The Bitter End Mod - Recruiting


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From our leader:

The Bitter End mod is now Recruiting. Some of you may know about it, it is a co-op mod against zombies with the main objective set on survival.

We are currently short on a couple of members, and so we turn to the hlfallout community for those members.

We are looking for people skilled in these areas:


If you have any of those skills, and would like to join an established mod for Half Life 2. Then please PM me or email our leader at [email protected]

You can visit our website here.

Thank You for your time

Skilled Pro
Bitter End Mod Leader
man i am currently making a mod exactly like that. well not EXACTLY its a bit different but still :(
evry mod around for source is horror.. horror.. yay :p im just kidding :) will sure be great :)
yeah but my mod as I said wont be EXACTLY like that. It will involve a lot of different element. Plus, I have a WHOLE new way of gameplay that will be done which I dont think has been done much, if not ever before....
Just because there are other zombie mods we are not able to make one?

There are heaps and heaps of mods being made, just because someone made a zombie one first that does not mean no one else can try.