The best,worst & weirdest movies in the world


May 3, 2006
Reaction score
This is just a little poll to find out what are some of everyones worst or weirdest movies they've ever seen are.

Some of my worst

Cashern - if you can call it a movie, how bout a really bad music video
Night Watch - Well, It had its moments but Im sorry, if thats what Russian cinema is like then no thanks
Looking Italian - Looking for a reason to watch this again but there isn't one.
Hard Eight - yeah no thanks

Some of my best

True Romance - True Genius
Falling down - Ausome
Fresh - One of the best Black dramas I've ever seen
187 - One of my favourite Samuel Jackson films
...and many others

Some of the weirdest

Nowhere - OMG what a trip, this takes the prize for alltime weirdest movie
Happiness - Hehe, more like freaked out and a little disturbed
She hate me - Although a very good movie its very interesting in a weird way
If you want weird just watch almost any Takashi Miike film ever made. A few favorites are Happiness of the Katakuris and Izo.

Best movie ever is clearly Versus. Find me a more awesome movie and you win a cookie.
Yeah, I'm not sure where the action part comes in either.
For some reason, I didn't find Delicatessen as weird as everyone else does >_>.