The concept of 'staff' is a joke

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Does anyone else find the concept of a 'staff' running gaming forums a ludicrous farce? In my opinion, moderators shouldn't have any visible sign of identification -- they are there to moderate, not pretend they have daily duties for the control and regulation of the casual posters who participate in this forum. There's a subtle difference. One entails (psudeo) superiority over others, and the other isn't. Seriously, I see people like that PirMuRoI character closing threads just so he can make lame and snide remarks at the end of it. Stop being ridiculous. If a thread needs to be closed, just f'ing close it, will you? You don't need some stupid or cutting reply to get some quick jollies. I see some moderators trying to somehow push a 'positive' attitude towards newbies/the forum, and then I see others who basically live for closing threads, warning others, or creating stickies admonishing the basically clueless forum populace who really don't give a shit. Most people here are here for about ten minutes. Come on. Let's stop this 'job' thing, and concentrate on what really matters: talking about Half-Life 2.
amen man, amen. Moderating is not a authoritarian privililage that needs to be boasted or rank- it's a responsibility. But picking out Pi is wrong, he probably does it less then alot of the guys.
Half the time, moderators lock and don't say a word. Personally, I think this is the way to go. The only time they should add a comment if if they're needed to warn members of misconduct.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
But picking out Pi is wrong, he probably does it less then alot of the guys.

Good bye, have fun, don't come back.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Good bye, have fun, don't come back.

I have no idea what that means. And I really don't know moderators, it's just something I've noticed, so I'm not really picking on one specific person.
Eternity said:
I have no idea what that means. And I really don't know moderators, it's just something I've noticed, so I'm not really picking on one specific person.

Don't pick on them then
Your opinion is your opinion. Mods deserve the titles they have, because they work for them. They constantly check this great site for morons and unapropriate material, they maintain the site, post news, write articles, and I bet a hell of alot other stuff that goes unseen to the general users. I understand why the mods' little comments on a lock would be erking, but come on, grow up and let it be.

Moderators deserve all the respect in the world, if you can't appreciate the work they do for us, leave.
It's nice to know who the mods are, and when you have a problem with something/one on the forum, you know who to seek out. The mods on this forum are very good, thats why i'm still here, take a look at the barely moderated Steam forums and your see the differences.
What are you talking about? First of all:

Six Three said:
Your opinion is your opinion.
About two seconds later:
Six Three said:
if you can't appreciate the work they do for us, leave.

You sound like Gollum. Continuing, you obviously are at odds with my philosophy regarding moderators. You think it's a job; I think it's an added honored responsibility that you perform when you are cruising a bulletin board. How are moderators somehow obliged to 'constantly check this great site for morons and unapropriate material'? I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a corporation that requires their presence for at least eight hours a day each -- if so, Munro should put them on the payroll. Most of the moderators, forgive me if I'm wrong, moderate, or their version of it, not post news and write articles. Sure, they should be applauded for putting in the extra effort and helping control the forum. I respect that. My point is they don't have to be so visible when doing so.
Eternity said:
What are you talking about? First of all:

About two seconds later:

You sound like Gollum. Continuing, you obviously are at odds with my philosophy regarding moderators. You think it's a job; I think it's an added honored responsibility that you perform when you are cruising a bulletin board. How are moderators somehow obliged to 'constantly check this great site for morons and unapropriate material'? I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a corporation that requires their presence for at least eight hours a day each -- if so, Munro should put them on the payroll. Most of the moderators, forgive me if I'm wrong, moderate, or their version of it, not post news and write articles. Sure, they should be applauded for putting in the extra effort and helping control the forum. I respect that. My point is they don't have to be so visible when doing so.

I sound like Gollum? thanks, I've been waiting to someone to notice.

Do you know how many people visit these forums? Over 10,000. Now if you say that managing and filtering through 10,000 peoples' posts is not considered work, I suggest you get a job.
Hmm. I don't feel like arguing with someone who isn't really reading my posts, as it's kind of a waste of time, so I'll respectfully discontinue that particular conversation we were having.
Eternity said:
Hmm. I don't feel like arguing with someone who isn't really reading my posts, as it's kind of a waste of time, so I'll respectfully discontinue that particular conversation we were having.

I've read your posts, you just seem to have a one-track mind. Repeating your silly little statement over and over again doesn't make it right. Just because you can't handle the fact that someone has more power than you doesn't mean that you have to go and rant about titles.
Eternity said:
Hmm. I don't feel like arguing with someone who isn't really reading my posts, as it's kind of a waste of time, so I'll respectfully discontinue that particular conversation we were having.

Better yet if you have a problem with mods, just leave.
He's just against the fact the moderators have the titles. I dont see what there is to complain about, as far as i'm concerned, this thread is useless.
it's like making the police not wear any uniform, you won't know who they are, and it doesnt benefit anyone (as in the public), i really don't understand how mods without titles would help the forum at all, Posts and threads would disapear and nobody would know what the hell was going on.
Six Three said:
I've read your posts, you just seem to have a one-track mind. Repeating your silly little statement over and over again doesn't make it right. Just because you can't handle the fact that someone has more power than you doesn't mean that you have to go and rant about titles.

That's funny, I just clicked on my name and read my own posts, since I am pretty absent-minded, and all I could find for the five pages I read until I gave up was discussion on totally different subjects. Weird.

Better yet if you have a problem with mods, just leave.

Please leave my thread. :)

He's just against the fact the moderators have the titles. I dont see what there is to complain about, as far as i'm concerned, this thread is useless.
it's like making the police not wear any uniform, you won't know who they are, and it doesnt benefit anyone (as in the public), i really don't understand how mods without titles would help the forum at all, Posts and threads would disapear and nobody would know what the hell was going on.

You make valid points. The thing is, I was kind of sidetracked by the people posting before you. What I was originally saying was, I'm tired of moderators abusing their position -- not as much as saying that they shouldn't have any position at all. I'm okay with titles. I don't want secret moderators either. I just think they should do their job more quietly.
Eternity said:
How are moderators somehow obliged to 'constantly check this great site for morons and unapropriate material'? I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a corporation that requires their presence for at least eight hours a day each -- if so, Munro should put them on the payroll. Most of the moderators, forgive me if I'm wrong, moderate, or their version of it, not post news and write articles. Sure, they should be applauded for putting in the extra effort and helping control the forum. I respect that. My point is they don't have to be so visible when doing so.

Please don't take this the wrong, but monetary gain doesn't have to be the only thing that can obligate someone to do something. Maybe I feel that this is a great community, and that it needs a place where they can discuss the game and other things in a *relativly* peaceful enviroment. So the mods are here to do that.

And yes, I understand that wasn't the point of your post, but I felt it should be addressed.

I'm tired of moderators abusing their position
If you don't mind, could you provide more examples of use abusing our position, other than witty remarks at closing threads, so that we can try and fix it?

About the witty remarks: There are a few possible explanations.
1) We need to leave our mark that we closed the thread so Munro doesn't have to look through the logs to see who closed it so he can yell at us :p
2)Some of the mods, such as Pi, might have a self esteem problem, and he feels that he needs to make a witty remark so that he can sleep easy at night :p
3) We need to make our presense know so that we have some respect... at least more than most board members seem to have for each other, judging by the responses in this thread....
Eternity said:
I just think they should do their job more quietly.

Many times, moderators/admins will try to make an example out of a post so that other people will see what someone else has done wrong, so that in the future, it is less likely other people will make the same mistake. On your original topic, I agree mods shouldn't abuse their powers, but everyone is human and every now and then people make mistakes.
/me closes thread

nothing to discuss , besides, who dosent want to be witty occasionally

Eternity said:
Does anyone else find the concept of a 'staff' running gaming forums a ludicrous farce? In my opinion, moderators shouldn't have any visible sign of identification -- they are there to moderate, not pretend they have daily duties for the control and regulation of the casual posters who participate in this forum. There's a subtle difference. One entails (psudeo) superiority over others, and the other isn't. Seriously, I see people like that PirMuRoI character closing threads just so he can make lame and snide remarks at the end of it. Stop being ridiculous. If a thread needs to be closed, just f'ing close it, will you? You don't need some stupid or cutting reply to get some quick jollies. I see some moderators trying to somehow push a 'positive' attitude towards newbies/the forum, and then I see others who basically live for closing threads, warning others, or creating stickies admonishing the basically clueless forum populace who really don't give a shit. Most people here are here for about ten minutes. Come on. Let's stop this 'job' thing, and concentrate on what really matters: talking about Half-Life 2.

i disagree/agree, for the disagree i reference working and failed governments
for the agree i reference the illuminati, our invisible masters
eternity has a point. but i will ressurect a old saying i used to use when i was a sysop on (actually i still am but i dont go there too often). its a private site. no one is forcing you to be here. if you dont like their rules, or how its run, deal. this isnt a democracy, someone is paying for this site and it sure as hell isnt you.

SidewinderX143 said:
Maybe I feel that this is a great community, and that it needs a place where they can discuss the game and other things in a *relativly* peaceful enviroment. So the mods are here to do that.

thats a nice thought but its flawed, because human nature kicks after about the third word. everyone with power over the next person gets an superiority complex, i know it well. that said though the mod's here are decent enough. though some obviously suffer from the symptoms eternity spoke of we couldent really ask for anything better.
Seriously, I see people like that PirMuRoI character closing threads just so he can make lame and snide remarks at the end of it. Stop being ridiculous.

That's PiMuRho. At least do me the courtesy of getting it right.

So I close threads just so I can make comments? Er, no. I close threads that need closing. If I choose to do so with a witty remark, then that's just my style. I know you'd prefer moderators to be soulless automata, but that's not going to happen. I suggest you get over it (and yourself)
Pi, why does everyone and their grandma misspell your name? Its starting to irritate even me. i cant even remember the last time i've seen someone spell your name right.
I don't know. I mean, you'd think that anyone with even the most basic reading comprehension skills could manage it.
PiMuRho said:
I don't know. I mean, you'd think that anyone with even the most basic reading comprehension skills could manage it.

What can we say, he lacks a lot of things. :thumbs:
Well, what can I say? I think SidewinderX PiMuRho and tim6804 have explained nicely why the concept of staff isn't a joke.

Either way though, with all due respect Eternity, this place isn't going to change because one person doesn't like the way it's run.

We work hard and yeah, it is very vocal at times, but like somebody mentioned it's to make an example so other people, new people, will see why that action has been taken. It also reduces the possiblilty of somebody reposting their thread saying "why was my thread closed".
It would be ironic in a very enjoyable way if someone would close this thread with a witty comment.

Needless to say I don't mind witty comments. As for the titles, it makes more impact when a mod says 'get back on topic' than when a seemingly normal user says the same thing.
PiMuRho said:
I don't know. I mean, you'd think that anyone with even the most basic reading comprehension skills could manage it.


Your name is confusing due to the lack of reference.

3 Greek letters.
A billboard can never be a democracy or even an elected dictatorship; the board moderators simply can't be made accountable to the masses. Democracy doesn't work; the liberal majority simply doesn't function here. Why? Because everyone has their own perception. The smaller the numbers, the fewer diverging visions. You can't, afterall, please all of the people all of the time. It is up to a small group to maintain control to ensure consistancy and community. The rules can then be absolute, the action quick and the system efficient. Do we have an "opposition party" of moderators? We can't all vote on who gets banned. We can't even expect to vote on who becomes a moderator. At betst we operate in a federation in which the "ruling class" must self-regulate. A complaints procedure is fine but don't expect to influence the way that the board is run unless you yourself become one of the "elders", and that won't happen unless you are in fitting with the physche of the exisiting aristocracy. The only other way to run a web community like this is a Wikki-like (true) anarchy set up. That cannot occur here since there are carefully defined parameters within this site.

Dictatorships work well in internet communities, since, if you find yourself being oppressed, you can simply go find yourself another autocracy.

"Oh! Oh! NOW we see the violence inherent in the system! Come and see the violence inherent in the system!!""
I think this forum is run very well, compared to ALOT of forums on the net. I don't see why you are complaining. Go look at alot of other boards and you'll find them full of admins who do nothing, forums which are understaffed, forums which are full of powerhungry greedy moderators who only abuse their powers etc.

This forums should serv as a rolemodel for other forums, for the way that it is run. You guys are great!
Andy said:
A billboard can never be a democracy or even an elected dictatorship; the board moderators simply can't be made accountable to the masses. Democracy doesn't work; the liberal majority simply doesn't function here. Why? Because everyone has their own perception. The smaller the numbers, the fewer diverging visions. You can't, afterall, please all of the people all of the time. It is up to a small group to maintain control to ensure consistancy and community. The rules can then be absolute, the action quick and the system efficient. Do we have an "opposition party" of moderators? We can't all vote on who gets banned. We can't even expect to vote on who becomes a moderator. At betst we operate in a federation in which the "ruling class" must self-regulate. A complaints procedure is fine but don't expect to influence the way that the board is run unless you yourself become one of the "elders", and that won't happen unless you are in fitting with the physche of the exisiting aristocracy. The only other way to run a web community like this is a Wikki-like (true) anarchy set up. That cannot occur here since there are carefully defined parameters within this site.

Dictatorships work well in internet communities, since, if you find yourself being oppressed, you can simply go find yourself another autocracy.

"Oh! Oh! NOW we see the violence inherent in the system! Come and see the violence inherent in the system!!""


Membership to online communities is a priveledge given by the people who work/worked hard to get/keep this site going. It is not a right, and as Andy said, you can't please everyone.
"Oh! Did you hear that?! Help! help! I'm being repressed!!" ;)

Agreed, there are no citizen "rights" in a forum just as there are no citizen "responsibilities" or "obligations" in a truly society-like sense, and so "Staff" fill the power void in a very satisfactory and necessary way.
Anybody get the impression he hoped somebody would back him up? Oops.
admit it, your all drunk on power you crazy diktats.
You won't be saying that when I ban you bitch!

Oh... I see your point...

Aye, ant whut a sharp point it is laddy.
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