The conundrum of development time...


Sep 23, 2004
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I keep seeing posts every day complaining about the time it has taken to develop Half Life 2, and my answer to those posters is: get used to it.

The days of producing a game and getting it on shelves in a year or two are over. Can anybody guess the reason why? Graphics.

Sorry, but it really pisses me off when the same people that point out that the shadow of a picture frame hanging on the wall isn't just right, also complain that it has taken this long for HL2 to come out.

Adding things like real-time shadows, somewhat accurate real-time physics, eye candy, medium-poly characters with normal mapping, etc., takes A LOT OF TIME.

In fact, if you look at game development time vs. graphics/engine complexity, you'll see an exponential curve.

As a 3D artist myself, I know that modeling a high poly character can take a couple of weeks. Getting a low poly character mapped and baking that normal map from the high poly version, and getting it to look right, takes even longer. That's a few weeks for ONE CHARACTER.

So please, for the sake of the developers who spend 70+ hours a week working on this stuff, only to have somebody point out that a shadow is wrong, or the game has been in the works for 6+ years, either get used to it or demand less in terms of game complexity. Nothing is worse than having somebody point out that all your hard work has boiled down to a shadow error, and I have a few friends in the industry who would back me up.
I too work in 3D, so I know what you mean.

HL2's textures make me cry.
They look good from afar....The textures in HL2 SP will look alot better than CS:s if that's what you're talking about :)
As a 3D artist myself, I know that modeling a high poly character can take a couple of weeks.


Getting a low poly character mapped and baking that normal map from the high poly version, and getting it to look right, takes even longer.

a couple of weeks??
What software & prog-mesh are you using, if i may ask.
She said:
What software & prog-mesh are you using, if i may ask.

Right now I'm modeling in Maya. I've just been playing with normal maps for now, but so far I've tried some of Maya's built in tools, Melody, ORB, and ATI's dev tool. I'm a good modeler, but I absoultly hate laying out UV's, so for me to bake a map it takes awhile :)

But yeah... A solid two weeks probably for a 2+ million poly model, plus maybe a day for the low/med poly version and UV layout, and a day of baking/tweaking.

And you guys withing you did 3D, just pick up a package, a book, and start learning. Maya's got the Personal Learning Edition for free, MAX has one, XSI has one that they released for HL2. Just be prepaired to take a few years to get good at it. It's not something you can easily learn in a month :)

PS - Textures in CS:S are pretty nice. Although I've been inspecting some of them and some people at Valve got busy with a digital camera... hehe