The brick award!!

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I think it's funny because of "the brick" name?...

I dunno.
It should have been named the prick award
I don't know... I cant remember posting that...

Dammit changing password again...
Yeah right, someone hacked your account :rolleyes: why would they wanna be you? At least get someone cool. Like me.
I'd rather be you.

On the subject of which: surely you can't need all that skin?
Hmm... posting random crap and then saying that someone else was doing it from my account. I should try that sometime
Someone already did that. It was a shitty thing to do, and not very funny, but if they ever came back I would probably forgive them.
Someone already did that. It was a shitty thing to do, and not very funny, but if they ever came back I would probably forgive them.

Perhaps they thought you were the kinda guy that'd take it lightly and laugh it off? Might have even been a compliment. Or maybe it was just a dick trying to be leet.

Either way, we all wanna be que-ever.
Perhaps they thought you were the kinda guy that'd take it lightly and laugh it off?
I think that's probably it. They always did have a fairly odd sense of humour. I guess they just read me wrongly - but it's all ancient history now, eh?
So thats why ikky was banned? That took me freaking forever to find out.





Where... here...
He used some scripts to get the login info of other members and admins. He banned a few other people, including mods and screwed up a few threads. He's not welcome anymore. Though I still love him. Whatever happened to his girlfriend? Is she still here?
Yeah, I like Ikki. But, you know. Hacking bad.
Corn Chips are no place for a mighty brother.
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