The best HTML code you'll see today


The Freeman
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score

Look at this website for binoculars, click view page source.

What would possess someone to do this? Did the developer want to cause more website traffic costs for his employer? A webpage creation tool run amok, or run with stupidity? At any rate, it's a curious specimen that I just wanted to share with you all.
I ran it through dreamweaver CS4 and did "apply source formatting" and it turned it to 222 lines of code.

I tried to clean up the HTML, but apparently tags are nested too deeply for dreamweaver to handle so it literally said, "dreamweaver is giving up."

it found 854 errors while trying to validate the document too, mostly due to old html standards...but still.
Yeah I'd say it's the fault of a webpage creation tool.
Well a friend linked me to it, and he's in the web and server arena of software development. I'd never have found this on my own :p

lol got it :thumbs:
I think it is probably software generated tag pattern, maybe not. But one would definitely spend unbelievable amount of time just creating such crazy pattern. but for what?

That is crazy. But what I'm more worried about is why you go around the web looking at source codes.
That's ridiculous.

It must be a WYSIWYG tool where the guy's just clicked the font size 100 times somehow...
Edit: NVM. This is probably a web template. Most of the links don't even work, they are just colored blue.
Job stability my friends... Make the code so terrible that you're the only person who can "properly" maintain it.
Job stability my friends... Make the code so terrible that you're the only person who can "properly" maintain it.

No bullshit I was looking through some code yesterday from a co worker that recently left the company. They asked me to find out the commands on his chip. This is what the code looked like (C code):

var68[var39] = sign;
var66[var39] = var79;
var67[var39] = var80;
var39 = var39 +1;

if(var39 == var15234)    
var39 =0;


void odd_out4(void)
int i;
char var81[20];
char var82[20];
int var83 = 0;
int var84 =0;
int var85 = 0;
int var86 = 0;

out39 = var16;
out39 = var17;
out38 = var17;

out37 = var17;
out37 = var16;
if(i>8 && i<10)
out38 = var16;
out38 = var17;
var81[i-10] = input_state(pin_A3);
var82[i-10] = input_state(pin_A5);
out39 = var16;
var83 = (int)var81[i] & 0xFF;
var84 =  (int)var82[i] & 0xFF;
var85 = var83 | var85;
var86  = var84 | var86;

var40 = var85;
var41 = var86;

var85 = var85 << 1;
var86 = var86 << 1;


void sub9(int var87, int var88, int var89, int var90, long var91, long var92)


 out50 = var17;
 out51 = var17;
 out52 = var17;
 out53 = var17;
 out54= var17;

if(var87 == 1) { out40 = var16 ;}
else if(var87 == 2) { out41 = var16;}
else if(var87 == 3) { out42 = var16;}
else if(var87 == 4) { out43 = var16;}
else if(var87 == 5) { out44 = var16;}


if(var87 == 1) { out40 = var17 ;}
else if(var87 == 2) { out41 = var17;}
else if(var87 == 3) { out42 = var17;}
else if(var87 == 4) { out43 = var17;}
else if(var87 == 5) { out44 = var17;}


This is just a sample, there are over 2000 lines of code like this where none of the functions or variables have any logical names, no comments, and no indentation. And this guy had a degree in electrical engineering.
No bullshit I was looking through some code yesterday from a co worker that recently left the company. They asked me to find out the commands on his chip. This is what the code looked like (C code):

This is just a sample, there are over 2000 lines of code like this where none of the functions or variables have any logical names, no comments, and no indentation. And this guy had a degree in electrical engineering.

In a word,


That should be posted on one of those sites like Daily WTF
One of the first thing we learned in my programming course was to put comments and use good name for variables. This code is just crazy, did he had a sheet of paper stating what variable was doing what ? Anyway I wish you good luck.