The Combine..explain it all to me

Originally posted by Tamora
Well now, where's that damn news we're all waiting for? It was supposed to get out today right? new videos and stuff. Well, lets see what happens in the next couple of hours...

E3 Vid i've heard (not captured with shaky cam and without biatch sound)

and new screens

but im not sure

well, I hope that there really WILL be an update today. Anything else would suck...
i 2 getting rather restless, i need more info, pics, videos, information nethin. And gabe hasnt answered my email! :( . Aww well.
yeah, I sent him an e-mail too, but I didn't get an answer yet, which of course was anticipated since he gets thousands of letters a day.
I read somewhere that the Combine soldiers were City 17's police force(more like occupying force).
maybe the g-man works for the combine. perhaps after working for the g-man a while, gordon finds out all the evil crap he's been up to and decides to rebel. I've heard of Gordon's little group being referred to as "freedom fighters" in several previews.

or maybe i'm just an idiot
Yeah, maybe you are an idiot, but I think you're right nonetheless ;)
My question is where to the ant lions (and the larger ant lion that kicked gordon's ass when he was using those scent balls to control the ant lions) fit into this? Are they a new species from the xen race? Also, if the xen forces are on your side, why the hell havent we seen any of them besides the head crabs? They are still zombifying and jumpin out of vents (figuritively speaking) at gordon. There is some thing very complicated going on here, and I dont think any of you have guessed it yet... I guess we will find out in late september (hopefully)!
Did Gordon use his balls to control the Ant Lions? o_O haha. No but seriously, I have thought about that too. I mean the only alien that we've seen that belongs to the Xen race, is the headcrab. Perhaps the other new aliens in HL2 is the "artillery" so to speak. Perhaps they just sent the "scouts" into Black Mesa and later on they teleported the real army over to earth.. But I don't know.
Originally posted by Tamora
Did Gordon use his balls to control the Ant Lions? o_O haha. No but seriously, I have thought about that too. I mean the only alien that we've seen that belongs to the Xen race, is the headcrab. Perhaps the other new aliens in HL2 is the "artillery" so to speak. Perhaps they just sent the "scouts" into Black Mesa and later on they teleported the real army over to earth.. But I don't know.

The Headcrab is not part of the "xen race" it's part of the "xen fauna"

IT's just an animal, like a leech or tick...
in pc zone (or sum other random mag) it says that the aliens sent to black mesa were just scouts and the new aliens are the big boys, so to speak which is what tamora was saying
Apparently bullsquids, barnacles, alien slaves (vortigaunts), headcrabs and zombies are all returning. (Not sure about the vortigaunts, but i think thats what it said in the pczone preview).
My theory is that the soldiers are advanced headcrabs or head crabs that took another rout of evolution than the ones that appeared in opp. force. If you listen carefully in the 600 mb. vid you'll hear the soldiers emit a similar sound to what the head crabs made in HL 1. Just a guess, but it seems to be a unsually big coincadence.
id go more with those sounds are placeholders ( like suggested in the napalm gun post) but i dont agree with that theory,as you actually here the soldiers speak in the ign demo, and the combine also have a normal human figure unlike the zombies and also show intelligence ( unlike zombies ) oh well theres my thoughts
I think that they are just humans under the influence of the combine or something. Perhaps they have been brainwashed. The combine is sort of an alien/human combined regime right? So the combine soldiers could have been genetically altered or something so that their larynx mutated to produce headcrab noises. Ok so this may sound sarcastic, but they could have been altered or engineered somehow. Perhaps these experiments meant that they can't naturally breath in Earth's atmosphere, so they have to where those demented gas masks. I dunno??!!
What exactly are striders tho.. are they massive toy killing machines.. controlled by the combine?

do they get to pilot them like those giant walker things in star wars?.. so many questions.. so little time.
i think there alien or maybe part organic part machine? i dunno look cool tho
I think that the striders and those alien gunships are part organic and part machine (perhaps to illustrate the alien/human combine shared regime theory). I think that in the video you can see the mouth like feature at the front of the gunship open as if it is roaring with pain or anger or something. Maybe i'm just seeing things...
Originally posted by [sl@yer]
I think that the striders and those alien gunships are part organic and part machine (perhaps to illustrate the alien/human combine shared regime theory). I think that in the video you can see the mouth like feature at the front of the gunship open as if it is roaring with pain or anger or something. Maybe i'm just seeing things...

I would like some of what he's having ^^^
you guys are going to ruin the game for yourselves before you even start to play it. and all you guys are only guessing, nothing more.
so a little speculation never hurt anyone and how is it gonna ruin the game?
Originally posted by deepers
you guys are going to ruin the game for yourselves before you even start to play it. and all you guys are only guessing, nothing more.

Hah.. are you nuts? this is valve.. we will most likely all be completly wrong.. and nothing bad will happen*prays*
What the hell's so wrong with my suggestion. Why do i have to be on drugs to suggest something like this?? Anyway, there's nothing wrong with speculating, considering any theories are probably going to completely wrong anyway.