The Black Mesa Incident (spoilers)

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that no one is sending the script anymore? If so I am going to take my email off.
to clear things up - THIS IS NOT A GENUINE SCRIPT, only captions list from the game. but AFAIK it includes sentences that were left off in the final version or are not used.
anyway it's worth the read :thumbs:

and hosting/sending it shouldn't be illegal, because VALVe unintentionally released this thing with one of CS:S preloads. so it's not like someone obtained it without their knowledge or stole it from them.

sending it to trident (and to others) right now...
Its UP!

Okay guys the Script that i have been sent is up at :thumbs:

If you got any other versions of the script just email it to me - address on the site.

Have a good one

Trident :bounce:
ty for hosting =D

ugh. One of the first things I see... "we'll take the tau cannon off of your car so you can use it later freeman!"

damn you valve for cutting so much =/
vortigaunt combat dialogue and human/vortigaunt combat interaction