The bullsquid

:dozey: Makes you wonder huh? Why in hell did they take out all these monsters and weapons n stuff? WHY!? DAMN YOU!? WHY!? We need answers!
Some of these things could've been cut before September 2003. They were just hanging around as a concept thing when that guy hacked Valve.
intresting that they did cut a fair bit though.. a fair few level designs too, from what i saw of the alpha, probably did a reshuffle... and perhaps the other characters will be re introduced in HL3, along with the other combine enemy's,

I got a feeling their saving the best for HL3. where everything will be explained :D, (please)
Anyone wanna take screenshots of all these cut monsters? I'm at work at the moment and I can't peruse the alpha files. :(

Jeremy Dunn
UndeadScottsman said:
Anyone wanna take screenshots of all these cut monsters? I'm at work at the moment and I can't peruse the alpha files. :(

Jeremy Dunn

I was going to ask the same thing, but I didn't want to get into trouble.
Feath said:
Some of these things could've been cut before September 2003. They were just hanging around as a concept thing when that guy hacked Valve.
P'raps, but wasn't the OICW icon from the HUD in one of the pre-cache thingummies?

And yes; that is the correct pluralisation of "thingummy".
And yes; pluralisation is a real word.
For the people asking why there aren't more old enemies, my theory is:

Enemies only appeared in Black Mesa because random portals were occuring. I'm not even sure if they appeared anywhere outside Black Mesa (then all of them would have been destroyed in the nuke). Once the Nihilanth was killed, these portals stopped (there was something about him being the only one keeping them open).

The aliens from Op Forces probably gave up after you killed the boss (which led their invasion force)

If Half-Life 2 occurs 20 years later, it's easy to understand that the combine would have wiped out or enslaved any other aliens, especially since there aren't more appearing through warps. Headcrabs (and zombies) are still around because the combine are using them (or so I've heard). Not sure about the ant lions though (haven't really played HL2).
Snarks, etc aren't in Ravenholm because the headcrabs didn't migrate there (at least in the numbers they are now) naturally via portal storms.

The people were heading there that escaped City 17, and as you can see when looking around, the Combine shelled it with those Headcrab Canisters.

I wonder if they had a Gonarch in the citadel for the sole purpose of making headcrabs to fill those canisters.
UndeadScottsman said:
Anyone wanna take screenshots of all these cut monsters? I'm at work at the moment and I can't peruse the alpha files. :(

Jeremy Dunn

i'm pretty sure all the cut monsters are still in the hl2 gcfs (as this was the case with hl1), someone take out the modelviewer and take pictures :D
Evil^Milk said:
i'm pretty sure all the cut monsters are still in the hl2 gcfs (as this was the case with hl1), someone take out the modelviewer and take pictures :D

They aren't.

What's the deal with the superphysgun? I don't have it, did I miss it in Nova Prospekt or o you use a cheat to get it?
I'm surprised that nobody has noticed a certain point where some old monsters do show up quite subtly. I mean, they're pretty in your face at the time so I'd have thought it would have been mentioned by now...
Mr.Wotsit said:
I'm surprised that nobody has noticed a certain point where some old monsters do show up quite subtly. I mean, they're pretty in your face at the time so I'd have thought it would have been mentioned by now...

Please explain. Are you referring to the Synths in the Citadel?
How do you look at the models in the gcf folders? Whenever I try to open em up with the model viewer I get an error
Moto.. you get it in the second to last level.
There are some enemies in the game you never get to fight, that's for certain. For instance:
Plus which...
The whole ending just screams sequel/expansion. It seems so... unfinished. I can't wait until the story continues... =)
What happened to "Mr. Blobby Cheeks"?

.ñµkËz said:
What happened to "Mr. Blobby Cheeks"?

Fat reduction I imagine


Actually it looks like an early version of the combine overload grub
Mr.Wotsit said:
I'm surprised that nobody has noticed a certain point where some old monsters do show up quite subtly. I mean, they're pretty in your face at the time so I'd have thought it would have been mentioned by now...
What are you talking about? Do you mean the vortigaunts?
.ñµkËz said:
What happened to "Mr. Blobby Cheeks"?


The Ant Lion King didn't get past the concept stages. After the above ground Ant Lions started working fine, they got rid of the underground levels. (I don't even think they started making these levels).
Mr.Wotsit said:
I'm surprised that nobody has noticed a certain point where some old monsters do show up quite subtly. I mean, they're pretty in your face at the time so I'd have thought it would have been mentioned by now...

Wait a minute. How can they show up "Subtly" and be "in your face". That's just a complete contradiction.
Feath said:
Wait a minute. How can they show up "Subtly" and be "in your face". That's just a complete contradiction.
Maybe they were tall and short as well?
They prolly cut that stuff because it wouldn't be very fun to play HL1 with a new engine and some combine, I perfer the new monsters over the old ones.
The new creatures have nothing on the old creatures from HL1.
you know i saw a monster that i never seen before and i don't know what it is,u see it while ur taking the first ride into the citadel u see what to me looks like a giant frog or something crossing a bridge, anyone else know what im talking about?
_HL4E_halfLife_ said:
you know i saw a monster that i never seen before and i don't know what it is,u see it while ur taking the first ride into the citadel u see what to me looks like a giant frog or something crossing a bridge, anyone else know what im talking about?
Yeah, I don't quite now what it is.
_HL4E_halfLife_ said:
you know i saw a monster that i never seen before and i don't know what it is,u see it while ur taking the first ride into the citadel u see what to me looks like a giant frog or something crossing a bridge, anyone else know what im talking about?

IIRC, that's a Crab Synth, and the things on the catwalk above it are Mortar Synths. Apparently, they are described in Raising the Bar.
Dalamari said:
They prolly cut that stuff because it wouldn't be very fun to play HL1 with a new engine and some combine, I perfer the new monsters over the old ones.
Oh come one, a source version of the tentacle? Seeing a garg fight a strider? Gonarch running amok in the streets of City 17? Wouldn't you have loved that?
i think if theres one of a few things this game lacked, it was enemies.. i wanted more obviously...but i guess its not the end of the world either.. :|
The game was pretty sparse on enemies and interesting weapons. If you think about it, there was not a SINGLE enemy in the entire game that anyone who had been following the legal media releases had not already seen pictures or or heard described. Originally, Gabe and the gang had said that they were holding back tons of stuff. Originally, they had said there would be around 50 enemies in the game. They obviously were in the midst of getting a ton of great and creative weapons tested and ready... but none of them apparently worked right by the time they needed to draw the line on new content.

Really a shame. The game was fantastic, but in a way, underwhelming because it held back on some very obvious directions and new experiments that just cried out for use in the story and in the engine. I mean, only two weapons that really take advantage of the realistic physics in a creative way? (the Combine pulse secondary fire and the gravity gun)
Apos said:
The game was pretty sparse on enemies and interesting weapons. If you think about it, there was not a SINGLE enemy in the entire game that anyone who had been following the legal media releases had not already seen pictures or or heard described. Originally, Gabe and the gang had said that they were holding back tons of stuff. Originally, they had said there would be around 50 enemies in the game. They obviously were in the midst of getting a ton of great and creative weapons tested and ready... but none of them apparently worked right by the time they needed to draw the line on new content.

Really a shame. The game was fantastic, but in a way, underwhelming because it held back on some very obvious promises and new experiments that just cried out for use in the story and in the engine.

that is summed up rather well.
word of advice tho.. some pple are very defensive about HL2 and Valve.. i would recommend putting on a flameproof suit ;)
I don't think anyone who knows me (I've been on these boards since the first e3, and a hl1 fan going WAY back) can accuse me of being a Valve detractor. Heck, I started the info thread because I was so obsessed for tidbits about the game! And I'm sure if I really understood what things were like in the final months of design, how excrutiatingly painful it must have been to cut some of this stuff, that I'd couch it differently. I'm not really being _realistic_ here: there are probably very good reasons that these things didn't make the game. I'm just sad because as good as the game was, it could have been even better. And I'm tired of defending the game's sparse and largely banal weapon selection, or it's lack of a final boss, or its lack of any of the coolest sorts of scripted and non-scripted behaviors that Valve described that would have changed the gameplay up so radically. At some point, we just admit that, yeah, it could have been even better, too bad. It was still the best FPS in years and years, and has truly raised the bar. I'm just a dreamer.
Apos said:
I mean, only two weapons that really take advantage of the realistic physics in a creative way? (the Combine pulse secondary fire and the gravity gun)

Well, the crossbow makes use of ragdoll to good effect and the grenades behaved ultra-realistically. Also, if you're like me, you could count the buggy, fanboat, hoppers, friendly turrets and Dog's ball as physics-using weapons.

Not all the weapons are in your inventory. :p
What they left out of Half-life 2, im pretty sure will make an expansion amazing... some of the other weapons in OpFor and BlueShift were damn good fun and would have done well in half-life, but as hl was such a great game, they wernt needed to supplement it.

I'm fairly certain that the enemies and guns taken out of hl2 just didnt add anything drasticly exciting to the gameplay, the bullsquid would have looked out of place or been too easy to kill on the levels, so they'll make levels just for some great bullsquid AI in an expansion.

The only thing i am genuinly disapointed about is the lack of Icthy's, it would be great on the coast level to swim out to fight an Icthy and not get raped so badly by the worms.
oldagerocker said:
What they left out of Half-life 2, im pretty sure will make an expansion amazing... some of the other weapons in OpFor and BlueShift were damn good fun and would have done well in half-life, but as hl was such a great game, they wernt needed to supplement it.

I'm fairly certain that the enemies and guns taken out of hl2 just didnt add anything drasticly exciting to the gameplay, the bullsquid would have looked out of place or been too easy to kill on the levels, so they'll make levels just for some great bullsquid AI in an expansion.

The only thing i am genuinly disapointed about is the lack of Icthy's, it would be great on the coast level to swim out to fight an Icthy and not get raped so badly by the worms.

There weren't any new weapons in Blue Shift.

As for the Bullsquid, I can't think of any place it could have been used, at least, not anymore than a few places. You could've got some in some tunnels, but the rest of the game wasn't really very Bullsquid friendly. They wouldn't have fit into the "Combine launching headcrabs" theme of Ravenholm nor the inner city. Maybe if we go outside the city in an expansion pack we'll see them.

Same with the Icthy. I can't think of many areas that it could've been used, other than sometimes at the beach. Hence the lack of AI.
oldagerocker said:
What they left out of Half-life 2, im pretty sure will make an expansion amazing... some of the other weapons in OpFor and BlueShift were damn good fun and would have done well in half-life, but as hl was such a great game, they wernt needed to supplement it.

I'm fairly certain that the enemies and guns taken out of hl2 just didnt add anything drasticly exciting to the gameplay, the bullsquid would have looked out of place or been too easy to kill on the levels, so they'll make levels just for some great bullsquid AI in an expansion.

The only thing i am genuinly disapointed about is the lack of Icthy's, it would be great on the coast level to swim out to fight an Icthy and not get raped so badly by the worms.

yeah im sure they can/will make up for some of it in an expansion pack.. well i mean they better since the expansion pack will have a separate retail price but like Apos put it..

the game was great, it definitely could have been better tho with with a few more weapons and enemies.
i know im not gonna win the arguement on this site about some of the minor disappointments but fans/gamers could at least agree that a few more weapons and enemies would have added to an already stellar game.