the combine fortress



well i whatched the whole 20 min. video and I clearly heard gabe state the "combine" is a fortress, did he mean the combine "have" a fortress takeing over the city... has the fortress been discussed... very cool/creepy idea =D
I think he was referring to the Tower that is seen in the strider vid, with the walls slowly eating the city. I'm guessing this, but I'd have to rewatch the vid to be sure. And yes the tower has been discussed. There's also alot of speculation to WHY the combine is eating the city. Resources? Enslavement of humanity? Both? We'll know when we play the game.
You can clealy see it in the vids. At the beginning of the strider part, gordon descends with an elevator. He looks to the right and you can see a dark-grey wall section move a few feet up, and bash down into the ground a bit further. Extremely cool concept, can't wait to see it in action really.
"In this last scene we'll get a look at the Citadel at the centre of the Alien Combine. The Combine is a Fortress that's slowly eating it's way through the rest of City 17."

It's interesting that he mentions you'll get a look at the Citadel, when the main part of that video was the Striders.
Originally posted by Feath
"In this last scene we'll get a look at the Citadel at the centre of the Alien Combine. The Combine is a Fortress that's slowly eating it's way through the rest of City 17."

It's interesting that he mentions you'll get a look at the Citadel, when the main part of that video was the Striders.

Perhaps he literally meant that we'd get a look (ie a mere glimpse) of the Citadel?
My therory is that the citadel will be the new Xen, as in 'weird creepy place where everything is topsy-turvy'. (Not as in 'crappy level'.)

The Xen missions had some nifty moments though. I'd like to see at least one section in HL2 where you can go to a new, improved 'source Xen'.
there is only one thing big enough, and mean enough to eat an entire city.....

Mechagodzilla, thats a very cool theory, I hope it happens!
Hudson, nice :)

I am really excited about learning the story of the game....
Originally posted by Marauder
I am really excited about learning the story of the game....

Me too. I like the fact that Valve has told us next to nothing. I'm worried about reading reviews before I play the game. I don't want to ruin anything.
Remember in half-life how you would have those 3 way battles with aliens and marines? maybe we'll get four-way battles with xen aliens with combine troops (maybe they're called combine cause they're combined forces, 2 types of aliens? or human combined with aliens to create a super alien race) fighting against freeman, barney and then marines. Guys i hope the game is delayed. half the fun is being on the forum thinking this shit up at 3 am
gabe has said countless time the one biggest thing he would have done different with half-life if he had the chance to go back would be to have more time in xen.....

hl2 will probably build on xen some how -not necisarily through actually going to the planet this time-

valve will do it geniosly tho of course :cheers:
No he wasn't. But then again, he might have said that because he knows that in HL2 and HL3 freeman is not going back to Xen(story-wise) , meaning Newell can never do what he likes, namely creating good Xen levels.
The more important question is: how do you stop this thing?
have i missed this movie?
i presume you are not talking about the E3 movie?
link? wtf? :( must be blind to miss this in the E3 movie. You can clealy see it in the vids. At the beginning of the strider part, gordon descends with an elevator. He looks to the right and you can see a dark-grey wall section move a few feet up, and bash down into the ground a bit further. Extremely cool concept, can't wait to see it in action really.

Now is there anything specific you do not understand about this? This is so tiresome, but i'll try to help you if you still don't find it.