The attack of the Signatures

my sig is pretty much as big as it can be. i'm a horrible person.
Ennui said:
my sig is pretty much as big as it can be. i'm a horrible person.

I think you were one the forumites I reported.
Vicious little creature, Sprafa.

Imo, I really don't mind the 4 and + liner sigs, as long as they are suitable.
Sprafa said:
I say we lower the size of them to 3 or even 2 lines.
But where will your anti-american e-penis things go talking about slaughtering children and burning flags and eating too much? :O <3 sprafa

I never understood why it wasn't just an automatic thing. You just can't have over 4 lines of text in your sig, or you can't save it or something. Is that too difficult to implement?

I was "officially warned" because I was one line over because it rolled over and I didn't notice. It was hilarious.
Erestheux said:
I was "officially warned" because I was one line over because it rolled over and I didn't notice. It was hilarious.

Your sense of humor amazes me.

I can't report my own post to be deleted
I don't care how big they are personally, 2-3 liner's would be fine