The "ATI levels"


Aug 28, 2003
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one cabal has already started work on what Newell refers to as the "ATI levels," a series of single-player levels that will require a super-high-end graphics card to run. Valve hopes to release those over Steam later this year.

lol, I am also looking forward to those. :)

I just hope they will run on my 9800 Pro... :p

It did say they would be made for the super gfx cards. And now mine seems mediocre compared to the X800.....
Haha, yeah.

EDIT: Yeah, marksmenHL2, I feel your pain.:)
I wonder if my 9600XT will be able to handle them. :|
It's just a great reason to upgrade... nothing wrong with upgrading.. infact, its rather fun! ;)
Maybe the ATI levels will be bundled with a new ATI Graphics card as a stand alone demo,and also released as a free HL2 mod through steam? That would be pretty cool.
big ati fan here, but i just learned today that nvidia is comming out with something called sli. it uses 2 vid cards on a raid like system, pci express. i hope ati comes out with something like that. could you imagine 2 512mb cards running on a raid type system.(blows load)
Problem is those will be so expensive only one in 1000 people would even bother.

Also, don't expect ATI to sit arround and not make some decent competition.

And remember, competition is good. It means more choice and cheaper cards for us the customer. :)

I imagine these (super high end) levels will require somthing in the range of....

Intel 3.5 + or AMD equal 800 fsb and the 1mb cache

Ati X800 +

2 gigs+ of corsair or equally nice ram, im guessing rambus 800mhz or the highest end DDR

A flat panel of good size to fully enjoy the wonderful display of graphical magnitude you are witnessing...

and last but not least, a ton of cash, or a friend who works at falcon northwest and has access to the "goods"

Anyhow, my 2.4 9800 512 ddr 400 probably wont be cruising down thoses levels roads, looks like the new CpU cash collection is opening its funding doors again

(moans and celebrates similtaneously)
I think the ATI levels will also have the high-definition models that they were talking about a while ago.

Then again, it was rumored that Unreal Tournament 2004 (maybe 2003?) would have unlockable graphical upgrades if you owned a Geforce FX (and we all know how that turned out).
shapeshifter said:
one cabal has already started work on what Newell refers to as the "ATI levels," a series of single-player levels that will require a super-high-end graphics card to run. Valve hopes to release those over Steam later this year.


That's so much crap. I bought what was labelled as "The card for Half-Life2"...last September...Bet it won't run them ok. According to that article, Gabe's personally should personally buy me a new card.
I hope I can play them..;(

Probably will get enough money during Christmas or something.
Wesisapie said:
and expensive.
Someone did not take an economics class, or read the above post saying "competition is good. It means more choice and cheaper cards for us the customer. " .

Look at it this way, how much do you think gfx cards would cost if there was only one company, and no conflict?

The high end Super Duper X-8 jillion may be costly, but imagine if there was no competition in terms of quality or price.

I'm frankly glad of it. Hopefully the ATI levels support 9600 Pro and above (I have a 9800 Pro).
Yah, I hope my 9800 pro 128 mgb, 512 mgbs' of memory (DDR) will run it...I don't want to be left out...
wilka91 said:
Does it mean it will run on ATI cards ONLY? :p

Yes, if the game detects a detonator driver it will do only as the name implies and automatically overclock your card so that it melts playing pong.
im sure all cards will be able to run it. but just like all the other levels, if your card is not good enough, you will miss out.

they are probably adding better features that are only supported by the newest cards. Or higher res textures etc for cards with say 512mbs of ram etc.
"Super-high-end graphics" probably means X800 Pro or better.

By the time these levels are released, R480 (X850/X900) will be out so Valve is probably targeting the X800.
JPack said:
"Super-high-end graphics" probably means X800 Pro or better.

By the time these levels are released, R480 (X850/X900) will be out so Valve is probably targeting the X800.

yup thats what they would be targeting.
It's an easy way to get you to buy ATI hardware, spending WAY more than you need to on up-to-the-minute technology that you can't afford.

Don't be sucked in! You must resist!
Think of the term "super-high-end graphics card". Does the 9800 PRO seem to fall into that category? Last year it did, but not now. I supposed if we 9600 XT - 9800 XT owners were to play these levels, it would be like playing in Ultra Quality mode in Doom 3.
Lol, I remember when SLI was ACTUALLY a new idea, back in the old Voodoo days.
Whats the point of asking if your old graphics cards will run them!?!

Yes im sure they will run, but there won't be much of a point, as you will be missing out on the entire reason they made them.


Which you won't see with an older card.
Bring on the ATI levels, got my 6800 GT waiting to chew them up.