The Crosshair

What do you think about the crosshair?

  • Awesome

    Votes: 75 59.1%
  • Good

    Votes: 34 26.8%
  • I guess it's okay

    Votes: 11 8.7%
  • Bad

    Votes: 7 5.5%

  • Total voters
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jesus, i didnt notice that health/ammo thing, guess thats not where i was looking.
/fuzzy watches all vids again...

Very nice, useful to. It needs a bit of polishing i think, maybe make inside a bit more obvious or something. But i have confidence in valve to make it "the crosshair to end all crosshairs!"
i vote great.
Originally posted by The Duke
A "gun addict"? My God you're a loser.

Haha. Someone on the HL2 crosshair discussion calling someone else a loser. That's some funny shit right there :).
It's great, but I voted good because it looks kinda weird in the Bink video. It's wider and it just looks... weird. But the indicators are a nice idea :)
Originally posted by RandomViolence
Haha. Someone on the HL2 crosshair discussion calling someone else a loser. That's some funny shit right there :).

Explain this, if you would. Or were you just talking out of your ass?
I guess it's ok. I dont really like big crosshairs. This crosshair is kinda ok, not too big, but not small either.
Originally posted by The Duke
Explain this, if you would. Or were you just talking out of your ass?

Ignore it, its some retard troll wannabe trying to call you a geek.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Ignore it, its some retard troll wannabe trying to call you a geek.

I think it's a fair assessment that if someone's posting on Half-Life 2 crosshair threads that they ARE a geek. It's not a derogatory term, but I think if he can call someone a loser for making fun of their hobby as a "gun addict" then I can tease him for his hypocrisy. I would expect to be put in my place if I made such an asinine comment.
You're an idiot. You're just throwing out random words, arn't you?

"Umm.. hypocrisy sounds like a big word, they'll think I'm smart if I use that."

What a moron.
Originally posted by RandomViolence
I think it's a fair assessment that if someone's posting on Half-Life 2 crosshair threads that they ARE a geek. It's not a derogatory term, but I think if he can call someone a loser for making fun of their hobby as a "gun addict" then I can tease him for his hypocrisy. I would expect to be put in my place if I made such an asinine comment.

Yeah but you didn't have to retort.

Also if you havnt noticed you are on a half life 2 forum in a thread about the half life 2 crosshair and all youre doing is flamming some guy.

Seems to me that youre the most nerdy of you two.
Originally posted by The Duke
A "gun addict"? My God you're a loser.

your a moron....maybe your 12 and never shot a gun but im apparently much older than you...if i like to shoot guns than better for me worse for you because if i ever saw you id probly shoot you in your fat ass.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
your a moron....maybe your 12 and never shot a gun but im apparently much older than you...if i like to shoot guns than better for me worse for you because if i ever saw you id probly shoot you in your fat ass.

That response almost flames itself, doesn't it? I would bet money that you are no older than 13. In the "guns are cool" phase of your childhood. You think throwing out phrases like "I'm a gun addict" will make others think you're "cool" or that you have some insight.

Yet your lack of grammer and coherent though make it obvious that you're either a stupid child, or a seriously mentally handicapped adult.

In otherwords: in this battle of wits, you are unarmed.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
your a moron....maybe your 12 and never shot a gun but im apparently much older than you...if i like to shoot guns than better for me worse for you because if i ever saw you id probly shoot you in your fat ass.
Wow, that's mature.
LOL, all this becuase of one MF gay his name Mr.Magnetichead the little Jellyfish with the gun in his hand, I read in other threads he is going to chaneg his gun to more bigger type and why, he said to scare poeple, and he changed it dud, two hourse ago he had his tiny gun now he got a bazoka (spelling).
Originally posted by Gorgon
****ing now, where I go I see the Little Jellyfish with the gun in his hand flaming and spoil the good duds. Jellyfish you are mentally ill bastard.
someone makes fun of me for owning guns....thats the immature thing if you ask me....

if i told you what guns i own you would just flame like little forum trolls even more, because i have guns you ****ing kids could only dream about seeing in person.

apparently some ppl here feel that if they havnt done something or find out that someone else has things they want, it just cant be true.

i cant help it if i type fast and dont feel like taking the time to spell check every ****ing word in my posts.
Well, shit.
Hunter[Ridic], I'm done defending you, your comments are ridiculous.
The Duke, you were wrong to call him a loser for being a gun addict, as it's equally valid to call someone a loser for posting in these forums. I don't consider either true. He has, however, proved more than worthy of your other criticisms.
Mr. Magnetichead, you're just missing the point completely.

I'm done.
Ridic no offense but why would i dream of seeing a gun in real life? I have used guns before but its NOTHING special. I mean all you can do is shoot at birds and animals not freaking hunt PEOPLE down.

having guns is nothing cool or impressive IMO.
well, i was talking about my Romanian AK-47 and AR-15. But if you dont think so than ok....just so funny since a few of them didnt have the balls to believe me.

As soon as he saw me say "gun addict" he immeadiatly calls me a loser because something so 'amazing' (its not amazing hence the ' ' but why would he say that....because he dosnt believe such a thing is possible for someone on these boards)could never ever be true, since apparently to him everone posting on the forums arnt older than 15.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
well, i was talking about my Romanian AK-47 and AR-15. But if you dont think so than ok....just so funny since a few of them didnt have the balls to believe me.

As soon as he saw me say "gun addict" he immeadiatly calls me a loser because something so 'amazing' (its not amazing hence the ' ' but why would he say that....because he dosnt believe such a thing is possible for someone on these boards)could never ever be true, since apparently to him everone posting on the forums arnt older than 15.

Again, if you're older than 13, I'd be amazed.

What the hell is a "gun addict" anyway? It's obviously something a small child would say to look cool.

And how the hell is having a gun 'amazing'?
I agree Ridic. I know people who really like guns and own them they are certianly not loosers. Its justa normal hobbie.
Originally posted by subs
I agree Ridic. I know people who really like guns and own them they are certianly not loosers. Its justa normal hobbie.

1. I never said owning a gun = loser. Rather, an 11 year old kid proclaiming himself a "gun addict" on gaming forums, so that he might gain some respect = loser.

2. It's loser, and hobby. Not looser and hobbie.

Originally posted by The Duke
1. I never said owning a gun = loser. Rather, an 11 year old kid proclaiming himself a "gun addict" on gaming forums, so that he might gain some respect = loser.

2. It's loser, and hobby. Not looser and hobbie.


I hesitate to engage in this stupid argument, but I'd just like to point out the irony that you almost certainly wouldn't call a female who referred to herself as a 'phone addict' or 'mall addict' a loser or any other insulting name..right?
Originally posted by supangr
I hesitate to engage in this stupid argument, but I'd just like to point out the irony that you almost certainly wouldn't call a female who referred to herself as a 'phone addict' or 'mall addict' a loser or any other insulting name..right?

Well, what's she look like? :cool:

Anyway, there is no such thing as a "gun addict", it's merely the creation of some kid to get attention.
Duke you obvously have some insercurity problems if you think everyone you dont like is a small child...i wouldnt be suprised if i was 2x older than you.

just to make my point to you that i own guns...and if anyone was just wondering -

2 legal semi auto Romanian AK-47's
Custom made AR-15, built by me
numerous hand guns
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
Duke you obvously have some insercurity problems if you think everyone you dont like is a small child...i wouldnt be suprised if i was 2x older than you.

just to make my point to you that i own guns...and if anyone was just wondering

2 legal semi auto Romanian AK-47's
Custom made AR-15, built by me
numerous hand guns
Wanna list the handguns? :D
I'll admit, I'm a gun fanatic too. (howevere im still not of legal age to obtain a real one, so i have a few airsoft guns. One of them being a Panther arms A-15 which is basically an AR-15 with different trademarks on it)
i used to have a few airsoft guns/bb guns, lol i had a 500 round 1928 thompson automatic...damn that thing was fun.

well if you really want to know i might as well post all of my guns(non-airsoft hehe)--

M1 Carbine
M1 garand
!! 1942 luftwaffe Mauser Kar 98k !!
Mosin Nagant
1942 Luger
Colt Defender
Berreta 85

+the ones i listed in my previous post

my dad and granddad we both in the military and thats how i got help acquiring some of these.
Originally posted by SnowBall
Like ww2 guns eh?

very much so, the mauser was $2000, which i split with my dad and my brother a few years back.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
Duke you obvously have some insercurity problems if you think everyone you dont like is a small child...i wouldnt be suprised if i was 2x older than you.

just to make my point to you that i own guns...and if anyone was just wondering -

2 legal semi auto Romanian AK-47's
Custom made AR-15, built by me
numerous hand guns

Do you even know what insecurity means? You're the one that has to be recognized for being a "gun addict". Again, your lack of grammer, and the lack of anything resembling a cogent argument indicates you are mentally handicapped, or a small child.

About the guns: Are you ****ing shittin' me? Are you for real? To "prove I have them"? Are you ****ing insane? Listing something is not proof! That's absolutely ludicrous!

Inanimate objects demonstrate higher level thinking!
OMG, why are you guys still arguing about this?! I got flamed for one comment, but didn't go into a cussing furry. Just drop it guys.
Originally posted by The Duke
Do you even know what insecurity means? You're the one that has to be recognized for being a "gun addict". Again, your lack of grammer, and the lack of anything resembling a cogent argument indicates you are mentally handicapped, or a small child.

About the guns: Are you ****ing shittin' me? Are you for real? To "prove I have them"? Are you ****ing insane? Listing something is not proof! That's absolutely ludicrous!

Inanimate objects demonstrate higher level thinking!

your one funny guy. i think i like you.
Originally posted by The Duke
Well, what's she look like? :cool:

Anyway, there is no such thing as a "gun addict", it's merely the creation of some kid to get attention.

No such thing as a "phone addict" or "mall addict" either, but many females will claim that they are. Since you wouldn't bother them why are you bothering a gun owner doing the same? In other words, Why are you singling out the gun owner when MANY other people say silly things like they are addicted to their hobby, it's called "kidding" he is not REALLY addicted you fool and grown ups do it all the time.
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