The Big DM map thread

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, post your DM maps that you've made in here, so people don't have to go hunting through older posts to find them all. If you've found a cool map you want to include that you didn't make yourself, give the info accordingly and don't try take credit for it.

Do it in the following way



Map Name:

Style: (Ravenholm, Canals, Coast, NP, C17 etc.)

Screenshots: (recommended)

Download URL: (Since some people are having problems with DLing maps from the server running them, needs a proper DL)

Instructions: (If the map comes with extra files and needs any special info to get running beyond the basics)

Servers: info for servers running the map, might be useful to some.

----- has made a nice mappack of 50 dm maps :):)

---------------------- has done it again with the release of Half-Life 2 Mappack Volume #2!

This mappack contains yet another 50 Half-Life 2 Deathmatch custom maps!

The included maps are:

alpha6, apc_bunker, boot_camp, boot_camp_tundra_cool, buildingblocks_b3, deadclan, dissipated_beta1, dm_abandoned, dm_airboat_swamp_b1, dm_arena_duel, dm_bounce_b1, dm_buggy_kn, dm_bunker_valley, dm_burn01, dm_cabinfever, dm_chaintech, dm_chamber, dm_city, dm_closed, dm_concretebunker, dm_creighter, dm_dodgeball-b1, dm_exit, dm_ffm7beta16, dm_frag_dodgeball_v1, dm_freeman, dm_garage, dm_ghtemple_a09, dm_hanger18, dm_kasasu, dm_killbox_final, dm_quad, dm_racetrack, dm_sawblade, dm_urban_siege, dm_waterhazard, dodgeballmkx2, evn_physics_b2, Greentownforest, hl2dm_arena_1a, hl2dm_tower_1a, lws_train1, neighbour-war, phys_ozone, piff, robotwars, robotwars_v3, skyhigh, storage_hq, zombiesv2

Grab it here:;34071 and be sure to get Volume 1 if you haven't already here:;33929

Happy Fragging,
[email protected] Founder/Site Admin


have fun !!
and the guy that made this stalkyard (for hl2 dm of cource) :p
what we really need is for mappers to re-do some of the popular HLDM/OP4DM maps... such as crossfire and op4_park.. they would be instant hits with the community.
There are 2 or three crossfires floating around on servers. One has a working nuke, another doesn't. There's also a horrible untextured bounce.
dude try dm_bounce_b1 its fully textured but has some bugs with bounce meganisms
Are there any versions of Crossfire that have better textures (currently all buildings are the same, not too great) and the cannons up in the bunker?
Guess I didn't notice this before I made my post... Oh well here it is again. Dm_docks.







Download here.
smiley_mr.T said:
we need good mappers (look at the guy that made dm_docks
We have enough good mappers, they just need more time to work on their maps.
smiley_mr.T said:
we need good mappers (look at the guy that made dm_docks

If you think dm_docks looks good, then your going to piss your pants when you see the map I'm entering in the contest. (no offence to the person who made dm_docks :)

Sorry, I can't show you any pics, you'll have to wait for the contest to be over. :E (it will be called dm_portside though)

And yes, there are plenty of good mapper out there, it's just most of them are keeping a hush hush on their maps because of the contest. I'm sure you'll be happy after the contest is over. ;)
So can mappers not release their maps to the public if they're entering them in the contest? It seems kind of stupid if that's the case. Epic did their contest right, and helped the community immediately by encouraging their participants to have active releases and tests of entries. Preventing mappers from sharing their work only hurts the HL2DM community in the short run, during the time when all eyes are focused on it. I think the "previously published" clause means that it was published by a publisher of some sort, not "released to the fans on the internet".
pur3r4ge said:
So can mappers not release their maps to the public if they're entering them in the contest? It seems kind of stupid if that's the case. Epic did their contest right, and helped the community immediately by encouraging their participants to have active releases and tests of entries. Preventing mappers from sharing their work only hurts the HL2DM community in the short run, during the time when all eyes are focused on it. I think the "previously published" clause means that it was published by a publisher of some sort, not "released to the fans on the internet".

This is a concern I have had for a while, I recently sent off an email to Valve and just checked my email and this was the reply about publishing from Greg Coomer:

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill [mailto:***@***]
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 7:49 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: DM Map Contest rules - publishing & submission

Hi, If you cant answer this please pass it onto someone who deals with
the competition.

In the rules of the Deathmatch map making contest is says this:

/"Contest Entries may not have been previously published"

/Does that mean that no part of the development of a map has for any
time been publicly available?

The reason I am saying this is I released an alpha version of my map
with lots of things missing for testing and critique purposes only, but
would that count as being 'published' and invalidate my map for

How about someone downloading the map as they join my internet game
while I am testing my map hosted on my machine?

I also read about submission and it mentions submitting on CD and DVD,
is there no other way to submit it by an upload form or email? Its just
there is a lot of hassle that goes with internation shipping.

Thanks for reading and please respond,



Regarding your map being previously "published" -- the rules have been
clarified to now state
"Each Contest Entry may not have been distributed prior to December 1,

Regarding the CD/DVD requirement -- this one isn't going to change. I
hope you'll be able to ship a copy of your map on CD-ROM so that it can
be entered in the contest.



Of course, it also ensures that the official maps will be of guaranteed high quality.
I recently made a map. I haven't made maps for a game since Doom 1 and 2, so don't expect to be impressed by the design. It's just three large rooms, with several smaller rooms and hallways. There's lots of junk to throw around, and there are several secrets to getting the best weapons. It's 100% done and tested. I won't add any features unless there is a large enough demand.

I have buggies in this map, but the driver appears invisible when driving the things. Also, the left click firing mode of the buggy's gun doesn't work. I have no idea how to fix these problems, but the buggies are fun to drive.

You'll also notice that everything is completely bright and there are no shadows or dark areas at all. I don't know how to adjust brightness, so I figured I'd skip it on my first map.

The download site is only temporary. I only have one of those free websites, and I don't know who will host my map. Expect this download link to go down if the bandwidth gets exceeded.

http://falcon_of_fury. tripod .com/scrapyard_c2.rar

This forum isn't letting me post a tripod site, so just paste the link in your address bar and remove the spaces around the word tripod.

Anyone know a real website I can post this map to?
mantis50 said:
If you think dm_docks looks good, then your going to piss your pants when you see the map I'm entering in the contest. (no offence to the person who made dm_docks :)

Sorry, I can't show you any pics, you'll have to wait for the contest to be over. :E (it will be called dm_portside though)

And yes, there are plenty of good mapper out there, it's just most of them are keeping a hush hush on their maps because of the contest. I'm sure you'll be happy after the contest is over. ;)
dude i made a mistake in the screens it whas ok.....
but when i played it hmmm sry dude but it sucked ass
smiley_mr.T said:
dude i made a mistake in the screens it whas ok.....
but when i played it hmmm sry dude but it sucked ass

So whats your point really? I didnt make that map. I was simply saying that if you thought dm_docks looked good, then you would be amazed at the map I was making. Don't need to appologize to me :rolleyes:
Gday fellas,

Ok this is my first map since DUKE3D :) oh and ignore the ornage line in the sky on the 2nd pic i fixed that as soon as i saw it.

anyway this is still a work in porgress and has a long way to go still but thought i would share a few shots of it so far its really just a map to test things out :)



plan is to have it back onto a warehouse district as soon as i can make relastic looking warehouses anyone got any tips or hints feel free to email me cheers
Map Name: Dm_xen-sahara
Author: Agentxen (forum name as well)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Completed: yes
Size: Small


ShapeShifta : Personal Comment- "Nice small map, what makes this map great is it doesn't over do it. Plus it's very energy ball friendly with all those columns ."

I have put archive of objective-team-deathmatch map by kasasu at my server.

Creator: kasasu
Map Name: tdm_doyowide_b3
Style: objective-team-deathmatch
Screenshots: no :afro:
Download URL:

-team "Rebels" must destroy the target at each area
-team "Combine" must guard below from Rebel's attack.

AREA1:center of barricade
AREA2:center of barricade

this map work at TeamDeathmatch only.

Download link :

Version 1.0 :imu:


Half-Life² Deathmatch Map

Title : Crossfire:Source
Version : 1.0
Release Date : 19/12/2004
Filename : DM_Crossfire_Source.bsp
Author : Magic-Sim
Email Address : [email protected]
Web Page :

Description : Initially, I wanted to port Crossfire to the Source Engine for a Crossfire fan friend. Finally, it became a mix of the original Crossfire : Bunker, arena, etc, with the HL² philosophy : Combine technology, physics gameplay, gorgeous graphics...... I am not a die-hard multiplayer gamer (I am mostly a singleplayer), but my goal was to iron a map which would give people much fun. I hope I haven't failed.

Construction time : Merely 4 weeks. Well, more if we count original experimentations with the original Source SDK.

Technical notes : Turrets aren't working, sadly. But the bomb is and there's a nifty alarm to signal those going to Boost health & ammo into the bunker or trigger the bomb......

Credits : First, thanks to the original Author at VALVe Software. I also want to thank all the people playtesting it before initial release, and also, XaTriX who asked to put the map on the server to stress it, and OES <ho brought it to a lan party. Finally, I must thank someone special. I dunno if she'll recognize herself

Bug reporters : B-S ; Gandarius ; Inek ; Mancasters ; Master_Jul ; OES ; thibw ; XaTriX

--- Play Information ---
Game : Half-Life² : DeathMatch

Level Name : Crossfire:Source

Game Type : 2 to 12
Single Player : nope
Deathmatch : yep
Other : No
Multiplayer : yep
New Sounds : nah.
New Graphics : Sadly, not.
New Props : nope.
Known bugs : Blue barrels won't behave normally to gun shots.

--- Construction ---
Editor(s) used : Hammer 4.0
Base : Original Crossfire.

--- Changelog ---
RC3 :
Bottles are now respawnable in old hivehand room.
Geiger-Müller counter sound added in the torture chamber.
Mis-aligned fence corrected over crates pile near damaged lift.
Clip-brush added to clear the main bunker door of physics ojects while closing.
Prop_dynamic gas_tank changed to laundry cart because of invisible base.
Disabled entrance alarm for the period of strike alarm to avoid double sirens.
Added sound to strike button.
Moved bottles a little in old hivehand room.
Modified visibility distances for bottles and boxes in old hivehand room.

RC2 :
Put clip brushes ceiling more towards the top of the map.
Fixed the bug allowing players to go through the clip brushes.
Nodraw textures fixed on left-top-side of the right bunker window.
Fixed a floor texture under the lift in front of the bunker.
All sinks are now breakable for more consistency.
Railings have now player clip brushes to avoid stucking, while letting bullets go through.
Collision for tunnel pipes changed from VPhysics to Bounding box to avoid getting caught by a pipe.
Tree position altered to avoid the irruption of a root near the sinks.
Hammer and APC wreck positions altered to avoid floating over the floor.
Fixed elevators. You won't need to press two times the button to trigger the lifts.
Tweaked the elevator bug to simulate a badly working elevator on the far left corner of the map (from bunker view).
Added sparks and smokes to the damaged elevator call button.
Fixed some wall mounted lights rendering strangely.
Slightly delayed env_hurt trigger by the bomb to enable earing of mortar sound.

RC1 :
Changed light strength for Thumper.
Corrected the black square bug near torture chair & hev charger.
Corrected the placement of the ladder_dismount for the top end of the left bunker ladder.
Moved a bit back the func_button of the lifts, they were blocking some players, thus, killing them......
Moved a bit the rocks on the arena ledge near the 357 Magnum.
Added Playerclip brush to the crossbow electric wire holder to prevent stucking.
Suppressed respawn counter for crates, sinks and toilets to avoid their infinite multiplication.
Adjusted the number of exploding barrels from 18 to 19 to max value in the respawn counter, No more doubling of barrels should occur.
Added clip brushes to avoid the loss of projectiles (scannes, radiators, etc).
Adjusted position of computer consoles in the bunker to avoid float.
Added wind to wires.
Improved bunker alarm volume.
Added Nuke sequence (button, sounds, gfx effects, hurt and doors).

RC0 :
Initial Release.

Unrar the file DM_Crossfire_Source.bsp into your x:\..\Valve\Steam\Steamapps\yourlogin\Half-Life 2 Deathmatch\hl2mp\maps directory.
Well........ Start the Engine.

Copyright / Permissions
This level is copyrighted by Simon Thorel, 2004.
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.

You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission!

You MAY distribute this BSP through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact.

2004 Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. Valve, the Valve logo, Half-Life, the Half-Life logo, the Lambda logo, Steam, the Steam logo, Team Fortress, the Team Fortress logo, Opposing Force, Day of Defeat, the Day of Defeat logo, Counter-Strike, the Counter-Strike logo, Source, the Source logo, Valve Source and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation.


Glad you liked dm_rebar. I'll be posting the beta 6 within a couple of days for more testing.
Crossfire Source updated to 1.1 and should be final.

1.1 : Torture chamber has been decorated a bit to be be more like a torture chamber.
Tuned bunker alarm sound to be less annoying. It'll ring once per entrance and not 5 times.
Vertical pipes in tunnel have proper player clip brushes.
Combine MegaCharger has now it's green light going off when charger is empty. It'll return at refill.
Added cubemaps (VALVe finally fixed the command buildcubemaps).
Tweaked heavily cubemapped areas lighting to better suit to cubemapped surfaces.
hey guys, I have a map up in hl2files that I'd like you to check out.;34708

I'm really trying to make quality maps for our community, so I'd really like your input. I've gotten nothing but good words about it thusfar, but the more opinions I can get the better.

It's designed for 6 people, so it shouldn't be hard to get a good game going.

If you have any comments, suggestions, bug reports, please contact me at tonybullard@
Way too dark. And 6 players is damn tiny for a map, most servers usually have a max limit of 12-16, so they wouldn't put this in their map cycle. Or if they did, when it came up everyone would hate it because it was so crowded.

Also, it's pretty dark, you should consider making it lighter.
Yeah, fixed a leak, map is much brighter now. That is to say, the final will be brighter.