Yes there will now be ability for individuals to exploite weakness in hl2.Though on the other hand there will be as many if not more helping to close them up or at least reporting many issues they find to valve. Some if not the majority of exploits in closed source software are found by users, not microsoft.
Yes this might hurt their licencing of the engine. On the other hand this will bring the game far more mods and a bigger interest in development from mod communities currently working in other game engines. This could actually raise the amount of content on steam by a lot, making it more attractive for subscribership, as well as building a larger game community around steam.
Yes valve could get sued by Havok. Do i think thats going to happen, No. Why ? simple havok would hurt its brand if they started beating on already injured customer who have been unfairly exploited. I think havok will be a team player on this one and not make it worse for themselves or others.
Personally its never crossed my mind not to purchase this game. Nothing has changed for me. I've played dioblo and diablo2 ... ITS DOES NOT get any worse then that. Cheating so what. Exploits .. going to happen anyways, always does. You got to roll with the punchs so to speak and get back a'movin. A few good ideas is all it takes to make a bad situation into a good one.
Yes this might hurt their licencing of the engine. On the other hand this will bring the game far more mods and a bigger interest in development from mod communities currently working in other game engines. This could actually raise the amount of content on steam by a lot, making it more attractive for subscribership, as well as building a larger game community around steam.
Yes valve could get sued by Havok. Do i think thats going to happen, No. Why ? simple havok would hurt its brand if they started beating on already injured customer who have been unfairly exploited. I think havok will be a team player on this one and not make it worse for themselves or others.
Personally its never crossed my mind not to purchase this game. Nothing has changed for me. I've played dioblo and diablo2 ... ITS DOES NOT get any worse then that. Cheating so what. Exploits .. going to happen anyways, always does. You got to roll with the punchs so to speak and get back a'movin. A few good ideas is all it takes to make a bad situation into a good one.