The binks.

I am pretty sure that they are not going to release them in bink. It took them almost a year to release the first E3 batch. They never annoucned releasing them in Bink. So don't count on a bink release. The highest quality E3 2004 video feed I found was on File Planet (Sucks but true).
greg (i know ur reading this) if you watched the fileplanet video then u would see that its bad quility and it would make u want to release the BINK videos for E3 2004 so go ahead and download them.... watch it and you'll see.
marty905 said:
greg (i know ur reading this) if you watched the fileplanet video then u would see that its bad quility and it would make u want to release the BINK videos for E3 2004 so go ahead and download them.... watch it and you'll see.

I think he's probably seen them so many times he's barfed. :LOL:
I doubt he's reading this, they have their own lives to attend to, you know.

And I guess they'll release the BINK-version of the vids pretty soon, at least before the game is released since they confirmed in an e-mail that they will release them at all.
The Hi-Res binks would be nice but I don't see them being released since it's supposedly close to release.
hey this is off topic, but does anyone know any other mirrors for the e3 2k3 and 2k4 videos that are up on fileplanet, the 600mb ones. thanks alot.
Yep, I had to wait an hour to download the Gamespy viddy on fileplanet :(
That's why you need obtain all the HL2 content known to mankind - outside of Valve. To hoard it on your computer like some kind of demonic chimpmunk holding the acorns of Eternal Halflife Damnation between his evil little puffed-up cheeks. Or is it squirrels that hoard nuts...I forget.

I guess to show to his friends and stuff, too.

Reminds me of a quote:
"Bright eyed and bushytailed? That's not awake and energetic, that's a squirrel on crack!"
I'm still missing the Techdemo-bink from E3 2003 ;) Only scene which hasn't been released on Bink from E3 2003.
Taylor is the guy who made steam.... Taylor sherman that is
The binks would be nice, but I recommend Valve to give their time to the game. Would you watch hi-res videos rather than playing the game? Oh well, what is a life devoid of strife!
Binks will be out before the game, seeming that the release date is now August... This is going to be a long Summer.
yeah, in the heat... the sun glaring through the curtained windows and STILL getting glare on my screen, my computer over-heated, resulting in deployed desk-fans to cool it and myself, as i drink away at multiple bottles of Evian sweating profusely.
A very long summer indeed.
Hey, atleast we've got fit birds on the beaches to stare at :p
Yeh. But it isnt winter as how you would imagine it... I mean it still gets hot here even during winter, but in the mornings and evenings, a heater is required :O
It's f'ing freezing in Melbourne at the moment. Hail is imminent.
CrazyHarij said:
I doubt he's reading this, they have their own lives to attend to, you know.

And I guess they'll release the BINK-version of the vids pretty soon, at least before the game is released since they confirmed in an e-mail that they will release them at all.

The BINKS dont have the "WOW" effect they justed to have I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't release them...especially now, when it looks like HL2 will go gold this summer