The comic of Ikerous and CyberPitz having sex....

JNightshade said:
Am I still excluded? D:

He just hasn't firgured out a way to incorporate the giant awesome fiery eye yet.
Angry Lawyer said:
Closer to truth, because I wouldn't shoot Samon, but I'd probably axe Cyberpitz and Ikerous.

-Angry Lawyer
You didn't shoot him silly

You have a bad memory :P
What? Anyone care to summarize what has happened so far?
Angry Lawyer said:
People don't like you, either. Pwnt.

-Angry Lawyer


<3 AL

I like the comics, even though AL and Samon are not know for battling each other.
Seriously Rimfire, your first ones were quite witty, now it's just silly.

There all well done, good posing ect, But the plots degenerated and become confusing.
Too many large distracting and annoying onomatopoeias. They get in the way of everything and I can't tell what is going on. They are overused. It's like you are using them just because they look cool.
Part of the problem is that you're re-using models for different people. We need someone on the forums to design a set of character skins and models...

*taps foot*
I couldn't even *see* the arm holding the grenade until i tilted my monitor.
Riomhaire, is your name Cathal O'Keefe and is that a girl's or a boy's name? :P
Hullu said:
Riomhaire, is your name Cathal O'Keefe and is that a girl's or a boy's name? :P
poor rimfire
cathal is the Gaeilge for charles :smoking:
and a fine irish moniker be O'Keefe begorrah indeed :)
He doesn't listen, I've mentioned it to him twice now. Perhaps he doesn't even read the replies after he bumps a thread.
God damn that bastard. I want a comic.