The Combine are the real threat to Earth.

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Greetings. You may or may not know me. I am Dr. Walter Lansing, former employee of the Black Mesa Research Facility. Over the past little while, some events have taken place, and to keep it brief, I have learned of the existence of a group known as the Combine. Group is an understatement, but I digress.

The possibility of invasion by the Combine exists, and is higher now than ever. I have compiled a website of information pertinant to this threat.

More information will be added shortly. PM me with any questions you may have, and thank you for your time.
Cremator,remember that thread I made on a Black Mesa dude,I think it's this guy......Please,your last story was way better and longer then this crap.
I know this is the cliché response to something like this, but you have way too much time on your hands.
Wow you actually wrote all that? I'm impressed, you have potential to become a writer you know that?
Not affiliated with Valve Software, or the official Half-life game series. It is a game. This is not.

Shit, I'm scared. I want to believe.

a lot of work went into making that site i'm sure, all for naught
This just annoying does anyone know who came u with the half life story?
Please tell me
drwalterlansing said:
Greetings. You may or may not know me. I am Dr. Walter Lansing, former employee of the Black Mesa Research Facility. Over the past little while, some events have taken place, and to keep it brief, I have learned of the existence of a group known as the Combine. Group is an understatement, but I digress.

The possibility of invasion by the Combine exists, and is higher now than ever. I have compiled a website of information pertinant to this threat.

More information will be added shortly. PM me with any questions you may have, and thank you for your time.

Sorry, I heard enough crap about eating headcrabs from Dr Walter Bennet.
Danimal said:
Sorry, I heard enough crap about eating headcrabs from Dr Walter Bennet.

I do enjoy sinking my teeth into a delicious headcrab! although, the vile Dr. Johnson enjoys sinking other things into them!

ahh.. good old "walters world"
Pick a forum identity to keep. The other one gets banned.
CREMATOR666 said:
Are you the low-polygon drwalter or the high-def drwalter? :O
dunno but someone sure was taking the piss with the normal mapped wrinkly bottom.

Erm...RPG, maybe?

If not, I'll just hunker down in the closet with a tinfoil hat. :rolleyes:
"uh, look at me, im a stupid 13 year old with no sperm, with no life, trying to get famous on the net by saying im some stupid Dr, and im gona tell the whole world that the combine exist just because i am a huge fan of half-life2. I have no girl friend or life, im just a big fat scammer."

Well, then i can say this:

"Hi, my name is Dr.Breen, i was the administrator of black mesa, and i got promotet to be the Govenor over the City Network, leaded by our Benefactors. if you see Gordon Freeman, please turn him in for furthur prossesing"

Ar you gona believe me now? NO, anyone can type that bullshit, whats make YOU think that they will believe you. Why dont you contact the real story writer, and i would like seeing Gabe see what you have Writen.

Many people have written storyes based on the Half-life Universe, hell, even more than YOU it tell you. But they dont say that they are someone from the hl story, and that its true, No no, we are normal humans that want to get famous of what we really DO, writing the storyes.

If you just had written that story, and posted it here, you would be VERY famous. But now when you are lying about you are some DR at black mesa (HAHAHHA), no one cares about you.

So why dont you go home, and write about Terminator is real ?

Really, you think we are stupid?

Nice effort, but you have waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on your hands.
My name is Gordon Freeman and I support this thread


The pics of the headcrab on that forum look freaky. But, strangly, they seem familiar.
Stay at Half Life Source please. Nice pictures of Gordons file, headcrabs and Black Mesa ID Tag though.
well, everyone certainly killed this thread dead.

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