The best??


Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Who do u think is the best guitarist ever. i mean including the rockers befor our time and in our time now. i personally think its Brian May from Queen (was brain washed when was ickle) wat about u lot??
that list is crap - please... jack white and kurt cobain better than brian may...

My Top 3:
Jimi Hendrix
Brain May - i agree man hes up there, he writes great songs and kickass solos.
Yes Brian May is best! I will see him in Prague concert 14.4.05, yo,yo ,yo !!!!
If you don't like that list check out this, they have quite a few lists.
Tom Morello
Matt Bellamy
Mike Einzeger
wait a minute: are we taling technically proficient? or otherwise

techincally most session guitarists are far better than known names ...Stevie Ray vaughn was a session guitarist before making it on his own

overall I would say either Jimi Hendrix, Chet Atkins, Les Paul or Paco Delucia
Ive posted in trillions of these threads.

David Gilmour every single damn time lol.

No special effects, no pedals, no altered sound. Maybe a whammy bar once in a while and he makes the guitar sound better than any other guitarist I have heard.

Hes incredible, no special double tapping or crazy techniques. Just bends, hammer ons, slides, and regular notes.

Comfortably Numb is one of his greatest works of art in the guitar department.