The Coming of a New Mod


Armageddon Mod

Our Forum

Our Mod is a Team Based Game that takes Natural Selection and Day of Defeat and combines them to make a fast paced First Person Shooter With Class Choices and Upgrades to Make you the More Potient Warrior on the Field

This Mod is Called Armageddon :borg:

Of course sense where working with the great Unlimted Source Engine our Team Should be Unlimited So Come on Down To Our Forum if you would like to help in our mod.
I dont understand who naturel selection and day of defeat could possibly go together to make a game that actually makes sence?
Can you explain how the game is played? Mixing Natural Selection and Day of defeat gameplay for one, is the wrong way to design a game, and two as said before, makes no sense. Also, can you explain the significance of the 5 races?
Explain more. Give us some of your ideas, concepts etc.
Of course! Combine 2 really popular games and the end result must be a smashing hit! Damn, why didn't I think of this.
n/o, but high res textures won't kill anybody :(
Hmmm...they got no good ideas homepage....and nothing else to show up.....and they dont sound serius ....i give this one 3 weeks and you will never hear from this guys ....

sorry for being so direct.
"Armageddon"... "Apocalypse".. the most common newbie mod names. Do they think having these in their mod names makes the mod an instant success or something?
Heh, add to that list the prefic "Project:" and the suffix "Source", and you've got an instant recipe for mod naming.

"Project: Armageddon's Apocalypse - Source"

Man, that's a good title.

-Angry Lawyer