The complete Counter-Strike Source review/article!

Well, I think it is cool. haha. the second one to reply. haha beat you all.
That's some nice Information. Got me a bit excited for a bit.

imsuchacuteguy12 said:
Well, I think it is cool. haha. the second one to reply. haha beat you all.

It's not a competition, and how can you be second and beat everyone?
Very nice review, can't wait till next week.
No boosting!? :angry:

That had BETTER not be in the final version of CS:S..
Raziel, one quick question... in all the screenshots that I have seen... I have not seen Blood decals on player models, is this a screenshot issue... or was it not enabled in the beta?
i played cs:s for quiet some time. just a few things. i was able to stand on soemones head and jump off. i was able to jump then jump again like 1.6 . and teh 1-2 secs at a stand still for falling/dmg was a lil off as i member. more like .5-1 secs. gj btw.
Very dissapointed by the lack of boosting, realism shouldnt be put in at the cost of gameplay. Same goes for awp zoom. I'm interested to know if there are any changes in wallshooting.
what's the point of boosting anyway? to plant the bomb in hard areas?
I never do the boosting thing.
Hasan look at some match demo's from teams such as NoA and you'll understand the use of boosting.
Good job :thumbs: Can't wait to play this now!
I'm just upset the paint can doesnt shower paint when you shoot it off the ledge ;( It would be cool covering a CT in white paint.

Playing football with crates and rubbish is fun though :D
Boosting is basically a bug from HL where the top of player/npc collision boxes are flat, causing a player to stand directly on top it of very unrealistically.

I could see it if a single player could boost another up above him with his hands cupped, and/or a player can climb onto higher ledges below head height. But 3 people standing in a totem pole looks ridiculous. They're not ninjas, not gymnasts, they're counter-terrorists!
No boosting? :(

It may be unrealistic, but it was a nice way to suprise your enemy in clanwars :/

LOL. Now is flashwartime. In 1.6 its maybe the best thing to turn away from flashs but in cs:s its better to throw a flash towards the rushing enemy.
well, we'll see aug 18th :P
Almost no one used boosting on public. so newbie wouldnt realize if its still in. noone would complain about :/ i think valve doesnt know there's something like boosting. they just wrote the routines differently and now its not working. but they didnt plan to take boosting out... ahahahah LOL. >:(
Just want to say it was an ace post to read mate nice one.

My question is this, do the grapchics look as good as some of the high res screenies for half life2, and in the beta is the only level available de_dust?
awww they should add a new move that lets you cup your hands and kneel down. But no weps out. Then someone can get on to you and when you release it you stand up and it launches the other guy up a bit.
hasan said:
what's the point of boosting anyway? to plant the bomb in hard areas?
I never do the boosting thing.
You've never seen a Pro match then. Sad to go *sniff*, but understandable.
At least we can celebrate that shield's gone! *whee!*
FINALLY, no f*cking bunny hoppers! I wish all games did this, it's so fricking annoying. Like "Yah, I can do that in real life too!". I'm glad they got rid of it.

By what you said, it's more true-to-life...jumping down from a high place, do you really expect yourself to even get up in real-life? :P

I know some CS fanboys will be mad about that stuff, but they need to get over it. It's Terrorists vs. Counter-Terrorists, so act like them :P
Mr. Redundant said:
thanks for that Raziel, Im off to go read it.
so you have a cyber cafe steam thingy? or did you play it at a cyber cafe?

I was at a Cyber Cafe

Mr. Redundant said:
Raziel, one quick question... in all the screenshots that I have seen... I have not seen Blood decals on player models, is this a screenshot issue... or was it not enabled in the beta?

From what I remember no decals on player models.

KiNG said:
i played cs:s for quiet some time. just a few things. i was able to stand on soemones head and jump off. i was able to jump then jump again like 1.6 . and teh 1-2 secs at a stand still for falling/dmg was a lil off as i member. more like .5-1 secs. gj btw.

Your wrong. Go play again, its been confirmed by many people and iv tested it many times.

Venger said:
Very dissapointed by the lack of boosting, realism shouldnt be put in at the cost of gameplay. Same goes for awp zoom. I'm interested to know if there are any changes in wallshooting.

No changes in wall shots.

ItchyFish said:
Just want to say it was an ace post to read mate nice one.

My question is this, do the grapchics look as good as some of the high res screenies for half life2, and in the beta is the only level available de_dust?

The gfx dont look as good as Half-Life 2 but that could have been because its a beta. De_dust is only map for the beta.

Thank you, to all the people who supported me.
Just made a small update to the article. Go check it out.
A lot of the gameplay changes sound really lame. Especially the no boosting and the grenades and flashes of doom (you can't look away from flashes and grenades stun you? WTF?). I thought this was supposed to be 1.6 ported to the source engine.
Oh well. At least...the graphics are good...and stuff.
Cliffe over at the steam forums just said that boosting will be back.



Registered: Apr 2004
Re: Anyone disapointed about no boosting?

quote:Originally posted by Baller
Boosting is what made CS on what it is. Take away boosting and you take away a lot of team strategys. Anyways, anymore people that want to rant on this?

Boosting will be back.

disruptioN_ said:
A lot of the gameplay changes sound really lame. Especially the no boosting and the grenades and flashes of doom (you can't look away from flashes and grenades stun you? WTF?). I thought this was supposed to be 1.6 ported to the source engine.
Oh well. At least...the graphics are good...and stuff.

Looking away doesn't negate the effect of a frag grenade nor a flashbang in real life. :cheers: It makes logical sense to me.