, truth seeker, binge drinker, tinkerer, Dathist, junkie, maniac, dandy, hack. Abrasive, abusive, acerbic, angry, wily, wisecracking, wistful, rational, literary, educated, dirty-minded, gutter-mouthed, sharp-tongued, quick-tempered, dishonest, gregarious, hypocritical, driven, obsessive, inconsistent, moody, arrogant, cold, blunt.

He now stalks the streets of Stormwind and Ironforge, writes copy for deathweed-money and will eat your eyes on dwarven toast.

Screw the Armoury.




I think his back-story was incredibly well fleshed out, was a great read. This is coming from an avid fan fiction reader though. As long as role players are actually somewhat literate I actually enjoy checking out what role players can do in WoW.
Yeah Hellscream is kind of an interesting realm, lots of people have come and gone with free transfers and then returned to reroll after, realm goes from being full to med/low constantly.

Sort of the same deal with Skullcrusher, except we're constantly a high population server. Every time a new guy asks about transferring here, the unanimous reaction is to tell him "Please, for the love of god. **** off. Stop breaking our server."

A lot of cock-measuring elitism too. I think most servers have a good amount of trash-talk within their battlegroups, but it just gets vicious among a fair size of people here. That said, we do generally fare the best of all the other servers we compete against, and our PVE progression (at least on the Alliance side) was always up near the top.
Oh no! I have been kicked out of my guild! Oh well my account expired two months ago, but I would've expected a bit more loyalty. Well not really
Sort of the same deal with Skullcrusher, except we're constantly a high population server. Every time a new guy asks about transferring here, the unanimous reaction is to tell him "Please, for the love of god. **** off. Stop breaking our server."

A lot of cock-measuring elitism too. I think most servers have a good amount of trash-talk within their battlegroups, but it just gets vicious among a fair size of people here. That said, we do generally fare the best of all the other servers we compete against, and our PVE progression (at least on the Alliance side) was always up near the top.

We have a lot of e-peen parading as well, even my guild gets bad at times.. kind of sad that people get high and mighty over WoW, but hell I guess it's all some people have. My guild had just downed Thaddius in Naxxramas and was 2nd place before Burning Crusade, now tight knit family guilds are pwning us because Karazhan really screwed with our ability to organize raids.
Do you write for a major Stormwind newspaper? No? Plug it!


He is also a political cartoonist.
59 Human Rogue
Had that 1.5 year ago (pre-BC) re-rolled another rogue PVP, then rerolled Horde.

Mostly of note is the dagger I solo-farmed Barman Shanker! Love it! I was so lucky though farming it because I BARELY killed him. I had less than 50hp at the end of the fight...used about 5 potions & burned EVERY cooldown I had except sprint. and it dropped FIRST TIME! Just a small difference and I might have had to farm it 20-40 more times! (soloed it at level 56)

Also of note is that my trinkets were always the shrink ray and death-ray (unless I was riding my horse.... looks like my riding speed equipment was on last). Sometimes I'd vanish 1/2 way through the fight and then use the battle chicken & Arcanite Dragonling. Thorium Grenades were always well stocked for people who run away.