the beam in traptown

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wow what a ******* excellent stupid question! Maybe if in the demo we stood around the beam and waited for a boring 5 still minutes maybe the beam would stop. Its all speculation at this time and who the $$$$ is too know this answer until we actually play the game? My guess is that it will will eventually stop because if it didn't that would be stupid.
Its all designed around a physics system meant to simulate real life physics, so most likely, yes it would stop... Just like bodies stop when they hit the ground. You dont see them continually rolling around, writhing in awkward angles 10 minutes after they got killed do you? :)
Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
wow what a ******* excellent stupid question! Maybe if in the demo we stood around the beam and waited for a boring 5 still minutes maybe the beam would stop. Its all speculation at this time and who the $$$$ is too know this answer until we actually play the game? My guess is that it will will eventually stop because if it didn't that would be stupid.

why don't you shut you big fat motherfukc? why don't you go **** yourself, loser. go back to were you belong: THE NOOBIE SECTION.
dumb fu_ckface

:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Originally posted by Dredd
why don't you shut you big fat motherfukc? why don't you go **** yourself, loser. go back to were you belong: THE NOOBIE SECTION.
dumb fu_ckface

:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
No need to get angry... Cause it is a kind of stupid question.
A) does not have Half Life 2
B) know its physics is based on havoc, which handles life-like behaviour of objects.
You can come to your own conclusion by looking at that...

Maybe you say I'm rude, but its just facts. And yes I know it wasnt my post, its not a defense, just simple facts everybody reading the FAQ knows.
hey im not a CODER NERD like all yous guys
i was just curious...

and if you then start insulting me i get mad is that too hard for you to understand
Well, its answered: Nobody knows, we just guess on a "yes it will slow".

Btw, what part of reading a FAQ requires coding skills? :)
Oh my there are CODER NERDS here! On the coding forum!

When somebody insults me on the internet I just realize they are probably not wearing any pants, because hey it's the internet and the pants, they are optional.

Basically though we have no proof one way or another, (about the beam, 'cause I know you all aren't wearing pants) but it is probably fairly easy to program the beam to slow down, if it doesn't actually.
Originally posted by dawdler
Well, its answered: Nobody knows, we just guess on a "yes it will slow".

Btw, what part of reading a FAQ requires coding skills? :)

i never read faq's they waste my time. so i just ask my question here and waste everyone else's time HAHAHAHAHA
Onions. Ban this guy, or at least warn him. This does not belong here at all. Close/delete this thread

Oh, and WTF is a coder nerd.... so we're all spotty teens who have no lives, never talk to women. Wrong ***hole. You have managed the amazing feat of really pissing off a moderator....... great work right there.
Closed. One day, coders will rule the world.
Dredd, this is your first and last warning.
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