The best quotes



“Looks like the sh*t hit the dang nuclear-powered fan”
- Unknown

“Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of Western civilization?”
“I think it would be a good idea”
- Reporter, Gandhi

“Uhh yeah Officer, can I get two shakes and a side order of fries?”
- Unknown

“And rolling your shirt sleeves up suggests that you're ready to get down to the final price”

“Lord Vader?”
“Yes master?”
- Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

“No women no children”
- Unknown, The Professional

“I want you to give this scumbag a cavity search; I'm talking Roto-Rooter. Don't stop until you reach the back of his teeth!”
- Agent Fleming, Beavis and Butt-head Do America

“Bring in…the logic probe”
- Master Control Program, Tron

“And that’s why I’ll make a better Commander-In-Chief”
- John Kerry

“Ok how bout we all draw straws and the loser runs across the parking lot with a ham sandwich?”
- Unknown, Dawn of the Dead

“That piece of bread landed butter-side down”
- Unknown

“Deploy the decimator”
- Unknown, Dark Reign

"Does that mean I have to upgrade?"
- Unknown

“That’s not exactly daddy’s cup of tea”
- The Bride, Kill Bill Vol. 2

“You always told me to stay off the said it was suicide”
- Trinity, The Matrix Reloaded

"’Weak dang idiots’ is not a way to say hello...”
- Unknown

“We like to assume time is a fundamental concept…I believe that not even location is fundamental”
- Unknown

“The other week I was in art: I decided to stroll outside and they were all having some sort of circus, riding unicycles and juggling”
- Unknown

“Great spirits always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
- Albert Einstein

“But around the time we hear, "And then Gordon falls in love..." we usually head back to Seattle screaming.”
- Doug Lombardi

"Yeah 'mods' is really scary. One time I looked at mods and smiled. He did a ninja back-flip over my head and bisected my tongue before I had time to blink. He's mean. Sometimes we all have ice-cream here at the boards, but if mods walks in, he takes all our ice-cream and pours it down his pants and walks around the rest of the day with ice-cream in his pants. That's how tough he is."
- Darkstar

- Unknown

“D*mn it Jim I’m a doctor not a miracle worker!”
- Unknown, Star Trek

“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
- Sigmund Freud

“Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately”
“I wouldn't say I've been missing it Bob”
- Bob, Peter, Office Space

“I've got nipples Greg, can you milk me?”
- Unknown, Meet the Parents

“I'd say it's a half gram heavy on the back.”
- Riddick, Chronicles of Riddick

“Convert now... or fall forever”
- Lord Marshal, Chronicles of Riddick

“You're gonna kill me with your soup cup?”
“Tea, actually”
“I'll kill you with my teacup”
- Criminal, Riddick, Chronicles of Riddick

“Evil will always win, because good is dumb”
- UNKNOWN, Evil Genius

“Kleiner has stuck strictly to science and has not yet picked up a rocket launcher”

“It'll bide it's time, waiting until your back is turned and then it'll whip it's tongue round your neck and drag you up to a horrible chomping death”

"Your weapons, you will not need them"
"What's in there?"
"Only what you take with you"
- Yoda, Luke, Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

"Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires."
- Sigmund Freud

“So, where are we taking this Freeman guy?”
”Topside for questioning”
”What the hell for? We got him, let’s kill him now!”
”Uhh, and if they find the body?”
”Body? What body?”
- Marine, Marine, Half-life

“All I know is he's been killin’ my buddies”
- Marine, Half-life

“For God's sake, open the silo door! They're coming for us and it's our only way out! Oh my God, we're doomed!”
- Scientist, Half-life

“Chilled…monkey brains”
- Unknown, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

“Does this cloth smell like chloroform to you?”
- Unknown

“I catch you around my daughter again, and you’ll be finished permanently”
- Unknown, Wild Things

“Milt, we're gonna need to go ahead and move you downstairs into storage B. We have some new people coming in, and we need all the space we can get. So if you could go ahead and pack up your stuff and move it down there, that would be terrific, ok?”
- Bill Lumbergh, Office Space

“You know, squirrelly looking guy, mumbles a lot.”
- Bob Porter, Office Space

“Absolutely, the pleasure's all on this side of the table, trust me.”
- Bob Slydell, Office Space

“What if, and believe me this is hypothetical. But what if you were offered some kind of a stock option equity sharing program. Would that do anything for you?”
- Bob Slydell, Office Space

“That’s three more people we can get rid of…and then there’s Tom Smykowski…he’s useless”
- Bob Slydell, Office Space

“Wipe this pathetic planet from the face of the galaxy!”
- Darth Malek, Knights of the Old Republic

- Sarge, Doom 3

“If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
- Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars A New Hope

“This is a place of business; take…off…the hat”
- Unknown, CSI

“You’re going to make a wonderful addition to this year’s publications”
- Unknown

“You got paper, and you got paint….A DEADLY COMBINATION!!!”
- Fire Marshal Bill, Saturday Night Live

“After all, anticipation is everything”
- Dr. Betruger, Doom 3

“Come to the professor”
- Unknown, The Ladykillers

“Looks like a trailer-park after a tornado”
- Unknown, Wrongfully Accused

“Any more brain-busters?”
- Billy Madison, Billy Madison

“I killed that pathetic bodyguard and now I’m going to kill you”
- Sarge, Doom 3

“You will die, and your soul will rot in Hell forever”
- Dr. Betruger, Doom 3

“Gordon is now officially an unstoppable killing machine, he virtually wiped out an entire alien race and a government army single-handedly. He tears through platoons of soldiers like a buzz-saw.”
- Unknown

“Make that special moment that much more enjoyable”
- Unknown

"Evacuate, in our moment of triumph?...I think you overestimate their chances."
- Grand Moff Tarkin, Star Wars A New Hope

"It's the ship that made the Kessel run in twelve parsecs"
- Han Solo, Star Wars A New Hope

"Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold"
- Boba Fett, Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

"Your powers are weak old man!"
- Darth Vader, Star Wars A New Hope

"You may dispense with the pleasantries Commander, I am here to put you back on schedule."
- Darth Vader, Star Wars Return of the Jedi

"Tear this ship apart until you've found those plans and bring me the passengers. I want them alive!"
- Darth Vader, Star Wars A New Hope

"Asteroids do not concern me Admiral..."
- Darth Vader, Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

"I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further"
- Darth Vader, Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed"
- Darth Vader, Star Wars A New Hope

"We would be honored, if you would join us”
- Darth Vader, Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

"Impressive, most impressive."
- Darth Vader, Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

"I want that ship...not excuses"
- Darth Vader, Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

”The death toll is catastrophic!”
- Sio Bibble, Star Wars Episode I

”Katarn....welcome....welcome to the future”
- Desann, Jedi Knight II

“I’m talking…formulas”
- Unknown

"In accordance with the prophecy"
- Unknown

“You're not gonna check the trunk, are you?”
- Unknown

“I must find a more suitable host body."
- UNKNOWN, 100 Things to do in a Crowded Elevator

“You think this will run on my 486?”
- Unknown

“The only thing we can do now is call your mother to the stand!”
- Mr. Hands, Mr. Bill

“Ohhh noooo!”
- Mr. Bill, Mr. Bill

“We cut the engine open with the plasma cutter to do a post-mortem”
- John Carmack, UNKNOWN

“We wouldn't want your soul to be sucked dry now would we?”
- Dark Virtue, UNKNOWN

“You can really understand how much of an influence the satanic cult has been on that organization”
- UNKNOWN, Christ-Centered Doom 3 Review

“A Rocket Launcher may be a bit excessive, but people tend to listen to you when you point it to them”
- Unknown, Doom 3

“Anything tricky, I blow your ribs across the parking lot”
- Jimmy, The Whole Ten Yards

- UNKNOWN, Counter-Strike

“Hey Stinky! Kitchen's closed. Whatcha havin'? Six library guards, raw? Plus belts and boots? Man, you're gonna need some heavy fiber to move that out”
- Hellboy, Hellboy

“Your a** is mine!”
- Hellboy, Hellboy

“How big can it be?”
- Hellboy, Hellboy

“Didn't I kill you already?”
- Hellboy, Hellboy

“It’s Satan, get’em!”
- Unknown

"Welcome, Welcome to City 17! You have chosen or been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban settings. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by...our benefactors. I've been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay or passing through, away to parts unknown...welcome to City 17! It's safer here."
- Dr. Breen, Half-life 2

“What the hell were they thinking? Chainsaws serve no purpose on Mars!”
- Unknown, Doom 3

“Look ok, I was beat down with a loaf of bread”
- Unknown

“Chainsaw Zombie. Once part of the maintenance staff of the UAC facility, instead of fixing the little problems around the base, these guys are now helping to create them.”

“I’d go down there myself, but…my thing, is in the way”
- Unknown

“I’d go down there myself, but there are….things, in the way”
- Barney, Half-life

“They must be here for the sheep”
- Professor Broom, Hellboy

“I will swear with my hand on a stack of bibles that there is no basis in reality for that speculation.”
- Todd Hollenshead, id Software

“Gordon doesn't need to hear all this; he's a highly trained professional!”
- Unknown, Half-life

“Alien b*stards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride”
- Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem 3d

“In the supermarket, casually checking the freshness of cantaloupes”
- NA,

“There's someone on the wing!
- Unknown, The Twilight Zone

“Get your big butt back in the house!”
- Edgar, Men In Black

“You're coming with me. It's a long trip. I'll need a snack.”
- Edgar, Men In Black

“You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers”
- Edgar, Men In Black
(too big for 1 post)

“The only thing that pulls its weight around here is my god dam* truck”
- Edgar, Men In Black
“I’m working here…I need space!”
- Unknown
"Uhh…and if they find the body?"
"Body? What body?"
- Grunts, Half-life
“Would you like a chocolate-covered pretzel?"
- Unknown, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back
“I was working down in B-deck and there was some ooze dripping from the ceiling and I realized you had boarded the ship at that time."
- Unknown
“I don’t understand why they make us wear these ridiculous ties!”
- Dr. Kleiner, Half-life
“He is not human”
- Nihilanth, Half-life
“They’re waiting for you Gordon, in the Test Chamber."
- Dr. Kleiner, Half-life
"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."
- John Carmack, UNKNOWN
"I cannot close my report until every loose end has been tied up. We have decided to put you someplace where you can do no possible harm... and where no harm can come to you. I'm sure you can imagine, there are worse alternatives"
- G-Man, Half-life: Opposing Force
"That’s all for now...the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. I will see you up ahead"
- G-Man, Half-life 2
"Wisely done Mr. Freeman"
- G-Man, Half-life 2
"Freeman you fool!"
- Scientist, Half-life
"Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?"
- Scientist, Half-life
"Rise and shine Mr. Freeman, rise and...shine...not that I wish to imply that you've been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste--well, lets just say your hour has...come again. So...wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell...the ashes"
- G-Man, Half-life 2
"Pay attention Mr. Freeman...I'm only going to say this once"
- G-Man, Half-life 2
"A dictatorship of the lab coats"
- Unknown, NY Times
"Look, cloning is the future"
- Unknown
"We'll see how they do with 6-foot-7s starin'em down"
- Unknown
"Yeah I uh...have a thing about tacos"
- Unknown
"I want him to know I want him to know"
- The Bride, Kill Bill Vol. 1
"I collect your f**king head...just like this f**ker here!"
- O-Ren Ishii, Kill Bill Vol. 1
"No subject will ever be taboo…except of course the subject that was just under discussion"
- O-Ren Ishii, Kill Bill Vol. 1
"They're always watching!"
- Doyle, Far Cry
"I need you to enter their headquarters, find the arming device. There's no time, so we need to split up, and you need to stop b** it?"
- Valerie, Far Cry
"'re on the slab and you've chosen to be sliced in two, congradulations"
- Poet Man, Super Nova (Lexx)
"Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze"
- Verbal, The Usual Suspects
"Don't get cocky boyz"
- Unknown
"Let them make the first move"
- Darth Sidious, Star Wars
"No no! But I'm Yottskry"
- Yottskry, Giga-Shadow (Lexx)
"First will come the cleansing, then the rebirth will begin"
- His Divine Shadow, Giga-Shadow (Lexx)
"I kill you in the name of His Divine Shadow"
- Vlad, Lexx
"Now my standing objective is to end this prophecy"
- His Divine Shadow, I Worship His Shadow (Lexx)
"Oh sh** look out! She's got a dildo!"
- Pedro, Cooties
"Whats that card say? says I’m Deputy Director Moss of the Federal Bureau of Investigation"
- Moss, Lexx
"We have a very bad bad bad bad bad bad bad situation"
- Priest, Lexx
"I'm very good with pain"
- Prince, Lexx
"Say, do you have any well-built male bodies without heads?"
- 790, Lexx
"The dead do not squeeze and please"
- Kai, Lexx
"Guards...leave us"
- Emperor Palpatine, Star Wars
"Nice shooting tex"
- Unknown
"Stick that in your pipe and smoke it"
- Unknown
"You give carbon molecules a bad name"
- 790, Lexx
- Mantrid, Lexx
"I can eat a peach for hours"
- Unknown, Face-Off
"I have killed thousands. I have killed mothers with their babies. I've killed great philosophers, proud young warriors, and revolutionaries. I've killed the evil, the good, the intelligent, the weak, and the beautiful. I have done this in the service of His Divine Shadow and his predecessors, and I have never once shown any mercy."
- Kai, Lexx
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"
- Unknown, Apocalypse Now
"April 20th, the day after Waco. If you do the all makes sense, april 20th 1993, april's what? The 4th month. 4+2+0, you get what? 6. Take the 93, subtract 3 from the 9, you get what? Your 2nd 6. You take that 3 and add it to the other 3, you get what? Your 3rd 6. Thats 666!"
- Moss, Lexx
"I see why they call you the best bounty hunter in the galaxy"
- Darth Vadar, Star Wars
"Hey you, in the shirt!"
- Mercenary, Farcry
- Mercenary, Farcry
"Toughs reporting"
- Toughs, Z
"Let's pop some tanks"
- Unknown, C&C Generals
- Unknown
" must be one of the Spice Girls!"
- Unknown, My Favorite Martian
"Hey! Wasn't that one of those carrot things!?"
- Professor Ponts, Lexx
"Dammmmmm*....I'm about to drop"
Unknown , Planet Half-life's Gordon Freeman Interview
"No hanky panky!"
- Prince, Lexx
"And so i say to careful how you eat your cheese around the Japanese"
- Priest, Lexx
"The weather here, there and everywhere is not good. I could use the words “extreme climate change”, but at this time I think “final destruction of the planet” is more appropriate"
- Prince, Lexx
"Stanley H. Tweedle goes in the front door, or he doesn't go to the party...know what I mean?"
- Stan, Lexx
- Prince, Lexx
"Cheery bye"
- Prince, Lexx
"I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across the floors of silent seas"
- T.S. Eliot
"Again, cram it up your blow holes"
- Doug Lombardi, Planet Half-life's Delay of Game 2: Subpar Sequel
"If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence on it could be transformed"
- Nikola Tesla
- Unknown
"I'll rip off his head and suck out his juices"
- Mercenary, Farcry
"I'm not signing your treaty till I have her head on my desk"
- Nute Gunray, Star Wars
"It's time to close the book on Prince"
- Stan, Lexx
"I'll put you on the dam* list!"
- Postal Dude, Postal 2
"You almost got it right baby, but it's me who's going to do you"
- Xev, Lexx
"The dead do not make suggestions...normally"
- Kai, Lexx
"So, there a deal?"
- Prince, Xev, Lexx
"I'll pack'em, you bag'em"
- Unknown, Half-life Opposing Force
"Welcome to the dark zone"
- Kai, Lexx
"Don't do don't want to upset the balance"
- Prince, Lexx
"What's that?"
"The end of your planet....and of you"
"I think I should be sad, but I'm not"
- Prince, Kai, Lexx
- Prince, Lexx
"HOLY SH**!!!"
- Announcer, Unreal Tournament 2004
"...Dont F**k with the Jedi Master son"
- C*ck Knocker, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back
"The wheel, it turns, it rolls around, it makes an ancient..***mbling sound!"
- Kai, Lexx
"The thickled fates, the cosmic grind, conspired to leave our friends behind!"
- Kai, Lexx
"Where no thing is, shall nothing be…only then, will I be free"
- Kai, Lexx
"I think he is making fun of you, Master. Shall I proceed with wasting the Meatbag?"
- Unknown, HK-47
"Blah blah blah - don't you ever get tired of being so preachy?!"
- Unknown, Knights of the Old Republic
"The security guard class-4 appears to be playing hide the sausage with the tramp"
- 790, Lexx
"Don't you hairy heaps ever shut up?"
- Unknown, Knights of the Old Republic
”Drop them Nikes off your a** before I blast you motherF***er!!!"
- Unknown, Howard Stern's Ebonics Lesson
”The not...poo "
- Kai, Lexx
"You again"
"Me again"
- Xev, Prince, Lexx
"Wipe yourself dead"
- Carter, Rush Hour
" know he's dead!"
- Carter, Rush Hour
"I'm looking for Neo"
"...Never heard of'em"
- Agent Smith, Unknown, The Matrix Reloaded
”Are you trying to seduce me? The dead...can not be seduced"
- Kai, Lexx
- Unknown, Unreal Tournament 2003
”The death of one man is a tragedy...the death of a million is a statistic"
- Joseph Stalin
“This is the second time I’ve had to reclaim my property from you Doctor Jones”
- Unknown, Indiana Jones and the last Crusade
“It's time you die Doctor Freeman”
- Unknown
"You? You're the one who killed Jerec? You look like nothing more than a bantha herder"
"And you look like an overgrown Kowakian monkey-lizard"
- Desann, Kyle, Jedi Knight II
“Everything that has a beginning…has an end”
- The Oracle, The Matrix Revolutions
“The purpose of life is to…end”
- Agent Smith, The Matrix Revolutions
"Action, reaction...cause, and effect"
- Merlvingian, The Matrix Reloaded
"The Blue Van, however, it would..."respawn", along with the company parking lot"
- Unknown
- Agent Smith, The Matrix Revolutions
"No. Wrong. Choice is an illusion...created between those with power...and those without"
- Merlvingian, The Matrix Reloaded
"Wave one hand, the piece floats back up to the board. Wave another hand, it never dropped"
- - Unknown
“The universe is based on perspective”
- Unknown
"We are all victims of causality"
- Merlvingian, The Matrix Reloaded
“Is it over?”
- Agent Smith, The Matrix Revolutions
- Agent Smith, The Matrix Revolutions

“I must get out, I must get free! And in this mind is the key! My key!”
- Agent Smith, The Matrix
“I…hate this place…this….zoo…this reality, --whatever you want to call it. I can’t stand it any longer……it’s the smell! …If there is such a thing”
- Agent Smith, The Matrix
“Just do what you’re here to do”
- The Oracle, The Matrix Revolutions
"Mr. Anderson, welcome"
- Agent Smith, The Matrix Revolutions
"It ends tonight"
- Neo, The Matrix Revolutions
"I know... I know! I KNOW!!!...but it must be done"
- General Hein, Final Fantasy
"Wipe them out. All of them"
- Darth Sidious, Star Wars
"Why walk, when you can ride?"
- Unknown, Morrowind
"Just look at them snappers"
- Ira, Romancing the Stone
"Major, send some of our men to keep an eye on the good captain"
- General Hein, Final Fantasy
"No, the General is wondering why he's explaining himself to a captain"
- General Hein, Final Fantasy
"Apology accepted...Captain Needa"
- Darth Vader, Star Wars
“Oh no!”
- Mouse, The Matrix
"Wait a minute...this is a gun plant still in its bag"
- Unknown, Tardz
"Bring me Doctor Freeman"
- Unknown
"Hmmmm...Mr. disappoint me"
- Agent Smith, The Matrix
"Hello Peter...what's happening...? Ahh, we have sort of a problem here...yeah, you apparently didn’t put one of the new cover sheets on your...TPS reports"
- Bill Lumbergh, Office Space
"Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun"
- Ash, Army of Darkness
"I'm gonna rip off your head and take a sh*t down your neck"
- Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem
"It seems the tables have...turned, Mr. Powers"
- Dr. Evil, Austin Powers
"He's gonna pop"
- Cypher, The Matrix
"Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of...inevitability. It is the sound of...your death. Goodbye, Mr. Anderson"
- Agent Smith, The Matrix
"Good gravy, that's Edmonton!"
- Dr. Hawkins, MDK 2
"Look...I dont "do" fungus"
- Unknown
"As you can see we've had our eye on you for...quite some time now, Mr. Anderson"
- Agent Smith, The Matrix
"I am the great Cornholio! I am a gringo"
- Beavis, Beavis and Butthead do America
"You want the chainsaw gringo?"
- Columbians, Grand Theft Auto 3
"Say good night Mr. Diaz"
- Tommy, GTA Vice City
"Process him"
- Nute Gunray, Star Wars
"What have you been smoking, and where can I get some?"
- Unknown
"Yes, yes and the Black Mushkabah"
- Unknown
"I can see you're with the strong"
- Sid, Toy Story
"You are going to tell me what I want to know...the Tome, the Order...everything"
- Takagi, Freelancer
"She's a healthy female of breeding age"
- The Terminator, Terminator 3
"Ahh, Dr. Jones"
- Unknown, Indiana Jones and The Raiders of The Lost Arc
"I'm die"
- Emperor Palpatine, Star Wars
"Ahh, fresh meat"
- Unknown
"Dang whipper-snappers"
- Unknown
"Wait. Something's different...I can feel them"
- Neo, The Matrix Reloaded
"Prepare to meet your...Gaia"
- General Hein, Final Fantasy
"Stop trying to hit me and hit me!"
- Morpheus, The Matrix
"Fool, I'm inside!"
- Unknown, Neverwinter Nights
"There are two doors. The door to your right leads to the Source and the salvation of Zion. The door to your left leads back to the Matrix, to her and to the...end of your species"
- The Architect, The Matrix Reloaded
" sounds like a really good deal. But i think i got a better one: how bout...I give you...the finger, and you give me my phone call"
- Neo, The Matrix
"This very world swings in the balance!"
- Unknown, Dungeon Siege
"Somebody remove that corpse, he smells like old fish"
- Unknown
"Something big has gone down. Much bigger than this gang war"
- Hawk, Soldier of Fortune
"And remember...I want them alive; no disintegrations!"
- Darth Vadar, Star Wars
"Quite right...interesting, that was quicker than the others"
- The Architect, The Matrix Reloaded
- Neo, The Matrix Reloaded
"Release your anger!"
- Darth Vadar, Star Wars
"It was I who allowed the shuttle to pass"
- Emperor Palpatine, Star Wars
"Where is that shuttle going?"
- Darth Vadar, Star Wars
"I want that shuttle secured commander...any excuses, you die"
- Unknown
- Unknown
"If this is a consular ship...then where is the ambassador?"
- Darth Vadar, Star Wars
"There is no spoon"
- Neo, The Matrix
"I can not go back"
-The Keymaker, The Matrix Reloaded
- Neo, The Matrix Reloaded
"Where are your rebel friends now!?"
- Sid, Toy Story
"We are getting aggravated"
- The Twins, The Matrix Reloaded
"Ah pipe down"
- Unknown
"There there, Pie down"
- Unknown
"Ah calm down...big boy"
- Unknown
"What the heck is that commander!?"
- Unknown
"You're face, your a*s...what's the difference?"
- Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem
"My god Gordon!"
- Dr. Kleiner, Half-life
"Gordon Freeman is it...I’ve heard of you"
- Unknown, Half-life
"Whoa whoa whoa"
- Unknown, Me Myself and Irene
"Who's the bigger fool...the fool or the fool who follows him?"
- Obi-wan, Star Wars
- Unknown
" time"
- Unknown
"What were you doing?"
- Agent Jones, The Matrix
"Dodge this"
- Trinity, The Matrix
"I'm gonna lay the smack-down on you"
- The Rock
- Goblins, Warcraft II
"Blood and bones!"
- Prisoner, Neverwinter Nights
- Unknown
- Unknown
"Yo yo...yo"
- Unknown
"Drop your weapon"
- The Twins, The Matrix Reloaded
"I'm gonna drill you quaid!"
- Benny, Total Recall
"Find them and destroy them"
- Agent Smith, The Matrix
"Only human"
- Agent Jones, The Matrix
"Then we have a deal, Mr. Reagan...?"
- Agent Smith, The Matrix
- Yukuza, Grand Theft Auto 3
"You're dead...big boy"
- Cops, Grand Theft Auto 3
- Agent Smith, The Matrix
"Your free!"
- Wraith, Warlords Battlecry II
"Might i ask what a member of the Molochean Hand is doing all the way out here on Venus 5?"
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
"God dang comies..."
- Unknown
"No problem...we're just here for your reactor"
- Ivans Ivanoff
"Armstrong, show them do"
- Ivans Ivanoff
"Lets install an onboard toilet boyz"
- Unknown
"We will not survive this"
- Rune Haako, Star Wars
"This is impossible!"
- Nute Gunray, Star Wars
"No Mr. Bond...I expect you to die"
- Goldfinger, James Bond
Considering that a lot of these quotes are "unknown" should we assume you made them up?
perfect dark

"I am protector 1, but you can call me... Elvis!"
ahhhh, so many good ones :D

Looks like Darth Vader takes the cake :E
You should have formated that a little, it hurts my poor eyes. :(

My senoir quote:

Criswell said:
We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friends, future events such as these will effect you in the future.
I'll post an explaination on that in Films & DVDs sometime. ;)

It's from Plan 9 From Outer Space.
What we do in life, echoes in eternity -Maximus, Gladiator

Strength and honor -Maximus, Gladiator <-- im actually thinking of getting a tattoo with that line in latin.. "Vires et Honos"
Fat Tony! said:
Considering that a lot of these quotes are "unknown" should we assume you made them up?

A few of those are mine, but most are from my associates.

Criswell said:
We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friends, future events such as these will effect you in the future.

That's been elected in.
Sir Winston Churchill has said many of my favorites:

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" Speech about Dunkirk given in House of Commons June 4, 1940.

"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour." -- Speech delivered to the House of Commons on June 18, 1940 following the collapse of France. Many thought Britain would follow. But knowing that "Hitler will have to break us in this island or lose the war" Churchill challenged the British people to uncommon efforts to win the Battle of Britain.

Lady Astor: "Winston, if I were your wife I'd put poison in your coffee."
Winston: "Nancy, if I were your husband I'd drink it."
This exchange is sometimes attributed to Winston's good friend F.E. Smith, but in Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan's The Glitter and the Gold she writes that the exchange occurred at Blenheim when her son was host. See also the American edition of Martin Gilbert's In Search of Churchill (not in the British edition). In Nancy: The Life of Lady Astor, Christopher Sykes confirms Consuelo Balsan's account. "It sounds like an invention but is well authenticated. [Churchill] and the Astors were staying with Churchill's cousin, the Duke of Marlborough, at Blenheim Palace. Nancy and Churchill argued ferociously throughout the weekend."

The speech was made 29 October 1941 to the boys at Churchill's old public [private] school, Harrow--not Oxford or Cambridge:"Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.''

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."-- Speech made in the House of Commons as the Battle Britain peaked on August 20, 1940. The home front was totally involved in the war because of the Germany bombing raids and Britain was "a whole nation fighting and suffering together." But special gratitude was directed towards the airmen whose prowess and devotion were capable of turning the tide of the war. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. He worked out the phrase in his mind as he visited the Fighter Command airfields in Southern England.

"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Speech given at the Lord Mayor's Luncheon, Mansion House, London, November 10, 1942.

At the end of the war, before the election that he lost in 1945, The Times of London prepared an editorial suggesting that he campaign as a nonpartisan world leader and retire gracefully rather soon afterward. The editor first informed Churchill that he was going to make these two points. "Mr. Editor," Churchill said to the first point, "I fight for my corner." And, to the second: "Mr. Editor, I leave when the pub closes."
"I like to hit women durring sex... and not durring sex"

-I dont remember.
“nice legs --what time do they open?”

"GET OFF THE ROAD A**HOLE!!!" heard that 1 earlier today
Jackal hit said:
wow that is really interesting
Bad^Hat said:
Someone add that.

LOL, thats great...added.

Erestheux said:
Elected into what, by who, when, and where?

My 'best quotes' list, only you guys will never see changes until i upload the latest version.

KagePrototype said:
"**** it dude. Let's go bowling."

Let me guess...Big Lebowski?
DoctorGordon3 said:
Let me guess...Big Lebowski?

No, it's from an obscure silent French movie from the 1930s that was incredibly similar to The Big Lebowski, but wasn't really. There's only 3 reels left, and my cat ate one of them. Greedy bastard cat...


"My cat smells like cat food."

...mmm, segue...
- A Fish Called Wanda
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" Speech about Dunkirk given in House of Commons June 4, 1940.

Does anyone else get the chills when they read that? (say it with meaning, esspecially the end)

"I found my first gray pube was in a Big Mac"
-mIRC User
DoctorGordon3 said:
“Lord Vader?”
“Yes master?”
- Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

Yeah, I use this in real life all the time, it works good on the bus.
nw909 said:
Yeah, I use this in real life all the time, it works good on the bus.

It's cause Darth's black, right?
"What's the little red button do?"
"Starts the detonation sequence."
"And that's a bad thing?"
"Ah. How do you unpress a button?"
Brian Damage said:
"What's the little red button do?"
"Starts the detonation sequence."
"And that's a bad thing?"
"Ah. How do you unpress a button?"

Haha, sauce?
“Jesus Christ, apocalypse now, got some heavy sh*t here!”

- max payne 2
wow doctorgordon 3, you put alot of work into finding your fav quotes....i personnally like

"i love the smell of napolm in the smells like victory" Apacolypse Now
The world's rebellious because it goes against everything that's right.
I'm rebellious because I go against the world.

If you give a man a fire he’ll be warm for the night, if you set a man on fire he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.

It’s better to have people think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.

The danger lies not in the machine itself but in the users failure to envision the full consequences of the instructions he gives to it. - Neil Stevenson"

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." ~Santayana

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." ~Einstein

“We are the middle children of history with no purpose or place. We have no great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives.”

"The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

Why did kamikazi pilots wear helmets?

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

/Albert Einstein

At weddings old people always used to poke me and say "Your next". They stopped when I did the same to them at funerals.

Arguing on a forum is a bit like racing in the Special Olympics..... even if you win, you're still retarded.

Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you.

Love is a flame that can't be tamed
And though we are it's willing prey
We are, not the ones to blame

Remember, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose. (Darrin Weinberg)

Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla. (Jim Bishop)

There are three stages of man: he believes in Santa Claus; he does not believe in Santa Claus; he is Santa Claus. (Bob Phillips)

I worked my way up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty. (Groucho Marx)

Until I was thirteen, I thought my name was 'shut up.' (Joe Namath)

There are three ways to get something done; do it yourself, hire someone, or forbid your kids to do it. (Mona Crane)

I don't feel old - I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap. (Bob Hope)

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. They wake up in the morning and that's the best they are going to feel all day. (Frank Sinatra)

There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad. (Salvador Dali)

Don't let schooling interfere with your education.

In our school you were searched for guns and knifes on the way in and if you didn't have any, they gave you some. (Emo Philips)

They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad to realise that I'm going to miss mine by just a few days. (Garrison Keillor)

My wife is a sex object - every time I ask for sex, she objects. (Les Dawson)

Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. (Charlotte Whitton)

A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished. (Zsa Zsa Gabor)

News is what somebody somewhere wants to suppress; all the rest is advertising. (Lord Northcliffe)

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. (Mark Twain)

He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career. (George Bernard Shaw)

Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. (Charles de Gaulle)

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself. (Mark Twain)

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realise that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. (Ronald Reagan)

If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow. (John Wayne)

First law on holes - when you're in one, stop digging! (Denis Healey)

Santa Claus has the right idea - visit people only once a year. (Victor Borge)
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. (Benjamin Disraeli)

There is only one way to find out if a man is honest - ask him. If he says 'yes' he's not honest. (Groucho Marx)

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. (Mark Twain)

When I'm good, I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. (Mae West)

I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally. (W.C. Fields)

Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times. (Mark Twain)

I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member. (Groucho Marx)

A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar. (Mark Twain)
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. (Mark Twain)
"Illusion is the first of all pleasures."
"Have we created, our own demise
Their out to kill, using their minds
You'll feel the chill, run down your spine
Tell me, since when has being human been a crime?"
"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."
Emo Philips.

"If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?"
George Deacon.
The optimist sees the glass as half full, the pessimist sees the glass as half empty. The engineer sees the glass twice as big as it needs to be.

(BTW I actually keep these in a word file for sigs and msn names, soem of them are from sites and soem of them I saw as sigs of some people here or elsware)
"Right, take these vipers through to the docking area and down to the launch bays."
"We can't take them through the docking area."
"Why not?"
"Because its been converted into a gift shop."
Engineer, Pilot, 'Battlestar Galatica'

"Hey? Hey over here?... eat lead you outerspace octapus!"
Barney, 'Half-Life (Blast Pit)'
"Die you evil blood sucker!"
Barney, 'HL model viewer'

"Whats in the car?"
"Seats and a steering wheel."
Detective, Turkish, 'Snatch'
"His names tommy. He reckons he was named after a gun. But what I really know is that he was named after a famous nineteenth century ballet-dancer."
Turkish, 'Snatch'
"Why would I want to buy a caravan with no f*cking wheels?"
Micky, 'Snatch'

"Your a friggin Puppet!!!"
Spike, 'Angel'
".....It's MOUNTAIN DEW?"
Spike, 'Angel'

"I wanted orange, it gave me lemon-lime"
Gunther, 'Deus Ex'

"Shoot the hostage"
Harry, 'speed'

"My God, he's pissing metal!"
Quartermaster, 'Matrix: Revolution'
"Dig this"
Rocket Infantry, 'Matrix: Revolution'

"What have you got here, its ticking like a bomb?"
"Its a geiger counter..."
Sheriff, Dr Forrester, 'War of the Worlds'

"All bart has to do is apologise, and we get a free trip to Australia?"
Homer, 'The Simpsons'

"We are trapped in a school"
"We might miss christmas"
"I fixed the DVD"
Nelson, Milhouse, Priciple Skinner, 'The Simpsons'
I could swear you quoted Wiston Churchill wrong. Meh what do I know
"What is in this shit, man?"
"Mostly Maui-waui, man..."
"...but it's got some labrador in it."
"What's labrador?"
"It's dog shit, man."
"Yeah, my dog ate my stash, man. Had it on the table and the little mother****er ate it. It really blew the dog's mind, man."

- Cheech and Chong
The latest:

"Suddenly I’m interested"
- Unknown

"Shoot the hostage"
- Harry, Speed

"What’s in the car?"
"Seats and a steering wheel."
- Unknown, Turkish, Snatch

“Jesus Christ, apocalypse now, got some heavy sh*t here!”
- Unknown, Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne

“Problem is, North America is the stupidest looking shape I’ve ever seen”
- Unknown

“What’s the difference between here and across the room? Really....think about it”
- Unknown

“And nothing is fundamental....time, that must be explained by physics too”
- Unknown

“ this going to destroy the company?”
- Unknown, Valve Software

"And then people started using the game to compose their own screenshots of Dr. Kleiner performing oral sex on Alyx. It's basically your worst nightmare."
- Gabe Newell

- Unknown, A Fish Called Wanda

“Gabe Newell is a liar and I'm not buying Half-Life 2”
- N/A, Gamespot’s The Final Hours of Half-life 2

“Wow that is really interesting”
“Someone add that”
- Jackal hit, Bad^Hat (regarding the quote list)

“Sounds good, I’ll bring the drum set”
- Unknown

“We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friends; future events such as these will affect you in the future.”
- Criswell, Plan 9 from Outer Space

“I imagine myself as just my little 7-year old or so self, in a much more advanced (mentally and physically) body”
- Unknown

“Sometimes I’ll just wake up, even if I wasn’t asleep”
- Unknown
this list is ****ing huge... bigger than mine. :(
But then, I only record quality quotes :E

“The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense.” - Tom Clancy

“O, it is excellent to have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant.” - William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” - Epictetus

“Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.” - Oscar Wilde

“Everyone is entitled to my opinion.” - Madonna

“Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion, without the discomfort of thought.” - John F. Kennedy

“Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.” - John F. Kennedy

“Rashness is the characteristic of youth, prudence that of mellowed age, and discretion the better part of valor.” - Cicero
Haha, you quoted me on me replying to a quote telling you to quote it... that's insane :rolling:

The Fish Called Wanda one, it was John Cleese's character I believe. Or it could have been... the private investigator guy from Something About Mary... if he was in Wanda. They have similar faces.

falconwind said:
“Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.” - John F. Kennedy

Wasn't that HG Wells? Call Of Duty says so :cheese: