The Combine and their links to the Xen entities.



We have all asumed that the enemies seen in most of the videos are the combine even though others say they are actually human.

If they are aliens why is their monolith eating its way through europe?

If they are human WTF IS THEIR MONOLITH DOING EATING EUROPE oh yeah and how does someone construct that without any of the worlds power nations seeing it. (Pretty hard to miss)

Also why are Xen back? didnt you kinda seal off Black Mesa? Wouldnt the nuke of actually pretty much finished the place off?

What did the experiements actually cause to happen? What was going on in Xan before the events in the game?
1. Combine is that monolith, it has nothing to do with what race the Combine police force is. Most signs are that they are human. The most significant sign of that is that Barney is wearing a combine uniform.
2.Look aboce :D
3. Xen was a world, only the portal could have been buried, not the world itself. The it seems the "war" was won by the G-Man side, so that would also have connected the Xen world to Earth through another portal or other means.
4. Can't really explain.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
If they are human WTF IS THEIR MONOLITH DOING EATING EUROPE oh yeah and how does someone construct that without any of the worlds power nations seeing it. (Pretty hard to miss)

Drop it from space, build it after attacking? 'Warp' it in?

Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Also why are Xen back? didnt you kinda seal off Black Mesa? Wouldnt the nuke of actually pretty much finished the place off?

End of opposing force it was nuked by G-Man's bomb...
And what was the 'Challenger Deep' or something, that the Ichthyosaur was found in, (not sure if I stated that correctly) . And how it swam in Terrestrial waters or something. ( I can feel it in my brain there... RIGHT THERE... IT TICKLES.... )

Plus they had cages and every thing for the hound eyes. etc. So they knew they existed. And seen them, (size). So maybe theres another way to get to earth from xen. Or the other way around.
I assumed the Ichth was a xen entity that crossed over, but then you have to think, one of the scientists said that up to a week ago it didnt swim interestrial waters.

That was BEFORE the accident.

Also if those guys are the cops why are they there? Does gordan double cross the GMan? Im pretty sure someone like that wouldnt let that happen.
maybe a new portal of some sort has opened in city 17, and the combine thing is like a base-in-a-box...brought through the portal, it immediately expands and begins to establish itself. I mean, it certainly looks like base of some kind to me...
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
If they are aliens why is their monolith eating its way through europe?
Because Europe is a top holiday spot for intergalactic travellers?
Think about it: French, Spanish and Italian food, So very many European lasses are loads hot, the Netherlands' legal dope (and in fact, almost everything about the Dutch as a people), the British sense of humour and Switzerland! Oh no wait - scratch that last one. But the rest're all great.
MUST be the reason.
I finished playing through HL1 again yesterday and I noticed the GMan called Xen a "border world". Perhaps the combine and whatever new aliens there are are from the OTHER side of the border, and were the real threat all along, with Xen creatures only being caught up in the middle (remember how little attention alien slaves paid to you when you were at their factory?)

Just one more thing to baffle the mind...
Originally posted by DOOManiac
I finished playing through HL1 again yesterday and I noticed the GMan called Xen a "border world". Perhaps the combine and whatever new aliens there are are from the OTHER side of the border, and were the real threat all along, with Xen creatures only being caught up in the middle (remember how little attention alien slaves paid to you when you were at their factory?)

Just one more thing to baffle the mind...

Oooooooh that never even came into my head. :eek:

Will you have sex with meh!