The Cheats


Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
I stayed away from online gaming for 4 years due to the abundance of cheats that negated playing the online games. It just wasn't worth it. In the last few days, I have started playing CSS online and really enjoyed it. But then I noticed anomalies. Bullets passing through walls, shots you have taken that you were sure that at least one of them did hit and yet referral to the console does not show any trace of damage to that player. Now, I'm certainly not the best player in the world but I can certainly hold my own and after seeing these things, I'm wondering, is it a game fault or are all the cheating tossers waving their small dicks around again? I was hoping that cheats would be annihilated by this time.
cheats will never be stopped man surely if uve gamed for a while u realise that?

we just gotta live with that in public games :(

tbh i havnt seen any cheats in css yet, i only play in PRO:HL serv its really well modded

tbh the reg is the game at fault tho m8
The bullet reg is the games fault. Shooting through walls can be done without cheats, depends what the wall is made from...
cheats are not as abundent as people think.

i was kicked and banned from 2 servers(today only) because admins dont like the way i cant hear and aim. people are easy to call cheats once they get hs before they even know where u are.

btw i dont hack and dispise it.
Your all cheaters. lol
I have been called a cheater. I kicked ass that night.
I think a good way to stop cheating is to limit the amount of informatin that is sent to each client and that would in return allow the server to hold more people.
However, that would require faster servers.
simple if statement.
If we can see them, then send the information to that client. that would also require recompiling maps from the ground up and adding commands to each wall to say weather it is possible to see through that wall or not.