The best remote control programs?


Companion Cube
Jun 4, 2004
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Hey guys. As some of you know, I'm stuck at uni for most of the week. I usually go home every fortnight to see friends and download some new things to watch (like episodes of Psych - perfectly legal) on my laptop because I can't take my main computer up. Unfortunately, my internet connection at home is not always fast enough to get new episodes of my favourite series' in one weekend, so I'd like to be able to do it during the week from university.
What I would like is some of the best freeware programs in your opinion that will allow me to connect to my home computer from my laptop and control it remotely, setting downloads going, basic system maintenance etc.
If at all possible, I'd like something that'll run automatically so I can literally just leave my home computer on and connect to it whenever I want with no input from the other end back at home.

Also anything which doesn't need a super fast connection on both ends to use would be great, because this uni connection is dire (during the day it maxes at about 20kb/s, and at around 3am - 7am it maxes it's connection at 90kb/s downstream and up). My home connection currently is 2.2mb/s which gives me 255kb/s downstream and 30kb/s upstream. No caps. It may change to 8mb/s connection at some point because our current ISP is charging us loads for it. Also my home computer is connected through a router, and so although it has a dynamic IP address, the router is rarely switched off so it's almost always the same.

Is there some program that exists that'll allow me to run programs on my home computer from my laptop?

Oh also if you can think of something that allows me to remotely turn on my computer too (maybe utilising the Wake From LAN function?) that'd be a great help, because then I can turn it off when it's not downloading anything, saving electricity bills at home.

Ta very much.

EDIT: I found this program called Radmin which is apparently pretty good. I may use this if I can't find a free one (I really don't want to have to shell out money for a program if there's a good free alternative).

EDIT2: That's another thing. My laptop is running Vista Basic, while my home computer is running XP Pro (SP2).
You should be able to use the client to connect back to XP's Remote Desktop, haven't tried it on Vista. If not, try UltraVNC. Free and has a plug-in for encryption.
Ta techno, I'll look into all of those.