The D3D moaners are right :(


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
I know I dissed them before, but the more and more I play the more I notice how right they are.

I dont necessarily believe the problem is todo with the engine, but more todo with the lag affecting the player.

Some of you are probably reading and thinking WTF is he on about, right lets set up a situation.

You join a server and run from the spawn, every 5 or so seconds the framerate "jigs" - also noticable as you being pulled back about 2 cm. Its almost like a little nephew or niece pulling your arm when you take them shopping, its just noticable and is annoying if you start to notice it.

However it isnt always a problem, generally any server with a ping below 30 doesnt have this problem, but anything above has it more notably.

As far as I can figure out its todo with the server locking down the clients location, probably some kind of cross check needed to keep physic objects in check.

I sure hope they fix this because as soon as more people are playing CS it will become much more of a problem :(

If it doesn't happen on servers with less than 30 ping, then how is it tied to D3D? Sounds more like a netcode bug. I'm sure it will be fixed.
I swear people dont read. Maybe I should have rephrase abit.

Basically the D3D moaners are right, but theyre blaming the wrong thing. I dont know what causes the problem, but as I suggested here;

"As far as I can figure out its todo with the server locking down the clients location, probably some kind of cross check needed to keep physic objects in check."

That is the only thing I can think of that is causing this. If youve ever played Battlefield you'll know exactly what the problem is.
i realized that too and it's getting on my nerves! it makes me completely loose the faith in my controls!
Indeed, any server that has this problem I instantly disconnect from, it is so unplayable.
I can read. The title makes me think that you believe the lag is tied to Direct3D. Try insulting people less.
Errrrr nvm.... :)

Didn't notice there was a second page for the one topic.
re: the incredibly annoying jittery movement, this fixes it -

cl_smooth 0

EDIT: This command apparently affects how the client resolves player positioning conflicts with the server, but nobody seems to know how it affects actual gameplay. I can tell you that I used it for several hours last night and nothing seemed different except that I was no longer plagued by jitters.
azz0r said:
Didnt work for me, I tried it :*(

Wierd. Did you try cl_smoothtime 0.1 instead? Set cl_smooth 1 and cl_smoothtime 0.1
Just like to say to the topic maker that yeah, that type of lag sucks, but it happens in any game when it gets extremely laggy. I haven't experienced that in CS:S except for when the pings have rocketed up to 800 or so out of nowhere.

You wanna play a game that has terrible lag no matter what, try to play Battlefield Vietnam with an ATI card.
I get that too. I called it studdering. I thought it was something wrong with my rates but after compairing a lot rates, I still get it, even in the my own server.
I get it...but only when there's a lot of people next to me. My theory is that it has something to do with my player model touching someone else.
thanks for this info
i was getting it alot so just now i changed it in console.
i'll play later to see if it makes a difference.
seinfeldrules said:
cl_smoothtime 0.1 is the default dscowboy...

Oop, sorry, what I should've said is tweak your cl_smoothtime and see if it gets rid of the jerking/studdering. 2.0 is the max I believe.

re: studdering near other players, yes, this happens whenever you bump into another player. It's always been this way in HL mods I believe. The jerking-while-running problem is different, it happens without you running into someone else.
OK I've been following that cl_smooth 0 thread on steam beta forum myself, I found that cl_smooth helped the problem very little if at all.

However I did pick up on one that has helped a lot :

cl_lagcompensation 0

this little beauty helped a lot, however after a bit more playing around I was back to:

cl_lagcompensation 1

but with this added

cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1 (something like that, type in cl_lag and both will show up)

Now with this I did get a bit of jerkyness but it had the best feel of any of the settings I've tried- bullet reg was good, people were where they were supposed to be(!) AND NO SUDDEN JERK BACK TO WHERE YOU WERE 2 SECONDS AGO, just a small occaisonal stutter (which used to happen on CS on some servers).

I think with a little playing around with my rates and lagcomp+errorcheck on I could have it running fine-
or is it I saw the light at the end of the tunnel....but it was just some b'stard with a torch and more work:)

[EDIT]- Pulled a score of 70kills 34deaths with it, was enjoying myself instead of being mildly annoyed:D
Oh and don't forget both methods helped