The Darkness


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Got it in the mail from Gamefly on Monday, it's kinda...****ing awesome

I recommend anyone with a 360 try it out
played it on my buddies ps3
solid storyline, great voiceacting and the darkness powers are just awesome... loved impaling guys and then throwing them hundreds of feet away :)
didnt spend too much time with multiplayer but my first impression was that it seemed a little "tacked on".. like they didnt spend much time on it
definitely worth checking out nontheless
Didn't like "Hell" so much, confusing design and frustrating enemies. :|

Great game otherwise.
Just starting hard mode, although I haven't tried the MP but I've heard it's crap. Got every other achievement so far. :D
yeah picked it up on release here, really enjoyng it so far, looks great, some parts are very cool, i even thought visiting your g/f's apartment was done really well...definately a rent atleast
I just finished part 2 and did the tank part, so far the game is AWESOMENESS
Oh man, that level was really well done. I actually cared what was happening. The game is just great all around.

that was a great level, i'm just finished the tank part, i'm at the german bunker now looking for shells, i dunno how much of the game i have left :/
It's a pretty short game, you'll probably be done in about another two hours or so. But, it's something magnificent while it lasts.
Just beat it, loved the last level, too bad there isn't an alt ending...

Great game, too bad the mplayer is shit
near the end now i think but wow this lvl was so cool

spoilers so dont read if you havent completed:

aunt sarah's apartment, the shootout with the old gang, aw man so cool, the old dude on the bead giving you guns, loading the clips with his mouth :D
Just got the game a few days ago and its pretty fun. Just got to the part in "hell" where you get the two guns or whatever.....

If your speaking about a level in the game, do us all a favor and write spoiler in big letters, kthx
hell..? i thought it was inside the "mind" of the darkness

but anyways, any word on a 360 demo?
I cant wait to play this, i cant decide what console to get it for tho!

Its out on the PS3 and 360 right?

Man what to do what to do!
Its out on the PS3 and 360 right?

I say, go for the 360 version. It's said to have better framerate than the PS3 version. However it depends on what console you prefer playing FPS on though. :p