The Best Video Games in the History of Humanity

Wow. That color coding is very bad. NES and Sega Saturn. Xbox and PlayStation. :rolling:

<3 Future Timeline
Good find.

I can appreciate all of the top ten games on every list.

I like how Street Fighter II and Goldeneye were on nearly every top 10 games of all time lists. i couldn't agree more. I've made my own top 10 lists and they didn't vary much from what everyone else listed.

Lets hope we get some more games in the future worthy of the top 10 games of all time title.

I also like "The first smiley :-)" link. That's computer culture.
Duck Shooter!

Either that or the original Doom.
Wtf how did Halo 2 get in there :|

I can think of loads of better games (even FPS'es) that ares better than Halo 2 :|
The 50 indie film was good until the top 3. Terminator? Donnie Darko? Reservoir Dogs? All great movies, but not at all better than half of the movies on that list.
Beerdude26 said:
Wtf how did Halo 2 get in there :|

I can think of loads of better games (even FPS'es) that ares better than Halo 2 :|

Yes, wouldn't that fall under the top 10 most hyped games of all time? :-)

To it's credit I've never played Halo 2

Danimal said:
Duck Shooter!

Either that or the original Doom.
don't you mean Duck Hunt -NES ?
Interesting read, particularly the gaming top 10's.

Super Mario 64
Street Fighter II
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Not bad for an all time top 5 :)

The ones that came close (Goldeneye 007, Final Fantasy III, Super Metroid, Super Mario Bros., Final Fantasy VII) are all very deserving too.

It's worth noting that in the platform totals, 22 of the games mentioned are Nintendo exclusives \o/
not doom 3. just doom.

i'm surprised half-life was so...absent. And halo 2?!?! wtf did halo 2 do that was new besides "dual wielding"?!!
Let me ask you this then, did you play Doom when it originally came out? It kicked ass back then. Hell...I had way more fun playing Doom 1 & 2 with my roomate than I did with Doom 3 or most games earlier this year.
As bad as people say Halo 2 is, if all you could afford was an Xbox, Halo 2 is all you pretty much have when it comes to shooters.
Dalamari said:
As bad as people say Halo 2 is, if all you could afford was an Xbox, Halo 2 is all you pretty much have when it comes to shooters.

Besides Half-Life 2, Halo,Project Snowblind, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon,Rainbow Six. Halo 2 was crap.
AmishSlayer said:
Let me ask you this then, did you play Doom when it originally came out?
I cant remember tbh. I do remember playing it on the ps and thinking it was one of the worst games id ever played.
It kicked ass back then.
Good games stay good, imo.
Reaktor4 said:
I cant remember tbh. I do remember playing it on the ps and thinking it was one of the worst games id ever played.

Good games stay good, imo.

I played it for PC WAYYY back (1993) and it kicked ass then and I've still had fun blowing away the enemies with the shotgun (always loved it).

The PS version didn't come out 'till 1995 and I never played it so I can't judge it but Doom kicked ass. I like Doom 2 a lot more but they're both awesome.
Reaktor4 said:
I cant remember tbh. I do remember playing it on the ps and thinking it was one of the worst games id ever played.

Good games stay good, imo.

I bought the Doom collectors edition like last year.

Its got:

Doom II
Ultimate Doom
Final Doom

They're still alot of fun, but I can't get it to let me aim or look with the mouse!

I didn't remember not being able to. ;(

Apparently you can only use the arrow keys to look around, strafing is odd, and since you can't turn using the mouse, you can only go in one direction at a time. not diagonal. oh it feels so entirely un-good. ;( ;(

Anyone know a mod where i can use my mouse in these games? or am i doing something wrong? There is a Button mapper but no option for mouse.

What a shame. Damn that was the best game I ever played. My PC sucked so bad I would play all the way through it with no sound and in the smallest possible window and graphics settings. the screen was like 2 inches squared and it still ran like pretty bad.
VirusType2 said:
I bought the Doom collectors edition like last year.

Its got:

Doom II
Ultimate Doom
Final Doom

They're still alot of fun, but I can't get it to let me aim or look with the mouse!

I didn't remember not being able to. ;(

Apparently you can only use the arrow keys to look around, strafing is odd, and since you can't turn using the mouse, you can only go in one direction at a time. not diagonal. oh it feels so entirely un-good. ;( ;(

Anyone know a mod where i can use my mouse in these games? or am i doing something wrong? There is a Button mapper but no option for mouse.

What a shame. Damn that was the best game I ever played. My PC sucked so bad I would play all the way through it with no sound and in the smallest possible window and graphics settings. the screen was like 2 inches squared and it still ran like pretty bad.

You want jDOOM.

You are welcome because I rock so much.
Bait said:
You want jDOOM.

You are welcome because I rock so much.
See this is why I'm still here! I love you guys man :sniff: ... anytime i need help, people go out of their way. . .Thanks Bait

This is crazy!

3D particles, light sourcing, 100 fully customizable graphics settings all on top of those ancient graphics! Blood splaters in all directions and smears on the wall w00t

hahah, feels like 10,000 fps at 1600x1200

I got my control set up like HL2 :)

When i have more time I'll see if i can find a high rez texture pack :thumbs: :thumbs:

EDIT: GOT the detailed texture pack! that shits awesome! jDoom is really nice. I should have known there are probably butt-loads of old mods for this game. I'd like to see very high rez textures, that would be sickness. anyway detailed texture pack kicks ass anyway. and i got the control set up exactly like HL2 except i keep trying to reload.. ;p (doom doesn't have reload)

I have seen some other things like Aliens texture pack and abbs weapon pack but its like too much work to put them in the right folders and stuff :( so.... tired...
good find, good find grey fox
you found them as if they were in a box

i have to say that i am very impressed
but then again i havent addressed

how well the information was presented
and how i lusted

to be able to have that talent
but for me that talent is absent
Anything with Goldeneye 007 and/or Half-Life on the top-ten, I cannot disagree with.