The Best things in life....

May 15, 2003
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Just a few favourite things of mine:

(In no particular order)

Hearing your fave song kick in at max volume


Asking someone "Erm, do you want my number then?" and watching their face light up and say "yeah, sure"

Watching live bands, and going mental

Crowd surfing (even if you get dropped :P )

Tabbing a really hard song

Laughing yourself stupid

Roast Chicken, Mayo, and Lettuce sandwhiches

Good friends


Earning your first £ (or $ or whatever) legally

add yours below :)
I would have to agree with most of your list, but maybe not badgers, hmm.
I think music is a big one for me, whether it's listening to or playing it.
I love coming up with a riff and thinking that's pretty good and then recording it for later reference.
I also like seeing people play music, because I just think it's amazing, when my mate stays at moy house and just plays this stuff on the guitar and he's good at it and I just think, wow.
Also, just hanging around with people, like on people in moy family's birthday and we all get together at my Nan's and just talk and play accoustic guitar and stuff.
Also, just creating anything. I love to make stuff, whether it's music or weird films I make.
Also, just expressing my feelings to other people and they know what I'm talking about.
But there's loadsa stuff, tis seems like it should be a song.
Oh yeah, and I was so tempted, when I saw the name of thread to just put "are free", but I decided against it. I'll leave it to some-one else to make an idiot of themselves.
Originally posted by mrBadger
Hearing your fave song kick in at max volume

I'd agree with that to an extent, but not necessarily my favourite song :P Hearing something like Mad World by Gary Jules or It's a Mother****er by the eels kick in at full volume doesn't have quite the same effect as say, Starseed by Our Lady Peace.
>For someone to be different, to be able to express your feelings and beliefs, without physical, social or mental punishment.
>Lisening to an amazing music track
>Love, in general
>Living in a country where the true evils of the worlds are hidden convinently
>New technology, however not all technology is "good"
>Knowing that everyday brings a new chalenge however how hard
>To know that whatever you do you can do better

Seriously though. The best things in life?

Living. No one/list of thing(s). Just being alive is great. Especially since i know that this great life we can lead is only a prelude to something far greater.

oh but zibo is right. Hl2 is definately up there!
Feeling truely loved
Sunlight on a chilly day
Embarrasing yourself publicly for the approval of friends :P
Hugs from mum (you love em, admit it)

These are just a few things I like. There's tons of things to love about life, life is great. But when you're like me, you'll twist everything and literally destroy yourself until you're comfortably miserable. Yes, I have depression, and honestly without all these things (and some that have been mentioned above) I wouldn't be alive today :)
Listening to a great track for the first time


Over 2 ft of snow and other bizzare weather conditions which prevent you from going to school/work

Pwning someone in real life (like sports or something)

Installing new hardware

Buying new hardware

Thinking about buying new hardware


7 or more beers

Writing code that actually compiles and runs

HL2 :cheese:
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Hugs from mum (you love em, admit it)
I'll have you know, I've been nowhere near your Mum and so wouldn't know whether I love hugs from her.
Holding that person close to you, that u've longed to hold for so long
Kissing the person you'd never fort u'd kiss, and realising that there good....

Sorry, I'm just in a good mood, look at the sugestions and you'll know why...hehe, me so happy...

*Stone Hugs Everyone

one more thing,

meeting your heroes (IE when i met Terry Prachett, such a buzz)
Unfortunatly, I having had much experience of any of the stuff you said Stone, but hey.
Also, thanks for the hug, but I don't want people getting the wrong idea I'm not, you know, one of them (joking).

Hazza turns the hug into a manly attempt to kill Stone.

Sorry, I have a migraine and I'm very tired. I'm gonna stop posting soon, before I collapse and fall asleep in a heap on the floor.
"Also, just expressing my feelings to other people and they know what I'm talking about."

Couldn't agree more... :)

but uhm... yeah... Id say creating thing, just doing things... listening to music... feeling loved(been a looong times since i felt that :/ ...ok ill stop whining :) )

Walking around in the snow at 4-5 o'clock in the moring, and just...walking around in the silence..absolute bliss.

and uhm... HL2!!! ARGHF!
Originally posted by Nostradamus
"Also, just expressing my feelings to other people and they know what I'm talking about."

Couldn't agree more... :)

but uhm... yeah... Id say creating thing, just doing things... listening to music... feeling loved(been a looong times since i felt that :/ ...ok ill stop whining :) )

Walking around in the snow at 4-5 o'clock in the moring, and just...walking around in the silence..absolute bliss.

and uhm... HL2!!! ARGHF!

Nostradamus, you've just hit the nail on the head so many times there...

except for the walking in the snow one, i'll have to add with the person who u feel loved by, just holding each other, as u walk to keep warm....
I need another hug, wheres that special person gone.... ;(
Originally posted by Nostradamus
"Walking around in the snow at 4-5 o'clock in the moring, and just...walking around in the silence..absolute bliss.

yeah i like that too :) and the smell of burning wood in autumn and the smell after its just rained

best silence i ever experienced was when i was walking home (pissed as a fart) at about half one, it was unbelievably foggy and you could literally hear nothing, it was so cool!
hehe, just thought of another 1...

The morning after a storm, when everything is still....everything is peacefull, everything is beautiful...

I'm a firm believer that true beauty can only be found after true pain....must be why i like goth girls so much...
Oh also leaning back on your chair, that rocks.
Originally posted by Murray_H
... and the smell after its just rained

I love it, that combined (hehe) with absolute silence is bliss. Love it.

I love to love and be loved.

I love to play drums and music, and listen to it.

I like when I'm dressed as a gimp and a dominatrix is sticking a bullwhip up my... uh, I told you too much.
To me, the best things in life are:

Flying above the clouds, it's so relaxing, and almost like a whole new world. (I've had to stop Air Experience Flights with cadets, I had to quit. :( )

Feeling loved

Being outside before and after a storm, because everything is so still.

The rush of a paintball game.

Stephen King novels.
unfortunatly, i wouldnt rank falling into a bin outside a kfc as one of the "best things in life"...

the beering before hand tho.... :cheers:
Xcept, what's your sig... is that a game or real coz it looks damn real.
Final Fantasy 7.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........THE best thing in life.
its from Bad Boys 2

good thing....resting from a hard run on the beach watching the sun rise with a mate you fancy the hell out of :)
> Music
> Friends
> Teriyaki food
> Mah wiener dog
> pr0n :D
> HL2
> yay!

:laugh:, that should be on everyones list :laugh:
Not women, woman. Only one for me :) K will stop bragging now. Yes women in general are nice ;) Computers and money hehe couldn't do without em... even tho I spend all my money on my computer...
Yeah, I think most people (who have 1) would put their special lady on the list :D.... I'm not a huge fan of money tho.... but what the hell, i like fanning myself with £20 notes :)
Sunny days
Driving in a car watching the view, houses, trees, etc flow by
Relaxing in a sunny day, at the beach, hotel, bath
Listening to really good music, especially relaxing songs
going out with friends, showing love to others, recieving love without prejudice, no matter of skincolor, looks, or what youre wearing
no backstabbing friends, no stupid silences between talks, no ****ing bastard friends who only try to use you, no ****ing rules for friendship, no stupid looks at friends, no plotting behind back

and the list just goes on

on and what Fat Tony said too.
Ouch, cherry coke? >.< Whatever you say mac.
Nothing like drinking cherry coke whilst tripping.
LOL, I'll take your word for it :D Pretty much all I drink nowadays is Milk and V.
Lying in your bed listening to heavy rain pounding the roof.
Hearing the wind howling.
(preferably with your special someone next to you) ;)
Originally posted by Idolon
Lying in your bed listening to heavy rain pounding the roof.

How come no ones said this one already??? >_< I feel kinda stupid now, everyone loves that! :D:D
Idolon, you have just reminded me of falling asleep on one of my best mates (female) chest's.... since we were both drunk and tired... :P... was nice :) ....... sleeping on someone rocks so much, forgot that :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
Idolon, you have just reminded me of falling asleep on one of my best mates (female) chest's.... since we were both drunk and tired... :P... was nice :) ....... sleeping on someone rocks so much, forgot that :)

Cant forget spooning either, that owns.
Oh and another thing to add is knowing that ure young and that u have only use 16% of ure life yay!
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Half Life
Cherry Coke

Along with Moshing to music and Beef'n'tomato pot noodles i would say that list is damn close to what im about! :E :bounce: